I expected more from it because of who was in it and that it was a comedy-drama film. It had very slight jokes... but i thought it was atleast going to go abit further than it did, if he ended up getting the girl, flying into the sunset i'd say "fair enough, it went from a guy happy to travel across the usa alone, to finding someone, to not being sure about his job and way of life, to getting his life the way it was and then getting the girl and flying off to a warm place with a smile on his face.
but it didn't i thought that we where going to be shown the suicide of the character or he turns into an alcoholic. or something funny happens at the wedding, or Zack sticks to his threats at the start of the film and comes crashing into clooneys life and bugging him.
If i was director i could have thought up endless directions to take it. But then again it WAS made by the same guy who created JUno, and in honesty i could do with that time back, juno was a waste of money.