So, how are you?

Fretting and annoyed at the moment. Stressing over my coursework, as I've gone to sit down a few days to "work" and actually getting nowhere. Now I have issues with printing stuff out. Damn Powerpoint Viewer! Damn network! :evil:
JamesX said:
Otaku, do non-animated people scare you? :p

More or less

Some random bloke said:
Otaku-san is probably the least stable, most confusing and as a result, the most irritating forum member.

cool you an me both.
right as of today, things are pretty subtle so i'm more a less leisure while killing time on AUKN
Hit them if they do! ;p

On topic: I'm much better now, my back is feeling fine now, maybe it was the long sleep i had, i dunno, but its better so there we go. Also feeling a tad worried, with exams only three weeks away, i need to get studying.
I am good. I just spent a lot of the day in college doing assignment work and enjoying the Sun. I do like it when the Sun is out, it is a rare treat in England. Although now that late Spring and Summer are approaching I hope that I can enjoy it more.
CitizenGeek said:
I'm a little annoyed because I just found out that I didn't get offered on-campus accommodation for next year :/

You are implying though that they offered you something somewhere, right? Thats still far better than nothing. :D
Had my cast off and doing loads of excelsiors now.. so I'm okay overall.. I really should be used to this considering how many casts I've had :p
CitizenGeek said:
I'm a little annoyed because I just found out that I didn't get offered on-campus accommodation for next year :/

i've just been refused accommodation on campus as well actually, which is extremely annoying and my choices for uni next year are becoming more limited. No job and no luck with a flat means i need to get looking for something ASAP now.
Not the best of days today. For some reason this here needle phobic actually volunteered herself for a blood test! The nurse had trouble finding a vein so the crook of my elbow is now pretty bruised, and since i ripped off the particularly brutal plaster she stuck over it I also have 20 or so less layers of skin, lol.
Still, I can't complain, at least i got some anime and manga out of it!
Charter_Mage said:
The nurse had trouble finding a vein so the crook of my elbow is now pretty bruised, and since i ripped off the particularly brutal plaster she stuck over it I also have 20 or so less layers of skin, lol.
Still, I can't complain, at least i got some anime and manga out of it!
How did you get anime out of it? When I had a blood test all I received were some Fruit Pastilles and a small cookie.
Zin5ki said:
How did you get anime out of it? When I had a blood test all I received were some Fruit Pastilles and a small cookie.
Lol, i wouldn't have minded some Fruit Pastilles and cookies! The hospital I went to was in my closest city so it meant I got to take a little side trip to Waterstone's and HMV :D .
RetroRainbow said:
Started to feel really dizzy, and I just couldn't concentrate on anything.

I get this semi-regularly. I have to stay in school and get yelled at by teachers for not concentrating though.
RetroRainbow said:
Urgh, CG; that's pretty unfortunate. Will you be able to get accommodation close to the college, though?

I hope so. I can always just stay off-campus for the first semester and then get on-campus after the Christmas break, when the the exchange students have gone home and freed up some of the accommodation :]
well feeling a little tired, trying to get somethings working such as this

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