No worries Lemon

I'll do my best if it helps any!
I'm sure many a girl likes to be wooed and admired - that's how it is in fairy stories, right? There's certainly nothing wrong with showing admiration for someone. Heck, even I've only become confident in the past few years in being able give compliments and credit where it's due to people, because, well, it's nice to do that, and in turn, it's nice to receive
My previous partner had only ever been in one relationship before he met me (he as also younger than me as well), and his own inexperience in the game became pretty apparent as time went on. The fact that he seemed quite content in being the more submissive partner in the relationship in turn put pressure on me, because wearing the boss-pants wasn't a role I was willing to fulfill. In addition, his sentiments and overtures of love would become very...stifling. It ended up pushing me away, because while I knew it was coming from a kind place, I simply didn't want him fawning and fussing over me all the time. He became very clingy, which again just served to push me further away.
I've never been a close and sentimental person
anyway (I can practically hear
@Neil.T scoffing as a write that because I have mellowed since back then), but I don't attach easily to things. I just don't like fuss and attention, so while my ex's sweet natured gestures may have been welcomed by some girls, they just didn't sit well with me, personally. I've often said to Neil that the kind of dynamic that I feel that I need, is one where we're best friends - best friends, but with the added bonus of being something more. There's no putting the other on a pedestal, nor is there any looking down your nose. Neither of us are like that
anyway - again, not to sound arrogant, but I think simply by virtue of us both being secure in ourselves as individuals
as well as the relationship, we're more like a proper team of equals. We're not joined at the hip. Neil will go off and do something, be it watching a nature documentary, or fiddling around with some cables (I do worry about him sometimes

), but, I'm happy knowing
he's happy, and vice versa.
I'm sure some girls/women love lots of fuss and attention, but they're the kind I would usually paint as perhaps having very low self-esteem and confidence in the first place. They thrive off of attention and being placed on a pedestal so they can be worshipped and revered. Over time I've come to respect myself a whole lot more than I used to, and I am much more comfortable in my own skin. Even Neil himself will tell you it took him about 3 attempts before I even eventually said "okay, I'll view you as a potential contender, but that's it - it's down to you to prove to me why I should be in a relationship with you!" I certainly don't mean for that to sound arrogant at all, but the truth is, I didn't even want to
be in a relationship, so the ball of wooing was effectively in
his court. I digressed a little there, but the point is, I like to think that I have a good amount of self-esteem and confidence these days. I certainly respect myself enough now to know what I want, and yes, I do have high standards - I know my worth!
I also think that putting someone on a pedestal puts alot of undue pressure on them. They may end up feeling like they have certain expectations to live up to, and may feel like a failure if they don't make the grade, as it were. I've been put on a pedestal all my life, by my own parents, and you end up becoming so afraid of failure. You want everything to be perfect, and if it's not, you feel like you've failed. I grew up with anxiety as well, so it's not a great mix. They would sing my praises, and I could do no wrong. They were biased towards everything I did or said, and they just couldn't instill proper discipline. Another thing is that a potential partner could potentially take advantage of your good nature, and use emotional manipulation to serve their own interests, which would leave you with proverbial egg on your face ("ah, he loves me way too much. He'll never leave me so it doesn't matter if I act like a bit of a b**ch now and again!")
To sum up, the higher up you place someone, the greater the fall!
Hope this helps Lemon

Apologies if things aren't clearly explained.