The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

Trigun Maximum 11
Battle Vixens 4-7
Air Gear 1
Case Closed vol 6-12
Also online
Rave Master 4-8
Trigun 1+2
The Drifting Classroom 9
the Drifting Classroom 10+11
Trigun Maximum 12

I'm gonna give it a rest for a while >_>
Sy said:
CitizenGeek said:
Jayme said:
I was going to get Paprika and/or Tekkonkinkreet, But £20 each. No thank you.

Both movies are well worth it, to be honest!
But why bother paying £20 when you can get them cheaper somewhere else.
My thoughts exactly. I mean, £20, I'm all for supporting the industry and such but.. Its going to HMV. I'll get both for £20 off the internets.
Not actually bought today but waiting for me when I got home to my place after Crimbo.

Simoun Vol 1
GITS Individual Eleven
Spiral The Complete Series
The Wallflower Lesson 1 My Fair Bishonen
I've realised buying books makes me happy. More-so than dvds, so today i went into forbidden planet again...

Love Hina vol. 10 & 11
Dragonball vol.6
Fullmetal Alchemist vol.5
D.Gray-Man vol.7 [they didn't have 6 ;__;]
Bleach vol.11
Uzumaki vol.1
Well seeing as Mirage of Blaze was out of stock (they just told me now!) I cancelled the order and have ordered it again through amazon.Heres hoping I get the bloody DVD this time!
Whoa, got a major haul in the post today -

- vols. 1 - 4 of D.Gray-man; looks great, can't wait to get stuck in!
- The mammoth (well, by usual manga book size standards) Apollo's Song by Osamu Tezuka. I'm really impressed with Vertical's release and I'm definitely going to be picking up their other Tezuka releases: Buddha and Ode To Kirihito.
- The Shinkai Collection; very impressed with ADV's release, really looking forward to finally seeing Makoto Shinkai's work

And I also got Final Fantasy Tactics for PSP!

CitizenGeek said:
- The Shinkai Collection; very impressed with ADV's release, really looking forward to finally seeing Makoto Shinkai's work
You'll either love them or hate them. I see him as one of those directors.
Sy said:
CitizenGeek said:
- The Shinkai Collection; very impressed with ADV's release, really looking forward to finally seeing Makoto Shinkai's work
You'll either love them or hate them. I see him as one of those directors.
Shinkai annoys me so... I find the concepts of his stuff incredibly drull and his characters and their designs very meh as well. I have a feeling you will take to his works though, CitizenGeek. I wouldn't mind seeing 5cm Per Second purely because it looks pretty, I doubt I'll actually end up seeing it despite that. Have fun with it.
Sy said:
You'll either love them or hate them. I see him as one of those directors.

When someone says that about something, I usually end up being in the "love" camp; the same thing happenend with Final Fantasy XII, Evangelion, Akira, Daft Punk and I could go on.

Jayme said:
Shinkai annoys me so... I find the concepts of his stuff incredibly drull and his characters and their designs very meh as well. I have a feeling you will take to his works though, CitizenGeek. I wouldn't mind seeing 5cm Per Second purely because it looks pretty, I doubt I'll actually end up seeing it despite that. Have fun with it.

Yeah, I think you're right: I probably will love them. Shinkai's artistry (well, what I've seen of it so far in trailers and the first 10 minutes of Distant Star) is astounding in detail and beauty - I seriously cannot wait to see these films, as a matter of fact!

Has anyone else read Apollo's Song, btw?
Sy said:
CitizenGeek said:
- The Shinkai Collection; very impressed with ADV's release, really looking forward to finally seeing Makoto Shinkai's work
You'll either love them or hate them. I see him as one of those directors.

Marmite shinkai anyone? :roll: (bad joke :oops: )

Anyway, picked up Mushi-shi(with complimentary boxset), and ergo proxy volume 2, cant wait to dig into um.
CitizenGeek said:

I found out about this series a few months ago and looked into where I could get the books from.

It seems that all the hardback versions are out of print, and the paperbacks and hard to find now.

Amazon have all the hardbacks except one volume as well, which sucks.

Anyway, from what I read about this series, it sounds absolutely fantastic. I've got quite an interest in really old series, actually (even though I've yet to see/read any properly).

So yeah, keep us posted on how your hunt goes for the books if you do look into them. =)