Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

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Kull the conqueror 1997 6/10

nothing like a cheap version of Conan with half the script taken from the empire strikes back :D

they don't make cheesy movies like this anymore
Avengers Assemble

Oh lawdy. I don't want to over-hype this movie, but it was really, REALLY good, in just about every way a fan would want. Everyone gets a kick-ass action moment, almost everyone gets a few humourous parts and while the plot is fairly straightforward it doesn't really detract at all. While I fully expect TDKR to blow me away with a great story, I doubt it can hope to match Avengers for spectacle.

Green Lantern

Let's just say it was no Avengers =P

The Oa-based stuff was great, but there were a lot of questionably placed cuts/edits and I thought Blake Lively was terrible as Ferris. Spoke almost entirely in a monotonous half-whisper and Hal's characterisation was that of every rom-com protagonist ever... "Guy who is a jerk but thinks he's cool, is late for important event, is a love-em and leave-em type, but hides a secret insecurity and has, oh surprise, surprise, an ex girlfriend who is really his one and it only takes becoming a superhero to discover that.

5/10 It wasn't the worst film in the world but it was heavily flawed in many ways.
The Cabin in the Woods

Very good film, saying anything about the plot would be very spoilery, but it's definitely worth a watch if you're into the more classic horror genre as opposed to stuff like Saw/ Hostel yada yada.

It's also got a fair few funny moments too, not unlike Severence for the balance of horror/comedy (I personally don't think Severence is really funny enough to be called a horror-comedy in the same way Shaun of the Dead is, because it seems much more focused on the horror and just has the odd laugh, it's much the same with CITW)

Men in Black


I love this film, ever since I first saw it as a child. I think what I've come to appreciate is how and why it's so much better than its sequel.

The simple fact is that it plays itself, less as a sci-fi movie about alien police and more like a detective movie that happens to be detecting aliens. Also the fact that it generally is a very serious movie. Seriously, take away Will Smith and the film would be tonally a lot darker; that's the reason the humour works. Since the world of MIB is treated with such deadpan seriousness by Tommy Lee Jones and co, WIll Smith is able to be the guy who says "Am I the only one seeing this? What the hell is going on here?" while everyone else just replies "I have no idea what you mean" while shooting a multi-headed alien in the face and grabbing coffee with a bunch of worms. I also want to say I think TLJ is underrated as a comedic actor. His severe lack of humour in his performances is what makes him such a great comedy actor. Something that was also evident in his role in "Captain America".

MIB2 was a much sillier, sci-fi romp and much less a detective film. Also due to the fact J is now an MIB veteran, the humour cannot come from him being the 'only sane man' and is not just his normal humour. Don't get me wrong, Will Smith is a very funny actor, but the fact that they try and ellicit comedic performances from the former straight men too just makes the film ridiculous and I hope is something they catch on to in MIB3.
Darkness. Starring a young Anna Paquin.

In many ways a Shining wannabe, but in other ways the kind of thing that would fall into the 'Bargain bin couple of quid what the hell' category.

It was okay. A haunted house film that actually canters off in an unexpected direction. A little sloppy in places, and obvious in others, but the ending was also rather different.

2/5. It got panned, but... it passed the time.

Sparrowsabre7 said:
MIB2 was a much sillier, sci-fi romp and much less a detective film. Also due to the fact J is now an MIB veteran, the humour cannot come from him being the 'only sane man' and is not just his normal humour. Don't get me wrong, Will Smith is a very funny actor, but the fact that they try and ellicit comedic performances from the former straight men too just makes the film ridiculous and I hope is something they catch on to in MIB3.

I always thought this, too. Destroy what made the original so good. Odd.
Avengers 8/10

It wasn't what I expected. Joss Whedon's writing managed to make it one of the funniest films I have seen in a long time.
Mulholland Drive

My favourite of Lynch's films. Everytime I watch it, I seem to appreciate it more and more. There are so much layers and disjointment which forces the viewer to actively engage with what they have just seen. It may also be that I'm a bit partial to films which make you think!

My colleague and I are attempting something a bit different this time: can we review a film in the time it takes to cook sinister foodstuffs?

Bun in the Oven ep1: 'The Raid'

Not gimmicky at all (apologies for slight spoilers).

neptune2venus said:
Mulholland Drive

I've seen it a couple of times, but I really wasn't as keen on Mulholland Drive as Lynch's earlier work. It struck me as a bit forced somehow, David Lynch consciously making a 'David Lynch film'.

Saying that, there was a very interesting video analysis of it up on youtube, but alas the blighter seems to have taken it down.
loool, you know you've gone too far down the Apple rabbit hole when you were thinking about using an iPad timer to know how long something had been in the microwave. :D I had to skip the actual film review bits since I still need to watch The Raid (heard too many good things about it to miss it), but everything else was tip-top.

What camera/sound setup do you use?
Heh, cheers :)

It was shot mainly on Calum's Canon 7D and an iphone for the alternate angle (hence the fuzziness when I'm on the left). We didn't have the external sound recorder for this one, so the sound is just from the internal mic on the iphone. Surprisingly, it sounded a lot better than the sound from the proper camera!
Professor Irony said:
We didn't have the external sound recorder for this one, so the sound is just from the internal mic on the iphone. Surprisingly, it sounded a lot better than the sound from the proper camera!
That is actually quite a surprise, it sounds pretty good considering!

The price of the 7D convinces me of reasons for the picture quality, though. ^^;
That was a really good review, love the concept!

Killer Klowns From Outer Space

The theme song is epic. Especially The Dickies version of it, but I was expecting a little more, I don't think I found it funny enough. Don't get me wrong, this is an enjoyable film, but I was expecting it to be a "so bad it's good" kinda film like Troll 2 and it just came off like a cheaper version of Gremlins.

Prometheus 5/10

*Half-formed plot
*Undeveloped characters
*Bad acting

The main problem with this film plot-wise is that it's composed of two conflicting elements. It felt like it was trying to be both a prequel to Alien, and at the same time a totally original story merely set in the Alien universe. In the end these two strands just end up killing eachother. It lacked any cohesive direction of where it wanted to go and ended up going no where as a result.

The worst scene for me was the final scene when the proto-"Alien" is born. I knew it was going to happen but they just had to show its mini-mouth, just to emphasize that this was a proto-Alien. As if it wasn't already obvious.
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