Uuuuuuugh I can't do chores today in my incapacitated state!

My floor needs hoovering!
Hmmmm, okay...so...
*uses brain*
Okay, here's one: expressing "I love you" for the first time. Is there a right/wrong time to express it? Should you make a big deal out of it or should it just be something you can express as easily as breathing? How did you
know that love is what you felt for your partner? Can you express it without actually saying the words? - they say actions speak louder than words after all! Any embarrasing situations to speak of that you'd rather forget?
Okay, this sounds
really lame but the first time I epxressed it to Neil was via message. The thing is, we've got distance between us, so saying it face-to-face in person isn't feasible right now, but, at the same time, I didn't want to make it a "big thing" either - I really didn't think I
needed to. Even via message, I wanted Neil to know that it certainly doesn't lose it's significance or sincerity, I just decided one evening to remind him that this is the way I feel, on the back of having got to know him more, grown so much closer together in the past couple of months, and the fact that he's been there for me to help/support me in everything so far. I just
know it's how I feel. I didn't make some grand sweeping gesture, because it's just not my style, and to me, it's unecessary. Plus, even if it was just platonic friendship, I still would have expressed it - you can love your friends, right?
did worry initially that I might have put my foot in it, because I'm mindful of this being Neil's first relationship, and well, I didn't want to make him uncomfortable or awkward; I simply stated that "I feel comfortable expressing it to you because I know that's how I feel about you, and I hope that's okay". But he was
really sweet about it, and he explained that for him, he wants to wait until the moment suits him, which I completely and utterly respect - in any case, I'm not one of those people who says these things and expects to hear it back; I just wanted to know that he was okay with
me expressing it, in
my way, and well, he was

. Maybe it's in my realistic and pragmatic nature to just "go for it" with something like this - I do very much live for the moment, and you never know what tomorrow will bring and well, if there's something you wanna say, then say it!

For me, I'm just happy that I know
for sure it's how I feel, because I'm not in the habit of saying things I don't mean regarding more serious matters.
He did express to me something though, which, in my mind is
just as meaningful as an "I love you", if not
more (if that's even possible), and, well, hearing his voice say it with such sincerity and honesty, I'm
more than satisfied with that ^^
I really do think though that there are different ways of expressing the sentiment that suit different people, and you do it in a way that's comfortable to you

Even for me, someone who's not even sappy and romantic!
(Hope you don't mind me sharing this stuff as well