I'm hopeful (with no basis - I don't understand what would be required for the value of the pound to rise) the pound will be stronger by the end of next month, which is probably when SecondSpin will reactivate the "heynow" code, but I'm not holding my breath. There are quite a few Geneon DVDs I'd like to order from them for cheap during their next sale...
I'm not too bothered by imports no longer being cheap due to me being an eBay bargain hunter who spends too much on bargains. Really, I only ever ordered a few Anime Legends sets and PS2 RPGs over the last for years from America, so it's only the free shipping + 20% off sales SecondSpin run every 2 months that's hitting me.
R.O.D.: TV - Vol. 1-7 + art box (R1) - £26.00
3 x £7 = £21
1 x 5 = £5
In my mind, that's how I worked it out before bidding. I have no problem paying £3 per DVD and putting a little extra on top when bidding for complete Geneon collections. I paid £25 to the same seller for his Melody of Oblivion set, and R.O.D.: TV is supposed to be a much better series than that.
A.I. Love You - Vol. 2-8 - £10.49
Since I'm running low (or rather, out of cash), I only bid £2 per volume, with £1 on top. I won the auction for £5 less than my bid, paying £1.50 per volume. I now just need to find a copy of Vol. 1 to get a complete collection for VERY cheap.
Full Metal Panic! (manga): Vol. 1-4 - £9.49
My limit for most second-hand manga is £2.50 per volume, so this was just under my limit. If the volumes are described, I'll be happy.
*sigh* eBay addiction is bad. Pretty much everything I win is bargaintastic or close to it, but it does add up win you keep winning. The three auctions above alone add up to nearlt £50! >_<[/url]