Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

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Genkina Hito said:

From the makers of Saw comes a traditional haunted house film? Well it felt traditional but that's because it was derivative of films like Poltergeist and numerous others but director James Wan marshals his resources to create a tight and enjoyable film. Not scary but creep with some well done elements in it.

You completely forgot to mention that cockney orphan demon that bursts out of a wardrobe and the fact that this film has the best use of a Tiny Tim song ever :lol:
Michael Jackson's This Is It

Amazing that they put this together so well out of footage never intended for broadcast. Can't believe I actually waited so long to watch it, if anything it just cements MJ's legendary status, he comes across as such a thorough pro, understands the music and the performances so well and was clearly integral to every aspect of his concerts, not just his natural talent.

Absolute badman reply when asked how he will be able to cue his dancers when he can't see a scene change on the big screen behind him (initially the crew wanted the dancers to take their cue from earlier prompt but MJ didn't want them doing anything until a little way after he appears):

"I'll feel it".

Top tier doesn't cover it.
^Love The Mask, a Childhood favourite for me too, Carrey at his pinnacle

13 Assasins

Absolutely superb. For what it is I can't really see how it could be improved on, well aside from casting my man Ken Watanabe in it.
memorium said:
Genkina Hito said:

From the makers of Saw comes a traditional haunted house film? Well it felt traditional but that's because it was derivative of films like Poltergeist and numerous others but director James Wan marshals his resources to create a tight and enjoyable film. Not scary but creep with some well done elements in it.

You completely forgot to mention that cockney orphan demon that bursts out of a wardrobe and the fact that this film has the best use of a Tiny Tim song ever :lol:

That sequence was the best in the entire film. I mentioned it in my longer review on my blog because it is genuinely CREEPY. :eek:
Falling Down - 9/10.

'An unemployed defense worker frustrated with the various flaws he sees in society, begins to psychotically and violently lash out against them.' Featuring Michael Douglas, this is a great film.
The Evil Dead

This was quite a good horror movie, even by today's standards it's still has a few shocks up it's leave, plus the gore can easily top most so called horror movies out there today

Green Lantern, ?/10.

Tenuous and tedious. There were a couple of moments I liked, in space, but for the love of God, it really wanted to stay on Earth. The villain came out of no where, blah blah blah. I'm getting bored writing this just as the film was bored going through the motions. A lot of scenes work well on their own, but because it lacks focus it adds up to nothing but boredom. I was shocked to see I found Blake Lively and her monotone voice appealing for once.

It's just an annoying film. GL Corps have SO MUCH POTENTIAL but it was squandered by someone wanting to make some sort of pseudo-Superman film. If I had a better computer, and ugh, get the blu-ray, I'd be tempted to re-edit it all. It'll be around 70 minutes but it would flow so much better.

I should tally that up. And, I... can't. It "feels" like it deserves a 7 or something for being a Green Lantern film that exists but it gave me more pain than pleasure... but it's not a bad film in the same way Transformers is a bad film. I'm terribly confused about by it all.
It's Kind of a Funny Story 8.5/10

Actually really enjoyed this, it stars Zach Galifianakis (a personal hero of mine lol) though not a comedy in the way that The Hangover or Due date is.

Its more on a serious note about mental health, but the story touched a nerve, im not sure if its because i work within the NHS and more specifically at a mental health unit myself, but the characters in it are easy to relate to. At times i laughed, at others i was abit... i dunno, not upset but more... sympathetic? Its a really good story with a great cast and i'm sure i'll watch it again sometime soon.

Tackles some serious issues, but does so with a smile. not many films can pull it off but this has been done very well.

Paul 8.5

Whilst watching this i came to the conclusion that all the comedy actors at the moment are all very good, most seem to have appeared from a couple of big films. For instance; simon pegg and nick frost, shaun of the dead, hot fuzz, frost was in the boat that rocked too. Seth rogen and Bill Hader seem to stick together, from superbad they've been in Pinapple express, knocked up and Paul.

You can literally do a link between actors simply because they are all in the comedy films together, Jane lynch is in paul, she was also in role models with christopher mintz plasse who was in superbad with Michael cera, jonah hill who seems to appear in most films that seth rogens in too. but back to jane lynch... also in role models was ken Jeong who was also in the hangover movies and pineapple express. See? its one endless cycle where all the best comedy actors are all linked to each other. I'm not complaining because they are exactly what my sort of comedy is about :p

Anway, back to Paul. A funny story that i've watched 3 times now, each time i see something new and can't help but laugh at some parts despite seeing it again and again. If i ever came into contact with an alien like paul i think it'd be the best 24/48 hours of randomness thrown in with danger lol.
Green Lantern - 3/10

Plot all over the place, writing terrible, acting bizarre, action infrequent. 1.5 points for the fact that some of the action was good when it happened, and the other 1.5 for Sinestro's pimp 'tache.
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - 4/10

I actually don't get the extent of the hate for this movie. It tries to be funny... doesn't always work. It tries to be action packed... doesn't always work. It tries to have a coherent plot... doesn't always work, and is far too dragged out. But I felt that at times, each bit did work, so it's definitely better than the Green Lantern movie.

If they'd made it at least a half hour shorter it would have improved dramatically, perhaps me viewing it in three or four sittings helped me to not get bored.

The visual effects also suffer from having way less impact than the first time around.
Batman (1989)

There, I've officially watched every Batman movie ever made, I thought Jack Nicholson did a good job as The Joker, I would daresay that he's a bit better that Heath Ledger in the role, as for the movie it does take some liberties here and there, but overall it's quite dark, so I say that if you love the newer Batman movies go for this and it's sequel, Batman Returns

Confessions - 8/10

Departures - 9/10

That free lovefilm trial is giving me all sorts of excuses to go back and watch movies.
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