The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

CitizenGeek said:
But RahXephon isn't just another entry into the genre Evangelion popularised - it's a copycat, pure and simple. I've lost count of the number of material that is blatantly copied from Eva, and that was only in 9 episodes!

I thought so too at first. Perhaps I'm an obsessive, but I spotted a lot of similarities in the artwork, plot and direction. Still, I'd argue it develops more of it's own personality towards the end - it's heavily endebted to Eva, but it's not just trash.

Oh, and I bought Black Lagoon TSB vol 2. A lot better with the dub, particularly thanks to the removal of english/japanese crossover from the original.
ayase said:

Most of those seem to be trying to make similarities between things that happen in totally different situations/circumstances, comparing screenshots means nothing.

The atmosphere created by RahXephon was completely different to that created in Evangelion. I felt it when I watched it, Evangelion didn't even cross my mind.

This is getting well off-topic anyway, so I'm going back to posting what I've bought.
And in I swoop with an on topic post for a change.

The first things I've bourght in ages~
The Girl Who Lept Through Time DVD from HMV. As soon as I saw "Exclusive art cards" on the cover I had to get it.

Also Gyo vol.2. Still gotta read Gyo vol.1 but at least I can read the full story in one sitting now.
Ghost Talker's Daydream Volume 2 (I am sure I pre-ordered it but as it did not show I ordered it again)

Naruto Uncut Box Set 11 SE
Gurren Lagann Set 01 Limited Edition (I might enjoy it more dubbed as I only got half way subbed, although I should drag out the sub DVDs and give it another go).
Just got back from Forbidden Planet, volume 16 of Berserk was finally in stock so i picked up 16-18, should keep me occupied for the next while.

@Aion, ah, i forget how much it was each but both hellsing and the girl who lept through time came to about a total of 18-20 i think.
Spiral Volume 6
Chibi Vampire Volume 12
Sundome Volume 4

Urusei Yatsura Move 2
Ghost Talker's Day Dream
Desert Punk Volume 1 + At box