The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

CitizenGeek said:
The logic that things that are "less mainstream" are automatically better is perhaps the most bizarre logic I hear on anime forums. I don't understand why some people (evidently like you, Aion) think it's makes them sound important and some way "cool" if they list off a number of obscure anime they've watched.

To point out, the word 'obscure' can usually (but not always) be better because there can be so many hidden surprises and a unique atmosphere, which most 'mainstream' title struggle to achieve what an 'obscure' anime can do (because of the audience it's targetting, which the majority... wants something samey and 'familiar'). Bah, it might 'try' to be cool and list the obscure anime they watch, making them act like some sort of almost professional critic (which annoys me), but at least they watch a wide variety of anime.

But then again... there's nothing wrong with a little too much obsession. say the rabies fanboi


Also, what I bought today... Nothing ;D I should really buy the SEL boxset as that's currently my number 1 series.
Hey the guy's a huge Tezuka fan, that's not exactly got Naruto-level hype these days. If someone reads relatively obscure (today, in the West) manga about the life of the Buddha and so on I think they are allowed to like the marketing behemoth that is Eva an awful lot as well.

I think everyone goes through a phase of being obsessed with one series or another. It's like a first love. I know I'll still probably buy any merchandise I see with a Xellos picture on it myself, even years after first picking up those Slayers VHS tapes ;)

As an example, lets imagine someone has only watched one anime series. After watching they have every right to say it's the best anime ever and rate it 10/10, but an opinion of someone who hasn't seen most (or, in this case, any) of the best anime out there isn't going to be respected. The opinion of someone who has seen a lot will always be listened to be more people - experience is important.

I'm no master of anime myself - I've seen people who have seen over 1000 titles - but I've seen enough to be confident that my views aren't influenced by the lack of anime I've viewed. Can you say the same if you haven't even watched Rahxephon; the biggest rival Evangelion has?
^ Lupus!! you made me spit tea on my computer. But yeah...

I think he was talking more about Citizengeek being 'one-minded' with the Anime/Games and shunning out the rest.
Aion said:
The opinion of someone who has seen a lot will always be listened to be more people - experience is important.

Haha, I just said that I had bought vol. 11 of the Evangelion manga. Your reaction does seem a little bit disproportionate, don't you think?

Can you say the same if you haven't even watched Rahxephon; the biggest rival Evangelion has?

I have all of RahXephon on DVD, and I've watched the first 9 episodes. I think I'll start all over with it again tomorrow, actually (thanks for reminding me about it! :p). If I just compare the first 9 episodes of RahXephon with the first 9 of Evangelion, then it's very clear to me that Evangelion is exponentially better. I'll reserve final judgement for when I've seen the entire series, but I really can't imagine it being better than Eva. There's just something special (that I can't really explain) about Eva that very few other anime have. I don't think it's popularity makes it any less brilliant ;]

Rui said:
Hey the guy's a huge Tezuka fan

I certainly am! In fact, I bought volume 3 of the gloriously fun Astro Boy today :]
I don't see the problem with CitizenGeek liking Evangelion, but his obsession with it is a little annoying. Same can be said with Aion and his beloved Gankutsuou though. I'm sure if Gankutsuou spawned as much **** as EVA Aion would be all over it too.
Ammy said:
Also, what I bought today... Nothing ;D I should really buy the SEL boxset as that's currently my number 1 series.
SEL as in Serial Experiments Lain? It's for sale on msm web store for 4 quid, one quid each volume... ... ments+lain

Web site looks dodgy, but it's the official mvm store.

Aion said:
As an example, lets imagine someone has only watched one anime series. After watching they have every right to say it's the best anime ever and rate it 10/10, but an opinion of someone who hasn't seen most (or, in this case, any) of the best anime out there isn't going to be respected. The opinion of someone who has seen a lot will always be listened to be more people - experience is important.

I'm no master of anime myself - I've seen people who have seen over 1000 titles - but I've seen enough to be confident that my views aren't influenced by the lack of anime I've viewed. Can you say the same if you haven't even watched Rahxephon; the biggest rival Evangelion has?
Then everyone should listen to me!!!
I'm older than most people here and I've been watching anime since I was a little kid! I'm pretty sure I have tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands hours anime watched. Some never seen in the english world.

I agree that someone who have seen one anime / one sci-fi or one anything can't rate it the best ever and will hold a biased invalid opinion. But I don't think you need to have quantity though. As some fellow forum members pointed before. It's all about quality!

Experience is important? Yes, but some learn faster than others what they like. Or simply, their tastes are more restricted than others. Me, for instance, I know I have a tendency to find something enjoyable in virtually everything. If I can't find something enjoyable, then run like hell, because it's must really be utter crap.

CG mentioned eva, mention he loved Buddha from Tezuka (and Adolph as well, if I'm not mistaken), he also mentioned Haruhi.
For those few series he mentioned, I believe he is a character person. Just checked his top ten list in his profile and I believe that the other anime he listed over there pretty much back up my theory he likes good characters.

Don't get me wrong, I have no love for him, he is the guy who put an ugly comment on my nakama post, but still I think that sometimes you get on his case a bit too much.

Lupus Inu said:
I don't see the problem with CitizenGeek liking Evangelion, but his obsession with it is a little annoying. Same can be said with Aion and his beloved Gankutsuou though. I'm sure if Gankutsuou spawned as much **** as EVA Aion would be all over it too.
Lupus, I know you were trying to be your usual 'funny' self, but all you did was show your lack of ability to understand what I was saying. I wasn't saying FFVII is a bad game (as my #1 ranking suggests, I love it), nor was I saying that CG is wrong to like FF titles; I was quite clearly saying that CG should experience more before expressing his feelings of love for all of FF if he doesn't want bastards like me picking fights. Like Evangelion isn't the only anime ever made, the FF series aren't the only titles in the JRPG genre.

And as for my Gankutsuou love, Gank doesn't have the incomprehensible story Eva does and was based on a novel that's still popular 100's of years after it was wrote. It does have faults, such as the main character being made annoying/stupid in order for him to be the main character and a bit of a disappointing final episode, but I doubt you'll ever see anyone complaining about Gank like people complain about Eva. Unless I were to enter into a discussion with someone who hates the futuristic adaptation of the novel, I find it hard to imagine actually arguing about it.

CG: You're right but my comment was a general one that wasn't made because you paid for a book. Think of it more as a continuation of our neverending 'conversations'.

With regards to Rahxephon, it's fine if you still think Eva is vastly superior after finishing it because the point of watching wouldn't be for it to knock Eva down your rankings. What would be the point you ask? The point of watching would be that you'd be able to compare them and enter into discussions about which is superior. As you stand right now, you wouldn't be able to take part in a conversation about your favourite anime if its biggest competition for the 'Incomprehensible Anime Award 2009' reared its head. Wouldn't that be an annoyance; being unable to add to a discussion about your beloved Eva?

Anyway, now that that's been said, I'm going to attempt to be nicer to you from this point onwards. No matter what I think of you, I shouldn't have attacked you as frequently as I did for the fun of it - I apologize. I'm sure you're not that bad.
chaos said:
CG mentioned eva, mention he loved Buddha from Tezuka (and Adolph as well, if I'm not mistaken), he also mentioned Haruhi.
For those few series he mentioned, I believe he is a character person. Just checked his top ten list in his profile and I believe that the other anime he listed over there pretty much back up my theory he likes good characters.

Hmm, interesting. I've never thought about it that way. I never consciously choose a series to watch based on it's characters, but you do have an interesting theory :]

Aion said:
I was quite clearly saying that CG should experience more before expressing his feelings of love for all of FF if he doesn't want bastards like me picking fights. Like Evangelion isn't the only anime ever made, the FF series aren't the only titles in the JRPG genre.

What's the threshold for JRPGs I need to play and anime I need to watch before I can have a worthwhile opinion on either, then? :s

I have played many JRPGs (even obscure ones like Disgaea and Valkyrie Profile) and I'm pretty sure that I've watched varied anime - don't you agree?

but I doubt you'll ever see anyone complaining about Gank like people complain about Eva.

That's because Gankutsuou isn't anywhere near as popular as Eva and hasn't been seen by anywhere near as much people :p

CG: You're right but my comment was a general one that wasn't made because you paid for a book. Think of it more as a continuation of our neverending 'conversations'.

Well, I'm glad we're actually having a "conversation" for a change! ;]

As you stand right now, you wouldn't be able to take part in a conversation about your favourite anime if its biggest competition for the 'Incomprehensible Anime Award 2009' reared its head. Wouldn't that be an annoyance; being unable to add to a discussion about your beloved Eva?

RahXephon is a clear copycat to Eva (I can see as much even after only 9 episodes) so I'm not sure if it's fair to say that RahXephon is in 'competition' with Eva for title of best in the genre.
Aion said:
Lupus, I know you were trying to be your usual 'funny' self, but all you did was show your lack of ability to understand what I was saying. I wasn't saying FFVII is a bad game (as my #1 ranking suggests, I love it), nor was I saying that CG is wrong to like FF titles; I was quite clearly saying that CG should experience more before expressing his feelings of love for all of FF if he doesn't want bastards like me picking fights. Like Evangelion isn't the only anime ever made, the FF series aren't the only titles in the JRPG genre.
I know what you were going on about from the start and I agree with you, I really wish he would take the time to play other JRPGs that aren't as popular as FF series or watch other anime series that aren't surrounded by hype like Haruhi and EVA. But he never will because popularity INSTANTLY means it's good!
CitizenGeek said:
RahXephon is a clear copycat to Eva (I can see as much even after only 9 episodes) so I'm not sure if it's fair to say that RahXephon is in 'competition' with Eva for title of best in the genre.

I've seen both Evangelion and RahXephon in their entirety, and apart from huge part-living monsters being piloted by kids, I see no other similarities. Well actually, Dolums being like Angels -ish, I guess.

I just don't agree with the whole 'everything that has similarities with something else that came first/started a genre is a copycat, therefore being inferior'. It's like saying every single horror film made since the very first one of the horror genre is a copycat and therefore inferior...
But RahXephon isn't just another entry into the genre Evangelion popularised - it's a copycat, pure and simple. I've lost count of the number of material that is blatantly copied from Eva, and that was only in 9 episodes!
Lupus Inu said:
But he never will because popularity INSTANTLY means it's good!
If you like what the average folk likes, then popularity is a good indicator.
I like what average folks like and I also like a few different things, so popularity is not the only indicator I'd be looking for.

What other people who likes things I like think is my indicator of choice.
CitizenGeek said:
But RahXephon isn't just another entry into the genre Evangelion popularised - it's a copycat, pure and simple. I've lost count of the number of material that is blatantly copied from Eva, and that was only in 9 episodes!
