Renegade Simulwatch Club [RS]

With Penguin Highway done, I next move onto a new series. Current thinking is to get some ideas down for what people want, then I'll post a vote on them once the choices are collated.

For actual start date probably somewhere around the tail end of the month. This gives people time to chill a bit and also gives us time to home in on the next choice.

I would like to give people the chance to submit two shows to the vote list each, I have worked backwards through the previous pages and come up with what people have said so far, but I would highlight some that I have already seen in case you wanted to change your mind about any of them.

If people vote for something I have watched already, then I'll honour the vote and join in regardless, so please don't feel like I'm forcing anyone to change anything, you may submit any options to me you choose, I think the only rule we had for this one was nothing too heavy due to Ergo Proxy being the previous one.

Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress

Read or Die

Professor Irony
Lupin III: Part 1
Sonny Boy


Geriatric hedgehog
After the Rain
Death Parade

I did try Baccano before but wasn't crazy on it, however it's not that long, and it's in my list to try again someday, so I made it one of my choices. Kabaneri was described to me as "Attack on Trains" instead of "Attack on Titans", so on that alone it sounded interesting.

Any that are in Bold/Orange I have already seen. Psycho Pass I have only seen Season 1 but kind of lost interest in Season 2. After the Rain was really good as was Death Parade, but completed both within the last year or so.
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I love Baccano with all my heart, but I’ve seen it back to front already, so I wouldn’t have any strong feelings about revisiting it.

Rather than Psycho Pass, I might actually suggest Lupin III: Part 1, it could be an interesting experience, either as a starting point for anyone unfamiliar with the series or for folk only familiar with the newer material. I’m rewatching it at the moment, but I don’t mind waiting for a while if anyone else is keen.
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Don't know which thread to put this in (this one seems to have taken over from the other), but just found out the date for the release in the cinema of the new Hosoda film, Belle (4/2).
So if we want to do a Hosoda season it would need to start sharpish as there's only 26 days to watch 5 films (Girl Who, Wars, Wolf, B&B and Mirai) plus others if people want to watch his franchise films (Digimon and One Piece).
I might actually suggest Lupin III: Part 1

Happy to add that instead! I've only seen Fujiko Mine on the series so far.

I could replace my Baccano one, I'll have a think :)

Don't know which thread to put this in (this one seems to have taken over from the other), but just found out the date for the release in the cinema of the new Hosoda film, Belle (4/2).
So if we want to do a Hosoda season it would need to start sharpish as there's only 26 days to watch 5 films (Girl Who, Wars, Wolf, B&B and Mirai) plus others if people want to watch his franchise films (Digimon and One Piece).

Good question, the main one still runs and Neil still runs it, I've discussed with him before in PM as I don't want to consume all the simulwatch slots for what was meant to be a bit of an offshoot thing for odds and ends. I'd suggest this goes into the main thread as a better idea or things could get confusing real fast! :D

If people wanted a Hosoda season on the main one I can just move the next series along a bit and start it later to accomodate. Is there a lot of interest for Hosoda?

I think I've seen 3/5 of the ones you posted. I find Hosoda is not my fav director and his films have flaws, I couldn't even finish Summer Wars, but Girl who leapt through Time was alright as was Wolf Children, not tried B&B or Mirai yet.
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Don't know which thread to put this in (this one seems to have taken over from the other)
the main one still runs and Neil still runs it
Yup, I'm still here and reading; my relative inactivity here is just the direct result of me having bought a Nintendo Switch and a copy of Super Mario Maker 2. 😛

I'm continuing to keep the simulwatch list thread updated in the meantime, so no need to hold back on my account, Lordhippos. I'll still join in with anything that catches my eye. 👍
so no need to hold back on my account, Lordhippos

For the request above I think it's more about not wanting to over-do things on my end as well, I'm just rolling through one thing after the next at the moment, so I had my plans in motion for the next thing already set.

@D1tchd1gger mentioned the Hosoda films due to the upcoming release of Belle, but from my end it interrupts the flow of stuff I had already set in motion, so I think that would be better in the main one and I'll just shift my dates back to suit timings if there is interest amongst people to watch them.

If that is created I'd definitely join in for the 2 films of his I haven't seen yet at least.
I wonder if the Hosoda movies could be done once Belle is released on 4k/bluray/blupillredpill as maybe more will purchase the physical release than be able to watch in the cinema? I know I tried for the BFI screening last year and failed spectacularly.

From my votes, I'm quite happy to take Death Parade off given that I watched it very recently also (but do think it would be a good one for a simulwatch at a later time). Likewise for After the Rain, happy to watch later as I want to try to read the manga alongside my re-watch this time (random question: anyone know any good non-crunchyroll platforms/subscriptions with a good selection of manga that can be rented rather than purchased?).

Baccano definitely on my list so happy to second that @Lordhippos. For a lighter toned one after Ergo-somebody-save-me!-Proxy (I clearly can't get that tune out of my head - the Smallville one: thanks @Dai!!), my second vote goes to Kobayashi's dragon maid given the recent second season that I'm yet to watch (and I think both seasons together come to around 24 episodes?).
my second vote goes to Kobayashi's dragon maid given the recent second season that I'm yet to watch (and I think both seasons together come to around 24 episodes?).

Sadly you've bumped into another one I've seen! :D

I've been working my way kind of backwards through the KyoAni back catalogue, last ones I did were Clannad and Haruhi, I think I only have Air and Kanon left to try sometime, not being all that interested in male swimming which I think Free was about?

My MAL if you wanted to check before posting, It's pretty up to date I think bar a few things I'm watching, as I tend to update after I finish things: Lordhippos's Anime List -
Heheh clearly an overlap of interests but good to have your list. At some point I will dust off my unwatched purchases from last year and hopefully suggest something you haven't yet seen.
I've been working my way kind of backwards through the KyoAni back catalogue, last ones I did were Clannad and Haruhi, I think I only have Air and Kanon left to try sometime, not being all that interested in male swimming which I think Free was about?
I did the same a while back but also still have Air & Kanon left to watch. I found their Tsurune really dull, despite how well it's reviewed, and that has put me off Free!, or at least pushed that right to the bottom of my watchlist. Of their works I think I still have Myriad Colours Phantom and a few other older/less critically acclaimed? ones left to watch depending on availability.
Alright so Baccano won, and I'm back with a triple post! 🔥:cool: (beat that @João Gomes!)

Apologies if this isn't what everyone wanted, I am not even sure if it's what I wanted and I added the option (and voted for it), but it's one that's been on my PTW for a while now and it would be good to have some people to bounce things off along with me for the ride.

I've tried Baccano once before and quit about 5 episodes in I think, but it was just so insane and I was introduced to so many characters that I felt a bit overwhelmed at the time, and decided I would come back to it again at a later date.

I understand that the dub on this is pretty good, some say even better than the sub version. Any opinions on that?

For start date, I would potentially say begin some time next week? Any preferences on when? Provisionally I may say kick off on Monday the 14th so we finish by around the end of the month.

There seems to be 13 main line episodes and a few specials. Are the specials integral or should we just watch the 13 episodes?

I have to ask the questions rather than googling things here or I risk adding spoilers for myself by chance! :)
There seems to be 13 main line episodes and a few specials. Are the specials integral or should we just watch the 13 episodes?
The first time I watched I had no idea the last 3 episodes were specials and it felt like a super jarring direction for the show to end on. Lol. Knowing they're basically a mini OVA series makes a lot more sense. If we're rewatching the show I will be watching them regardless of if its parts of the simulwatch. Personally I'd say to watch them but knowing they're a bit seperate to the main series makes a lot more sense.

I've only watched it dubbed so can't compare but the dub is great.


minigif because why not

Ok, alright already! I'm in urgh. Watching Kaiba at the moment.

I'm guessing you gave up before the rail tracer was introduced - you ain't gonna want to quit after that, even if... Baccano is its own kind of crazy, so there's that. After a while they stop introducing characters but the cast is immense lol Baccano is a 10/10 for me, for what it's worth.

As for dub vs sub, I don't do dubs so there's my answer. Still, I already associate each character to their respective voice, so too late for me... It'd be weird to hear Isaac Za Stampiido with any other voice!

re: ovas, I think it's worth watching them because

1-more Baccano
2- seeing more of a certain character in a normal context (as normal as can be in baccano 🥱)
3 - a new crazy is introduced
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I'd encourage anyone who hasn't done so yet to add their votes! :)

@Geriatric hedgehog you seem to be missing! :D
Aaarrgghh I missed the poll and I love polls!! Oh well, my votes would've very much aligned with the results. Sorry dude, things are sadly pretty bonkers at my end and I need some anime stress relief. Looking forward to some Baccano now.
Provisionally I may say kick off on Monday the 14th so we finish by around the end of the month.
Sounds like a plan dude.
Watching Kaiba at the moment.
Aaarrgghh again, I was going to suggest simulwatching that one seeing as a few of us got that recent release. I have absolutely no idea what it's about but am very intrigued. Would be good to hear your thoughts on whether it would be worth simulwatching later.
As always I'll never be able to adhere to the schedule, but I'll watch it! At my pace, but I will 💪
Heh I'll try and keep up too but will likely end up having to do so at my own pace as well heh.

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