Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

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Melancholia gets a 7 WAIT!
Two minutes of Kirsten Dunst basking nude in the light of Melancholia bumps it up to 8. I have a crush on Kirsten Dunst.
American Beauty - 10/10.

This film is just amazing - I've seen it a few times now but each time the story remains fresh and exciting. Kevin Spacey plays the part of the mani character well and fits in with the storyline almost perfectly. It's a must-see film imo.
13 Assassins 6.5/10

I love watching films like the house of flying daggers and this is what i expected of a 1960/70's film remade in 2010.

To an extent i enjoyed the storyline and the detail of the scenes, CGI of a tortured woman with limbs missing was detailed enough to pass realism and worked on an emotional scale (i was impressed with her acting too, but the thing itself is sickening to think about - how someone could cut her limbs off for amusement)

I enjoyed the last 40minutes, the build up to that was around 1 hour 50mins, which was dismal and annoying.

Main crux of the story - a lord has let the old shoguns younger son into his home (the older brother is now the ruler, the younger brother is set to become part of the council soon which could destroy every peace treaty due to how violent and blood thirsty he is) The son of the Lord and his wife try to please the shoguns brother and cater for his needs - unfortunately the shoguns brother takes it upon himself to rape the lords sons wife then kill the lords son for fun.

So the lord speaks to a samurai/assassin about revenge and from there the assassin recruites 11 others to the cause. They find a man who is much later asked "are you human?" due to living through wounds that should have killed him. So together they are 13, there is alot of wasted time doing very little (not even training) and in the last part of the film the action kicks off in the town that the lord owned (yeah the lord dies.... not by the shoguns son... the lord said to the shoguns son that he's not able to enter again and then when the bad guy leaves he kills himself - doesn't even makes sense!? an honour thing? thats going abit far)

SO yeah, at the end of the film there's some great fighting, 13 men against 200. Would have been alot better if i could have watched it subbed instead of the stupid american dub (has to be subbed for films like this but in anime it has to be dubbed) words had no real emotion in them and terrible voice acting but the acting of the actual people was great :p
Ip Man 1+2

Two very competently put together martial arts movies with interesting plots and great action. Watching these movies with the family definitely made for an enjoyable experience and especially with the second one there was a lot of crying and shouting at the TV but it did feel like i was watching a chinese propaganda film at times with other ethnicities being vilified so intensely near the end, but if you can ignore that you'll enjoy yourself.

Ocean Waves

Currently going through the backlog of Ghibli filmes I've taped over the past month, and I have to say, this is pretty good, it seems more down to earth in comparison to say, Whisper of The Heart as the characters feel more like people you would know. Saying that, I found it a little hard to watch it at times, because some of the characters were being complete and utter dicks especially Rikako, she just came off as a complete bitch most of the movie, though I guess it's understandable within the context of her circumstances.

A good watch if you like something a little different, it's very different to anything else Ghibli have put out.

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The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo


I really enjoyed the remake, more cinematic and better based than the original imo. The soundtrack was really good to, I wwas a bit su[reised at the use of Enya during a brutal scene, but maybe they are trying to say that only a psychopath would listen to Enya :p
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Attack the Block.

Chavs save the world, innit?

I would have more success watching a Finnish film without subtitles than trying to understand half of what was being said here

It was better than I expected. Different, but at the same time trying to 'Push out a message beneath' sort of scenario. Rather gory, rather brutal, and Naruto gets a mention.

The aliens are similar to one found in the game Another World. A simple tale... beat them or get eaten. Lessons learned and alls a goodun.

Corra said:
The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo


I really enjoyed the remake, more cinematic and better based than the original imo. The soundtrack was really good to, I wwas a bit su[reised at the use of Enya during a brutal scene, but maybe they are trying to say that only a psychopath would listen to Enya :p

D= Which scene... because if it's the rape scene then I will never be able to hear Enya ever again. (Not that I own any Enya, but she is on the end credits of Fellowship of the Ring...

Max Takeshi said:
Attack the Block.

Chavs save the world, innit?

I would have more success watching a Finnish film without subtitles than trying to understand half of what was being said here

It was better than I expected. Different, but at the same time trying to 'Push out a message beneath' sort of scenario. Rather gory, rather brutal, and Naruto gets a mention.

The aliens are similar to one found in the game Another World. A simple tale... beat them or get eaten. Lessons learned and alls a goodun.


Loads of people really like this film but I just can't bring myself to watch it, because it looks so stupid to me. Not even Nick Frost's inclusion can compel me to have a look.
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Black Swan 8.5/10

Finally got round to seeing it. I have to say that it's much less like Perfect Blue than the trailer would indicate and to be frank I think it's a lesser film, because in spite of it not being a direct plot rip, I found myself comparing it unfavourably with PB. For one thing I felt Nina's descent into madness was far too sudden, there's no real sense of a gradual fracturing of sanity, more like all of a sudden she goes bonkers after a handful of minor incidents and then seeing Mila Kunis with Vincent Cassel. The blurring of reality and fantasy is also much more obvious and that was the key thing I loved about Perfect Blue is how little was made explicit as to what really happened and what didn't. In Black Swan it was made obvious that Nina hadn't killed Mila Kunis and most of the other incidents were made clear too. I also felt that it was a bit too literal when Cassel says "the only person standing in your way is you and then she literally kills herself... it was laid on a bit thick. I also can't help but notice that Aronofsky LOVES shooting the back of people's heads as they're walking somewhere. He did it in the Wrestler a whole bunch too.

However, that's a lot of negative stuff, I still think it was avery good movie and the performances were all fantastic and the special effects suitably gross, but I still prefer Perfect Blue and indeed Aronofsky's own The Wrestler to Black Swan.
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Watched Robocop on Netflicks. Peter Weller's performance is so under appreciated. Specifically the part when he's in his home regaining his humanity. The subtle way his movements shift from robotic to human is brilliant.


Sparrowsabre7 said:
Loads of people really like this film but I just can't bring myself to watch it, because it looks so stupid to me. Not even Nick Frost's inclusion can compel me to have a look.

Stupid is why it was so much fun. Plus the intense soundtrack. Mr. Frost doesn't even have 10 minutes screen time, sadly.
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Max Takeshi said:
Watched Robocop on Netflicks. Peter Weller's performance is so under appreciated. Specifically the part when he's in his home regaining his humanity. The subtle way his movements shift from robotic to human is brilliant.


Sparrowsabre7 said:
Loads of people really like this film but I just can't bring myself to watch it, because it looks so stupid to me. Not even Nick Frost's inclusion can compel me to have a look.

Stupid is why it was so much fun. Plus the intense soundtrack. Mr. Frost doesn't even have 10 minutes screen time, sadly.

There's silly and there's stupid, they're different :p
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Sparrowsabre7 said:
There's silly and there's stupid, they're different :p

I guess so.



Not Beat Takeshi's best, but worth watching. A small deal between two rival gangsters soon escalates into a violent confrontation between yakuza clans. Results are... it ain't pretty.The lack of humour is disappointing, as is the wasted character of the embassy guy.

There's a few flashes of Beat's indifferent directorial style, and some of the music is interesting. Yet overall it sinks into a predictable and by the numbers story. With humour lacking it's up to Beat to add charisma - and he does, as always. But it's not enough to save a weak offering from the man.

It might also put you off visiting the dentist ever again.

Overall, I think it's a great look into the late Ian Curtis, covering his relationship with his band, Joy Division, his wife, his affair with a journalist, his battle with eppilepsy and his eventual decline into seevre depression and suicide.

Yes, I didn't use spoiler tags, because this is a biopic, and as such there aren't really any spoilers, I would highly recommend this if you're a fan of Joy Division, but for people who aren't familiar with the band or Ian Curtis, it's not really worth watching.


I had a much better post typed up for this, but then my internet gobbled it up...

I felt like a hypocrite watching this. I've been a long time fan of the source material, so I didn't enjoy a lot of the liberties and omissions that the movie took. I also thought some of the characters weren't done justice. However I actually really enjoyed the movie after it started moving more away from the source material!

Although, I appreciate that it's an adaptation and that you can't fit every last detail into a movie, especially one that has a bloated source. I actually think it did a good job of cutting down on a lot of the excess flab. Introducing Tae earlier helps with a bit of setup, as did the early explanation of the points. I don't think the movie would have worked at all if it took as long as the manga did...

I actually think I started to enjoy the movie a lot more after the first mission, when it really started to speed things up. The cgi was also particularly impressive.

Fast5 (Fast and the Furious 5)

It's an incredibly silly film in many, many ways. But needless to say the review comes down to this:

Is there anyone more manly than him:


Uh huh, and that man is:

what this equals is:


Levels of manliness are off the charts!!

Of course these guys are still little dawgs compared to Ken Watanabe's dominatingly powerful aura of manliness . But it was a good effort so I'm forced to it a solid 6/10
The Lion King

Despite countless spin-off's, merchandising and Blu-Ray and 3D remasters to boot, The Lion King is still a brilliantly Drawn, Emotional Movie, truly one of the classics in the Disney Vault!

Battleship 8/10

Ok so there's not a lot of story, it's a standard Action Film and the bad guys look like master chief but the effects are brill the action keeps coming and it has Rihanna in it, what more do you want

oh and the Japanese kick america's ass at football :D
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