Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

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Transformers Dark of the Moon: 8/10

Objectively it deserves lower but I just found it so much fun. I'm not entirely sure why the 3D has been praised so much though, there are some excellent sequences but it's still just 3D. Much as I'm not a huge fan of Avatar it's still the best use of 3D I've seen and TF3 will probably be the last movie I choose to see in 3D too. It's just not worth the extra money.

As someone who liked TF2, in spite of its many flaws, I feel TF3 has the opposite problem from TF2 plot-wise. While TF2 had a good start and pacing up to the Forest battle, TF3 has a rather staggered start which drags a little but the final hour or so is just back to back action. In a way I wish it had been peppered throughout the film, as great as it was, it did feel a little like overkill with quite how much happened at the end.

Leonard Nimoy was great as Sentinel though, a few Star Trek references were thrown in too. Sentinel even quoting Spock's famous "the needs of the many, outweigh the needs of the few" though in a slightly different meaning from Spock's intention.

TF3 really upped the stakes too, the destruction of Chicago is actually pretty powerful and there's a rather menacing scene where a decepticon invades a family's home in order to assassinate the father.

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley is a better actress than Megan Fox, but IMO less pleasing on the eyes (despite Fox looking pretty grubby in the Transformers movies) and still not exactly Oscar material, she fills a role though so...

Also Shockwave is barely in it. I think he was built up as the mainvillain because MAJOR SPOILER WARNING Sentinel is the true villain of the film, but obviously that would give away a big twist if he was bigged up as the big bad He's still in it more than Megatron though, who seems to have gotten progressively wussier as the series goes on.
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Blade Runner - 5/10. I was seriously underwhelmed by this movie. The slow pacing absolutely ruins it. The cityscape in which it is set is very interesting and appealing, certainly obvious as inspiration for Akira's Neo Tokyo. I might re-watch it sometime soon, as I have a feeling I've "missed" the point of the movie somehow, given how universally acclaimed it is.
CitizenGeek said:
Blade Runner - 5/10. I was seriously underwhelmed by this movie. The slow pacing absolutely ruins it. The cityscape in which it is set is very interesting and appealing, certainly obvious as inspiration for Akira's Neo Tokyo. I might re-watch it sometime soon, as I have a feeling I've "missed" the point of the movie somehow, given how universally acclaimed it is.

While I wouldn't go THAT low, I too was left with a feeling "is that all?" I guess when a movie is so universally beloved you just hike up your expectations way too far.
Sparrowsabre7 said:
CitizenGeek said:
Blade Runner - 5/10. I was seriously underwhelmed by this movie. The slow pacing absolutely ruins it. The cityscape in which it is set is very interesting and appealing, certainly obvious as inspiration for Akira's Neo Tokyo. I might re-watch it sometime soon, as I have a feeling I've "missed" the point of the movie somehow, given how universally acclaimed it is.

While I wouldn't go THAT low, I too was left with a feeling "is that all?" I guess when a movie is so universally beloved you just hike up your expectations way too far.
I second this, it's probably a case of over-hyping, I did the same with 5 Centimetres Per Second
CitizenGeek said:
Blade Runner - 5/10. I was seriously underwhelmed by this movie. The slow pacing absolutely ruins it. The cityscape in which it is set is very interesting and appealing, certainly obvious as inspiration for Akira's Neo Tokyo. I might re-watch it sometime soon, as I have a feeling I've "missed" the point of the movie somehow, given how universally acclaimed it is.

It was not well received when it was first released (split the critics opinions and did poorly at the box office) yet it is now seen as a cult classic so I would say give it another chance.

If you still don't like it, don't worry - it's not as if everyone has to like the same things (it would be a boring world if that was the case).

Also whether you like it may depend on which version of the film you see,

Saw Transformers 3 earlier...

And although I'm drunk, I'm recollecting my opinions of the film. I think it certainly would have functioned fantastically as a sequel, and a lot of it could have been done with Megan Fox (sorry, girl) but I actually thought the humour was great, and the narrative was somewhat intriguing given how much of it was leading up to its climatic 50 minute battle sequence. A lot of the Shia job stuff feels, tonally, like it's from a separate film but his theme works overall and it appealed to me.

Bay's use of 3D, I'm sorry to say to many people, was memorising. Twenty minutes needed to be cut from this film throughout, but mainly from the war sequence. A lot of the time, though, it was fantastic.

My main problem with the film lies is because there is no enemy in that film. We know, through words and minor battles in previous films who the Decepticons are but it really doesn't work like that. Thankfully, our team got defined with some great (albeit small) character stuff given to the Autobots. I think they amped up their colours even more to contrast with the deadly greys of the Depcepti's but I have trouble to think it works like that.

Uhm, I'm going to regret this post in the morning but tl;dr - It's a "B-". I liked it faaaaaar more than I should have and as sexist (?) as it is, it works well as a film to laugh at instead of with. I simply enjoyed it, I guess. Urghhhh.
Sparrowsabre7 said:
CitizenGeek said:
Blade Runner - 5/10. I was seriously underwhelmed by this movie. The slow pacing absolutely ruins it. The cityscape in which it is set is very interesting and appealing, certainly obvious as inspiration for Akira's Neo Tokyo. I might re-watch it sometime soon, as I have a feeling I've "missed" the point of the movie somehow, given how universally acclaimed it is.

While I wouldn't go THAT low, I too was left with a feeling "is that all?" I guess when a movie is so universally beloved you just hike up your expectations way too far.

The reason the movie is so beloved is because it looks so good, the story is intriguing and that coupled with the excellent design makes it one of the landmarks in the cyber-punk canon. It creates a world (glorious sci-fi noir) that we can believe in. Look at the design of Blade Runner. Now look at most Sci-Fi films made after it. That's the impact.

It also helps that the story is intriguing with a lot of big themes, helped no doubt by the source novel which is just as good. It is also one of the few movie good adaptations of Philip K. Dick's work.
Absolutely agree with these sentiments. Blade Runner is fantastic and easily one of the most influential sci-fi movies of all time.

I also recommend the short book by Phillip K. Dick it's based on too, for anyone interested.
Genkina Hito said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
CitizenGeek said:
Blade Runner - 5/10. I was seriously underwhelmed by this movie. The slow pacing absolutely ruins it. The cityscape in which it is set is very interesting and appealing, certainly obvious as inspiration for Akira's Neo Tokyo. I might re-watch it sometime soon, as I have a feeling I've "missed" the point of the movie somehow, given how universally acclaimed it is.

While I wouldn't go THAT low, I too was left with a feeling "is that all?" I guess when a movie is so universally beloved you just hike up your expectations way too far.

The reason the movie is so beloved is because it looks so good, the story is intriguing and that coupled with the excellent design makes it one of the landmarks in the cyber-punk canon. It creates a world (glorious sci-fi noir) that we can believe in. Look at the design of Blade Runner. Now look at most Sci-Fi films made after it. That's the impact.

It also helps that the story is intriguing with a lot of big themes, helped no doubt by the source novel which is just as good. It is also one of the few movie good adaptations of Philip K. Dick's work.

Oh I certainly don't decry it's design. It's effects hold up well even now, but it's just not a story that connected with me. Harrison Ford also came off "a bit rapey" at points. I probably will give it another go sometime though. Wasn't a huge fan of Minority Report either (which is anoth PKD book right?) but I very much enjoyed A Scanner Darkly. I know it wasn't as well received but RDJ's performance alone was just great. Plus, though he's no De Niro I do like Keanu Reeves. As a person even if not always as an actor. He just seems like a cool guy.
Blade Runner is such an interesting film purely because of the marmite appeal it has.

When it came out I was 2 years old. My brother rented it a year later and I managed to catch a glimpse of the opening scene. Back then as a three year old watching something as grandiose as that (and this being the early 1980s when effects and production values weren't what they are now) left one hell of an impression on me. Maybe that's why I fall into the category of liking it. So bias, then.

Also why no mention of the music?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiXioWKF ... re=related

Wonderful stuff indeed.
Higher production values doesn't always make for better films anyway. I would take the The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy TV series over the film any day (and I prefer the original Star Wars trilogy to the Prequel trilogy).
Public Enemies - 6/10
X-Men - 7/10
X-Men 2 - 6/10
X-Men 3 - 4/10
X-Men Wolverine - 2/10
X-Men First Class - 8/10
The King's Speech - 10/10
The Fighter - 9/10
The Social Network - 8/10
It's alright guys, a lot of people didn't like/get Blade Runner when it first came out, still doesn't mean it's a bad film though, regardless. The first time I watched Blade Runner I think I was like... twelve and my older brother bought the DVD and we watched it on our PS2, although I never understood it as well as I did now I loved it back then as a kid.

I watched American Psycho last week was it? I'd give it an 8/10 although I never really got the ending at first, talked about it with some bros and it seems none of it really happened. Although my other friend who apparently read the book believes it's meant to represent how no one really cared who you were in the 80s which is why Norman used fake names and such, but whatever.
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I will give Blade Runner another chance. I didn't particularly like Akira the first time I watched it, but everything 'clicked' on the second viewing and it is now one of my favourite movies. That said, the problems with pacing in Blade Runner (it's excruciatingly slow) along with the weak characterisation do seem innsurrmountable as deal-breakers even with a second viewing. The cityscape and visuals are amazing, as I originally said. That's not enough to carry a 2 hour long movie though ... I'd also read the book (Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep?) earlier and mildly enjoyed it. The plot in the book was much more robust.

Last movie I watched was Lake Mungo, an Australian horror. Thoroughly enjoyed its twists and turns and scares. I'd very much reccomend it. 8/10.
Absolute Power - When I read the premise and the fact that Clint was in it I was all "why have I not seen this before?!", but it turns out it might have been because it's a deeply average thriller. 5/10 Shoutouts to lovefilm's "with package" streaming, though, giving me plenty of **** to watch when I'm too tired to watch something that I really should be.

The Box - I'd have enjoyed this a lot more if I'd gone into it expecting full-on sci-fi nuttiness, and had not been promised "the twistiest twist ending of all time" by my buddy. 7/10

Norwegian Wood - A surprisingly delicate adaptation, with some outstanding location shooting. The only problem is that it doesn't really bring anything new to the table (in fact, judging by the pacing, it seems specifically designed for people who are well familiar with the novel), and thus asks its actors to bring the characters to life better than Murakami's words did - a tough job for anyone. Tamayama Tetsuji is great as Nagasawa, though, and the film more than survives on its artistic merits. 8/10
Sahara - A bit too dry for me hahahahahahahahaha. I didn't pay it too much attention while I was watching it, which is the idea I think. The near last action scene in the plant is actively bad, but it's saved by the one just after. William H Macy elevates the movie out of below-average territory, as usual. 5/10

memorium said:
ilmaestro said:
Hard Candy - Do not watch this movie. 8/10
Any reason why?
It's a bit grim. :( Any more would be spoiler territory.
Loved that Sahara joke!

Dark City - Film noir, sci fi ... brilliantly executed and extraordinarily well cast. Really enjoyed it. 9/10

Perfect Blue - Great movie, what else is to be expected from Satoshi Kon? Hard to follow at times (most times, really), but this adds to its rewatchability, I'd imagine. 8/10
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