The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

Thanks for the info. I've never put any thoughts on the cases themselves. Back in the days of DL, I used to know a bit about media though. I was particularly fond of a samsung media as it had the best cost benefit ratio.
chaos said:
BlackWolf said:
chaos said:

Are those the Geneon releases by any chance?
Hey, Just noticed v. 1 is funimation and th rest is geneon. Will try to sort that out.

That's a little weird but reasuring as it could mean that Funi aquired it like so many of other Geneon releases (like Fate/ Stay Night, i still want that boxset) You'll have to let me know what the dub is like for it :)
BlackWolf said:
chaos said:
BlackWolf said:
chaos said:

Are those the Geneon releases by any chance?
Hey, Just noticed v. 1 is funimation and th rest is geneon. Will try to sort that out.

That's a little weird but reasuring as it could mean that Funi aquired it like so many of other Geneon releases (like Fate/ Stay Night, i still want that boxset) You'll have to let me know what the dub is like for it :)
I've just went back there an actually it's the Geneon release, but up1 listed incorrectly ass from Funimation (as funimation hasn't release it yet again).
Aion said:
Lupus Inu said:
The Girl Who Lept Through Time - £12

Kino's Journey boxset - £30

Noein boxset - £25

I was going to buy Karas for £13 then I saw Noein. All in all, good day, no manga this time around though.

Noein was only £15 delivered when it came out in America at the start of the year, with a superior full-size box set and no subtitle issues. The R2 set has also been £18 online forever.

Karas has been cheap as chips online for god knows how long. I got my set for something like £7-8.

TGWLTT is a Manga DVD, meaning the price should drop before too long. Why pay £12 for a DVD in this day and age? Madness.

And don't get me started on paying £30 for a a short series.
I'm sorry I don't buy anime DVDs for extremely cheap prices then proceed to make a thread complaining about how all the DVDs and manga I buy (for cheap) take up so much space and ask for solutions in tl;dr posts.

Though thanks for the info, I'll try and do better next time. :)
Chaos: The only Geneon DVDs I can see myself shifting are my Doki Doki DVDs, and that's because it's a horrible series. I collect stuff, so I glue myself to OOP anime DVDs unless they're god awful.

Draconian: No problem. I know how you feel, I've spent ages browsing SecondSpin in the past looking for cheap Geneon DVDs. I always order around $30-50 of cheap starter sets and DVDs from them. >_<

Ayarse: Cheers for the link. I've bookmarked it and will look at it when the new year roles around and the post is slightly less congested.

Luppy: In your case Luppy, it'd be best if you post in a separate thread titled 'What I Spent A Stupid Amount On Today When I Could've, Like, Paid Half The Price For Online'. Wouldn't you be happier then? :D

Find-DVD is your friend. Treat the site and your wallet with respect.

The Geek: Stop mentioning Evangelion. Have you ever heard the phrase 'There are more fish in the sea'?

Blackman: Who cares about the dub when you can listen to Yukino Satsuki (sp?) do her thing?


I think I'm about to order Orguss 02. It's cheap, sounds good and has some decent reviews. It also has some of the best 'Woman, get in the kitchen!!!!' dialogue I've seen to date.
^ Money well spent, Arseblast. How much did you pay for them?


That, my friend, is the narrow minded view of someone who hasn't experienced enough. I'm (honestly!) not trying to start another of our 'conversations', but your MAL profile proves how little you've seen. Have you even seen Rahxephon?

You're the same with Final Fantasy: you played them, thought the games in the series were the best things ever and haven't bothered trying enough other RPGs. Without giving less mainstream a go you can't make declarations like you do about Eva being the best anime ever, or FFVII being the best RPG ever.
^ Money well spent, Arseblast. How much did you pay for them?


CG: That, my friend, is the narrow minded view of someone who hasn't experienced enough. I'm (honestly!) not trying to start another of our 'conversations', but your MAL profile proves how little you've seen. Have you even seen Rahxephon?

You're the same with Final Fantasy: you played them, thought the games in the series were the best things ever and haven't bothered trying enough other RPGs. Without giving less mainstream a go you can't make declarations like you do about Eva being the best anime ever, or FFVII being the best RPG ever.
Grabbed two volumes of Tetsujin 28go and Boys Over Flowers 29 from the bargain shelves at FP. My husband bought £60 of manga from the same bargain shelves so I got away lightly!

Aion said:
That, my friend, is the narrow minded view of someone who hasn't experienced enough. I'm (honestly!) not trying to start another of our 'conversations', but your MAL profile proves how little you've seen. Have you even seen Rahxephon?

I never claimed to have been hugely experienced with all kinds of anime. Is there something wrong with me liking Evangelion? Do I have to watch a few dozen moe series, as you have, before I can like Evangelion?

You're the same with Final Fantasy: you played them, thought the games in the series were the best things ever and haven't bothered trying enough other RPGs. Without giving less mainstream a go you can't make declarations like you do about Eva being the best anime ever, or FFVII being the best RPG ever.

The logic that things that are "less mainstream" are automatically better is perhaps the most bizarre logic I hear on anime forums. I don't understand why some people (evidently like you, Aion) think it's makes them sound important and some way "cool" if they list off a number of obscure anime they've watched.