Renegade Simulwatch Club [RS]

I just realised that if I travel I may need to binge the last few episodes of ergo proxy near the end as well, seeing as it's not streaming anywhere and I'm reliant on my blu-rays. Just the excuse I need!
overflowing watchlist
I feel that. There's always more to watch! This is my current to watch pile:

having the potential to simulwatch made me put the set on the back-burner. Hopefully can amend that soon-ish.

I just realised that if I travel I may need to binge the last few episodes of ergo proxy near the end as well, seeing as it's not streaming anywhere and I'm reliant on my blu-rays. Just the excuse I need!
I had to do that once (I think with Nadia of the Blue Water) I wrote up mini posts for the last several episodes in my phones notes app and copy/pasted them each day for the relevant episodes (in no way suggesting you do the same as it was a fair bit of effort but it was nice to stay in the conversation as the simulwatch finished. I will say I had to plan my binge in advance to make sure I had time to finish watching and type up stuff for each ep)
Very nice and that is a big order indeed! Sorry I just couldn't help myself, that set is the gift that keeps giving heh. I need to organise my great unwatched into a pile but worry it will stress me out if I did so and made the magnitude obvious. Not even going to mention the streaming watchlists and others to-do-lists to add to that... Your pile reminded my that Penguindrum and Death Parade may be good for a simulwatch if not in the suggestions list already. I streamed the latter recently to see if it was worth splashing out for the CE and it definitely was!

Edit: Good pointers on watching before travel, I was thinking that in itself will need some organisation but if not then I'll try and go on my not so reliable memory with the discussions heh.
With Ergo Proxy done I am going to look into doing a film (or three if we do the Itoh ones) after christmas and perhaps running a bit into the new year.

Does anyone any have any addition requests before I kick off the vote?

The current list of films not watched yet stands as follows:

A Letter to Momo
Okko's Inn
Napping Princess
Ninja Scroll
Sword of the Stranger
Project Itoh (trilogy)
Children of the Sea
Penguin Highway

+ Itoh films which would need to be watched as a trilogy, so I'd give a wider timeframe for watching them if they are picked.

+ Children of the Sea because it looked like an interesting watch.

+ Penguin Highway because penguins.
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That good huh? :D

I'll leave it in the sorting hat for now, it would need to win enough votes to be eligible for watching, if it's terrible then it probably won't and I can rethink having it in the selection list.

Any that would be good additions? I don't want to do over-do the list but another 1 or 2 options may not hurt.
I meant the film with penguins I will correct my error. Penguin Highway is indeed the one :)

You like penguins @Lordhippos ? You need to watch A Place Further Than the Universe and The Aquatope on White Sand.

I actually didn't really like Place further than the universe loads, I only thought it was OK, penguins or no penguins :p

Not tried aquatope yet!
Children of the Sea is next in line in my personal watchlist simply because of what I've seen of the trailer.

I've read that it's maybe not ideally coherent and in the booklet that comes with AL's edition, the director himself admits adapting the entirety of the manga into a 2 hour movie was impossible and so he decided to focus on the girl's story (Ruka? Not sure); it's impossible not to compromise in that context.

With that said, I think if you view fluid, complex animation with a seemingly stupendous mix of 2d/CG and rich backgrounds as being worthwhile in and of themselves and something that you derive pleasure from (even if the end product isn't all that), it's impossible to watch the trailer and not be immediately interested.

Can you tell I'm hyped to watch this thing? Lol

I've got the shot of the whale's eye (what an incredible cg job, holy hell) and the shooting star seared into my mind ever since the trailer. That it has cosmic elements seals the deal for me 🌟
I've created a poll for which film people want to see next:

The voting runs until 27/12 23:59, and you can choose multiple selections again. These are all single films except the Itoh trilogy, but that will mean watching 3 films instead of 1.

As I have no specific preference I will note pick any, instead I will let the rest of you vote.

If there is a tie like we had in the first film poll I will use a random generator to pick the winner, and the runner up(s) will get +1 vote from me next time to boost their odds of being picked.

I would like to make the actual watching start on Tuesday 28/12 so the day immediately after the voting ends, and can potentially make it run for a week or more if the trilogy is picked.

@João Gomes the art in the trailer is what interested me on children of the sea as well.
Not to colour anyone's decision-making, but I really rather like Children of the Sea. João summed it up the best, I think:
I think if you view fluid, complex animation with a seemingly stupendous mix of 2d/CG and rich backgrounds as being worthwhile in and of themselves and something that you derive pleasure from (even if the end product isn't all that), it's impossible to watch the trailer and not be immediately interested.

Children of the Sea might not be the greatest story ever told, but I really rate it as an animated spectacle. It's something that only Studio 4°C could've made.

And for the record, yes, it's totally cosmic, man. So much so that I voted for it.
Penguin Highway? Tis a film... with penguins.

You like penguins @Lordhippos ? You need to watch A Place Further Than the Universe and The Aquatope on White Sand.
God I love A Place Further. The fact that it hasn't had a Western release (or has it?) is a crime against anime.

My apologies for voting for so many and not helping narrow anything down at all but I want to watch them all! Am away from my discs so will probably join in when I get a chance eventually.
No problem at all @Geriatric hedgehog I wanted to give people the chance to vote on all of the ones they wanted to see without restricting things :)
Great plan dude and the polling does seem to work pretty well.

Oh yeah and I forgot to agree with others about Children of the Sea being a visual marvel to enjoy and for me it was very much the anime equivalent of 2001: A Space Odyssey. So best to go in expecting a visually stunning arthouse affair, but not necessarily a linear/coherent story.
Just a reminder that the voting is still up for the rest of today, and the film window starts tomorrow and will probably run for the rest of the week. I am not expecting everyone to watch it tomorrow, I myself may wait until Friday 31/12 and make it my "start of the weekend" film :)

Post with votes in:

Currently Children of the Sea and Penguin Highway are joint in 1st place. Itoh Trilogy sounds awesome however I know @Geriatric hedgehog was keen to watch those but may lack the time to do them all now, so perhaps that is better on another simulwatch.
Alright so it was a draw between Penguin Highway and Children of the Sea with 3 votes each, I bow down to the wisdom of the Powershell Get-Random command to decide the winner.

$Choices = "Children of the Sea","Penguin Highway"
$Choices | Get-Random

The winner on this occasion was Penguin Highway! I will create the thread tomorrow morning probably :)

As with the previous tie, I will add +1 vote to the runner up on the next vote to give it a better chance of winning next, though still not a foregone conclusion on the next one.

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