So, how are you?

Zin5ki said:
I'm in a smashing mood after the Expo. I still have stickers on my face.
(They refer to something called '20th Century Boys'. I don't actually know what that is.)
ditto about the mood.

20th century boys is and awesome manga from Urasawa an also a good live action. Possibly one of the best manga / anime live actions I've seen.
Quite depressed.

- I don't know what to do in life and people seem to think at the age of 16 I should know exactly what i'm doing

- The school i'm moving to seems to be Pink Floyd's "The Wall" incarnate. They seem to treat everyone like we're faceless, mindless sheep. (Although, their pass rate is incredibly high)

I'm starting to regret the move, to be honest, and I don't know how I can rectify my situation. All the people in my year seem like sex-obbsessed morons, and I don't think i'm actually going to get on with any of them. I can't help but feel it's going to be a lonely 2 years.

It's sad, because, I wish i'd done what I planned to 2 years ago, and although it was wreckless, I would have enjoyed it, and that was, to put everything into my music and concentrate on trying to make a living in a band. I'm a semi-proffesional drummer and could easily go proffesional if I put a bit more time each day into my drumming, and a very adequete guitarist who can write music.

I really don't know what to do with my life, to be honest.
Spyro201 said:
Quite depressed.

- I don't know what to do in life and people seem to think at the age of 16 I should know exactly what i'm doing

- The school i'm moving to seems to be Pink Floyd's "The Wall" incarnate. They seem to treat everyone like we're faceless, mindless sheep. (Although, their pass rate is incredibly high)

I'm starting to regret the move, to be honest, and I don't know how I can rectify my situation. All the people in my year seem like sex-obbsessed morons, and I don't think i'm actually going to get on with any of them. I can't help but feel it's going to be a lonely 2 years.

It's sad, because, I wish i'd done what I planned to 2 years ago, and although it was wreckless, I would have enjoyed it, and that was, to put everything into my music and concentrate on trying to make a living in a band. I'm a semi-proffesional drummer and could easily go proffesional if I put a bit more time each day into my drumming, and a very adequete guitarist who can write music.

I really don't know what to do with my life, to be honest.

believe me, i know the feeling, i do what i can, but really i aint got a clue what i wanna do for a career!

as for people in that age group (and older, believe me) being obsessed with sex, you can blame that (and most of, if not all of societys problems) on the media.

"you only see what people want you to see" sums up much of british society perfectley, most see only what the media want them to see, to open your mind beyond that is both dangerous and wonderfull, it makes you furious at the way society works, but at the same time makes you more alive and individual than many can ever hope to be.

personally, right now im feeling furious at that, which is part of the reason i posted it.
Spyro201 said:
Quite depressed.

- I don't know what to do in life and people seem to think at the age of 16 I should know exactly what i'm doing

- The school i'm moving to seems to be Pink Floyd's "The Wall" incarnate. They seem to treat everyone like we're faceless, mindless sheep. (Although, their pass rate is incredibly high)

I'm starting to regret the move, to be honest, and I don't know how I can rectify my situation. All the people in my year seem like sex-obbsessed morons, and I don't think i'm actually going to get on with any of them. I can't help but feel it's going to be a lonely 2 years.

It's sad, because, I wish i'd done what I planned to 2 years ago, and although it was wreckless, I would have enjoyed it, and that was, to put everything into my music and concentrate on trying to make a living in a band. I'm a semi-proffesional drummer and could easily go proffesional if I put a bit more time each day into my drumming, and a very adequete guitarist who can write music.

I really don't know what to do with my life, to be honest.

Truth be told, most guys around our age are sex obsessed X]. How long have you been going to that school for? If you've only recently moved, then it's understandable. It's a new school, and I think I remember you mentioning that you didn't know any one there. You might just need time to adjust.

As for the "I don't know what to do with my life" part, hah, You're SCREWED!

Naw, not really. You shouldn't put so much pressure on yourself to make a decision... I mean, you haven't even entered sixth form college yet! Some guys from a Uni once came in my college (one of them looked like Sylar, I swear to God! Yes, Lupus noticed this first X]), and it was mentioned that over half the students that attend Uni, still haven't chosen what they want to do later on.

Try to be a little more carefree.
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
Spyro201 said:
Quite depressed.

- I don't know what to do in life and people seem to think at the age of 16 I should know exactly what i'm doing

- The school i'm moving to seems to be Pink Floyd's "The Wall" incarnate. They seem to treat everyone like we're faceless, mindless sheep. (Although, their pass rate is incredibly high)

I'm starting to regret the move, to be honest, and I don't know how I can rectify my situation. All the people in my year seem like sex-obbsessed morons, and I don't think i'm actually going to get on with any of them. I can't help but feel it's going to be a lonely 2 years.

It's sad, because, I wish i'd done what I planned to 2 years ago, and although it was wreckless, I would have enjoyed it, and that was, to put everything into my music and concentrate on trying to make a living in a band. I'm a semi-proffesional drummer and could easily go proffesional if I put a bit more time each day into my drumming, and a very adequete guitarist who can write music.

I really don't know what to do with my life, to be honest.

Truth be told, most guys around our age are sex obsessed X]. How long have you been going to that school for? If you've only recently moved, then it's understandable. It's a new school, and I think I remember you mentioning that you didn't know any one there. You might just need time to adjust.

As for the "I don't know what to do with my life" part, hah, You're SCREWED!

Naw, not really. You shouldn't put so much pressure on yourself to make a decision... I mean, you haven't even entered sixth form college yet! Some guys from a Uni once came in my college (one of them looked like Sylar, I swear to God! Yes, Lupus noticed this first X]), and it was mentioned that over half the students that attend Uni, still haven't chosen what they want to do later on.

Try to be a little more carefree.

I know, I should spend longer in school trying. I've only been and met all these people once, after all, however, my copper hair and brown eyebrows has obviously not benefited me in the slighest, hah.

The people there are so boring, it's hard to belive.

As for the sex-obsessed at our age thing, well, doesn't mean I am, nor that I find it very attractive in other people. I think i'm going to hate all these people, and I can see these next 2 years being very depressing.

Expect alot of calls during my free periods, Will-O ;)
Hah, that's fair enough. Just don't expect much of a conversation if you wake me up ><.

Really though, you'll mix in eventually. I remember entering my science class in sixth form and everyone looked boring or meh in some way. I didn't know anyone, bar the one guy's name which I only knew because he kept talking to me. I'll admit, at first, I was a bit of an arrogant bastard and had a "Quiet, I'm, better than all of you" attitude. But before I knew it, I was talking back to these lesser people and made a few good friendz.
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
Hah, that's fair enough. Just don't expect much of a conversation if you wake me up ><.

Really though, you'll mix in eventually. I remember entering my science class in sixth form and everyone looked boring or meh in some way. I didn't know anyone, bar the one guy's name which I only knew because he kept talking to me. I'll admit, at first, I was a bit of an arrogant bastard and had a "Quiet, I'm, better than all of you" attitude. But before I knew it, I was talking back to these lesser people and made a few good friendz.

If I mix and become like these people, i'm going to request someone shoot me. The day I become a brain-dead sex obsessed moron I don't want to be alive, lol.

As for waking you up? Hopefully I wont ;)

However, when I woke you up last time, you were more talkative than most my friends when they ARE awake.
it's muggy and humid and i feel clammy

sitting in my undies passing the time talking to people online and you guys.

cause i love you <3

part from cg
Urgh, not so good. I was supposed to be going out to town today with my girlfriend, but my nosebleeds have started again and I've got one killer headache =_=
Well, I haven't had a major sneezing spree for a while, so I'm notthat bad atm. Temperature's gone down a bit, so I feel a little fresher than the past few days.

Also, I've got some good free time today, so I dont have to worry about much.
Spyro201 said:
I really don't know what to do with my life, to be honest.
If this serves as any consolation, I'm still unsure what to do with my life...
There's simply too many things I'd like to do. I can say that my social life has picked up in the last year or so, I'm still trying to find more like-minded friends in real life, but I'm happy with my current ones (even though they don't like live music).
Sometimes I feel like I've been going with the flow a bit too much and it's time I take control of my life. That feeling is not as present as it was before I've moved to London and I'm sure it will go away soon rather than late.

Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
Urgh, not so good. I was supposed to be going out to town today with my girlfriend, but my nosebleeds have started again and I've got one killer headache =_=
nosebleeds and girlfriend on the same sentence in an anime forum. And you still call me a perv... ;)

On topic - I'm tired after Blur yesterday and i have to work, but I have this silly feeling of happiness. =)

Jane's addiction's gig next week!!!
Spyro201 said:
I don't know how I can rectify my situation. All the people in my year seem like sex-obbsessed morons, and I don't think i'm actually going to get on with any of them. I can't help but feel it's going to be a lonely 2 years.
Trust me, there will be other misfits. There are at school and there certainly are at college. I had a better social life in the short time I spent at college than I ever had before or since, and you know what an anti-social weirdo I am. And it's not hard to believe how boring most people are at all. Like minded people are always hard to find when you think differently to the majority, but they are there (and some of us are here). Certainly don't allow yourself to be the "nail that's hammered down" (I'm sure you won't be) if anything, grab that hammer and lever some of the other nails up. ;)

Spyro201 said:
I really don't know what to do with my life, to be honest.
I'll agree with chaos here, join the club. I just concentrate on what I'm doing now with the constant knowledge that I can decide to stop and do something different at any time should I so choose. Regrets are pointless - I've spent time regretting decisions I've made to see that really there was nothing stopping me from simply making the decision again at a later date. If you decide to get back into music in a big way, will there really be anything to stop you?

ps. Sex obsessed? Who was the one highlighting certain anatomical areas on his pictures not so long ago? :p