Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

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ilmaestro said:
Hard Candy - Do not watch this movie. 8/10

Saw it in the cinema when it came out. I was the only person at the screening and it was one of the sharpest films I have ever seen. Plot, characterisation, action and the denouement. It was also rather painful. :eek:

Also: I had totally the opposite reaction to Norwegian Wood when I saw it in the cinema. It was beautiful but lacked content that the book provided.

Last film I watched was House - 9/10

Wonderful surreal horror from the 1970’s that was so good-natured and OTT that I couldn’t help but smile throughout it.
Hard Candy mainly threw me for a loop because I ended up wanting Jeff to be telling the truth about not being as much of a scumbag as he appeared, so emotionally I was kind of sick with myself at the end... not to mention that I was dry heaving still as a result of "that" scene.

Genkina Hito said:
Also: I had totally the opposite reaction to Norwegian Wood when I saw it in the cinema. It was beautiful but lacked content that the book provided.
How is that the opposite reaction? It's pretty much what I said! The opposite reaction would be that you then didn't find this to be acceptable to your tastes. :p
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Blade Runner

This is definitely one of those films that you'll need to watch multiple times, the last half hour or so of the film confused me immensely, especially the final fight scene (if you could call it that), I didn't feel dissapointed however, despite all the hype surrounding the film

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Resident Evil *whatever the subtitle is for the 4th movie*

I'll try and keep this nice and short considering I could write an essay on how much this seemed to rub me the wrong way. I used to be able to put the source material (can you even call the Resi games "source material"? :p ) to the back of my mind when watching these movies but this one felt like it was trying too hard to borrow too much. Plus all the fights from half way in had so many slow motion shots which I guess was for the 3d crowd?

It probably didn't help watching it at 1 in the morning. For me, 4/10 and that's only because of Weskers hacks from Resi 5. At least he was cool in this.
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The Big Boss

It's got Bruce Lee in it, of course it will be good! Some of the effects are terrible and the continuity is a tad inconsistent, to the point where both things are laughable (seriously! did Bruce just propell a knif by kicking it? Causing a fatal injury? Yep!), but this film is just a bit of fun at the end of the day, it's almost impossible to take most Martial Arts films seriously.

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Honestly well worth it, very spectacular movie, and a fitting end to the series. And, you know, hhhhhhnnnnnnngggg...
The Hangover - 7/10

The Dark Knight level of over rated amongst the unintelligent people on my Facebook friends list. It has its moments, was funny in parts but as usual because of "HAHA SO FUNNY" I expected a lot more. Zach G made the movie.

Bruno - 8/10

This film was funnier than the above by a fair margin, from calling Bin Laden a dirty wizard to saying to a bunch of rednecks that "We're just like the Sex & the City girls."
MercenaryRaiden said:
Resident Evil *whatever the subtitle is for the 4th movie*

I'll try and keep this nice and short considering I could write an essay on how much this seemed to rub me the wrong way. I used to be able to put the source material (can you even call the Resi games "source material"? :p ) to the back of my mind when watching these movies but this one felt like it was trying too hard to borrow too much. Plus all the fights from half way in had so many slow motion shots which I guess was for the 3d crowd?

It probably didn't help watching it at 1 in the morning. For me, 4/10 and that's only because of Weskers hacks from Resi 5. At least he was cool in this.

Yeah lol the entire chris fight was copypasta choreography at its finest. Almost identical to the fight in RE5


Captain America: The First Avenger - 8.5/10

Very nearly a 9 I think. Excellent movie, a lot funnier than I expected and it wasn't dumb humour either like some of the Spider-man Trilogy and some of the jokes in Thor. It could've been a tad pacier at the start in terms of Roger's storyline but otherwise pretty cool. All the actors deliver the goods but special praise for Weaving (who has possibly the greatest German accent ever wielded (yes, wielded) by a non-german, it's like Nazi honey dripping through your earholes) and Tommy Lee Jones who takes a generic grizzled army dude and makes him a pretty fun character.

Chris Evans also fantastically manages to make you forget the cocksure, wisecrackers he normally plays and makes Cap his own. It's a shame he doesn't get any epic speeches though because quite surprisingly the game had a rather well-written one about how no man is special and everyone has their part to play. Considering how often normal cops/ soldiers must resent a single poster boy superhero getting all the glory it was pretty cool and very in-character for cap.

Something rather interesting a CBM forum user picked up on. The guns powered by the cosmic cube sound like Iron Man's repulsors and there are some very Arc Reactor looking machines in the Hydra bases, considering the cube's fate at the end, it raises a lot of questions regarding arc technology and I'm really interested to see how Avengers ties it all together.
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Sparrowsabre7 said:
Something rather interesting a CBM forum user picked up on. The guns powered by the cosmic cube sound like Iron Man's repulsors and there are some very Arc Reactor looking machines in the Hydra bases, considering the cube's fate at the end, it raises a lot of questions regarding arc technology and I'm really interested to see how Avengers ties it all together.
I thought that was terribly obvious? I think you might be overthinking it, and especially Joss, if he's going to bother tying a lot of fun nods and possibly plot mechanics into it. He'll do what's necessarily, but mainly only work it in if it's relevant to the character. I'll spoil the rest of this:
In the (utterly fantastic) final moments of Captain's WWII life, before the Cosmic Cube falls down and after Red Skull is exploding, we see the sky. I loved it, me and a friend shouted "Asgard" in unison. The entire final act sequence was definitely my favourite part. No other Marvel film has captured the emotional stakes, and I don't think any of them carry as much baggage as Cap as well as this. Hayley Atwell's Peggy was so so good and the commitment of love with pain around the corner felt very Joss. They have said they would like to flashback again for a sequel, and as much as I would love to see Peggy interact with him -- knowing it ends in doom, is very I Will Remember You* territory.

Concerning The Avengers some more, I'm very intrigued at how the Tony/Captain dynamic will play out more than any of the others. Not for the obvious (two arrogant guys) reasons, but THIS GUY WAS FRIENDS WITH THIS GUYS FATHER! That's ****** up. Very ****** up. In an awesome way.

Straight after leaving, I think I preferred Thor but after letting this one simmer. Captain is a much better film. I wrote some **** on Twitter about it:
I didn't actually die in Captain America and actually discovered a wonderfully...

...interesting and funny film, with nice action set-pieces and a solid emotional core. It's not groundbreaking but it's not going through...

...the motions either. It probably works as the most stand-alone and focused Marvel film, and heck, I think I love it more than Thor.

It's very different. I love Thor but it's fantastical and silly. This isn't.
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Still walking- 6/10

Japanese film about a family reunion for the anniversary of a dead eldest son. What ensues is plenty of passive aggression and the occasional rather touching moment.

First of all let me just say that this is a very well made film. The house where it is set in particular is especially realistic and genuinely feels like a real lived in home. Similarly the acting is also superb with very believable performances all round.

However as should be obvious from the description the film is also rather slow and it wasn't actually until the second half that I actually started to care and become interested in what was really going on. Also given that this is a movie that specifically deals in complex human emotions I think it really detracts from the movie that I had to try and follow through subtitles which inevitably meant I ended up missing out on certain subtleties...or maybe I'm just slow, but I would have found it much more enjoyable no doubt if I could understand the language fluently.

In the end the film left me feeling rather sad, which is actually to its credit, yet I found it very easy to predict the kind of ending and emotion the film was going to stick me with all along, and on the inside I was really hoping it was going to switch it up and try something a bit different. But maybe I'm just in a space in my life right now where I have little appreciation for melancholy endings...who knows. Still the emotion remains and it is a rather interesting film on the whole.
Porco Rosso

I don't know why people don't like this movie, it seemed pretty good to me and I like the fact that they don't use any explainatory ******** to try and explain why Porco is a pig, it leaves it to your imagination which is what most ******* movies should do, anyway I quite like the characters and the various situations such as when the pirates take the schoolgirls hostage in the opening, isn't cliche, in fact, these seem to be the nicest, yet most incompetant pirates I've seen in a movie which is refreshing, I would daresay that the sountrack isn't as memorable as say Kiki's Delivery Service or My Neighbour Totoro, but the kickass dogfights and what I guess is sort of an Alternate History setting makes up for that.

Invasion of The Body Snatchers

This is a pretty good B movie, while the premise is simple, I actually read in a little deeper and in my opinion, I think that the movie can make some great social commentary as well.

Jaymii said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
Concerning The Avengers some more, I'm very intrigued at how the Tony/Captain dynamic will play out more than any of the others. Not for the obvious (two arrogant guys) reasons, but THIS GUY WAS FRIENDS WITH THIS GUYS FATHER! That's **** up. Very **** up. In an awesome way.

I don't think Cap's arrogant =/ If anything he's the most humble of the main 3 avengers. Ultimate Cap on the other hand is very arrogant.
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Super - 7/10

Enjoyed it a lot up until when Bolty started trying to get it on with Crimson Bolt, the scene was awkward, then after they took out some fodder Ellen Page ******* DIES then Rainn Wilson doesn't even get the girl. I so very, very mad.

Attack the Block 8/10

London kids fight aliens, better than the above movie.
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