Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

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Girl, Interrupted - 8.8/10

I always like films about mental patients as I find them far easier to identify with than most film characters. That worrying fact aside, I liked this film a lot because it presented the case that there are always choices; Even for those not fully in possession of their faculties. It probably helps that I could watch Angelina Jolie and Winona Ryder in anything for two hours, but they also both proved perfect for their respective roles. A very well cast film all around.
Avatar - 10/10


The characters are incredibly weak, the moralizing is ham-fisted, but goddam if this movie doesn't rock.
Iron Man 2, whatever I rated the first one. Somewhere between a 8/10 and a 10/10.

I went in being undecided on my expectations, I was hoping for something excellent but the first was such a good film I struggled to believe they could top it, and whilst in some respects, it didn't - Iron Man 2 done a hell of a lot of groundwork for the future endeavours into the Marvel Movie Universe and made itself a really enjoyable film experience overall. It's a little messy in the first part, not noticeably so, but a lot of jumping around. Could be argued that's similar to where Tony Stark is in his life though. RDJ is 'da bomb. The level of improv in these films is utterly spectacular and it really shines, and similar to the first film, the supporting's actually do a great job of supporting. The new people do just as fine.

I was expecting for me more thrown off by the level of CGI, but no, that little tidbit was overhyped. There's CGI, obviously, but you can follow it, it doesn't take you out of the film and I found myself thinking something was CGI when it really wasn't. This is no Transformers, is what I am saying. If you enjoyed the action sequences in the first, you should be more than happy with its sequel.

As I mentioned, this film sets some major groundwork for future films and for that reason doesn't feel like a complete film in the same way some others do. It felt more like an TV episode in terms of structure, so much so I expected "To Be Continued" to pop up somewhere. This part, the pacing, is what might throw people off but I found myself looking at it like this is a peak into their lives. This isn't a film, I'm just watching these crazy characters and their lives for a couple of hours, expecting to revisit them again in a little while. I actually think that really works and makes me super excited for what's to come and it let the characters develop a bit more naturally than I'm used to for a film like this. It's actually really similar to the first film, in terms of almost everything. It feels so organic - a natural continuation to the story. It's also probably obvious I haven't discussed the villains (or the story at all!) and although that's not saying they aren't solid, its just they are basically there as vessels to let Stark develop. Or make an action scene. Story-wise, its like an episode in TV purely because there's more than the basic A and B story. There's also C and D, with one of them (haven't decided which is which yet) going to be paramount to future stuff. It's simple stuff, but with enough pull to keep you coming back for more.

The obvious easter eggs were fun as well I gasped like mad when I saw The Captain's Shield. That was badass to the extreme.. Stupidly, the cinema I went to shut off the projector whilst the credits were rolling, nobody had left, they just shut it off so I didn't get the see the After Credit clip which I watched just now. And to that I can say: OMFGICANTWAITTHORSHAMMERISTOTALLYAWESOME
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CLASH OF THE TITANS gets 2/10!! Laughable. But loved Medusa (below)^^
The Killer (Region A Blu-ray) - 9/10.

The soundtrack was mono, but it is still a very good film. It is a 1989 film directed by John Woo and starring Chow Yun-Fat.
Tokyo Zombie

Manga have billed this as the Japanese Shaun of the Dead. A comparison that doesn’t do this film any favours.

Yes, this film does have an oddball male couple travelling around the capital city of their country amidst zombies. What this film lacks is the heart, the emotion, the make-up, the horror references and, unfortunately, the comedy.

Indeed, the atmosphere is oddly stilted and there are some great surreal moments but the comedy feels enervated and eventually so does the atmosphere. The characters are never relatable in the same way that the guys in Shaun of the Dead are and despite some inventive set pieces and ideas I lost interest half way through.

I really like zombie films so I was disappointed that this one didn't grab me like Shaun or Zombieland. I'm going to be generous and give it a 6 out of 10 because there were some funny moments.
Iron Man 2 - 8/10

For a sequel, it was very good and had a lot of funny moments to keep us entertained. Tony Stark is a very likeable character and despite the fact that he has a lightbulb where his heart should be, he's very human when compared to other typical Marvel movie protagonists... Anyway, I want an Iron Man suit! (and maybe that weird ornament on Pepper's desk...)
The disappearance of Alice Creed - 4/10
Friend of mine dragged me to see this and oh, boy ain't it boring?
I think it failed in its attempt to be to serious. All plot twists felt so unnatural and forced that it was simply impossible for me to enjoy it.

My friend of course hated the movie as well and couldn't stop talking in the middle of it, which caused other fellow cinema-goers to tell us to shut the f*** up.
Iron Man 2 had too much **** going on, it wasn't a bad film, I enjoyed it, but they definitely seemed to force S.H.I.E.L.D into it so they could get the ball rolling for the Avengers movie. Whiplash could have been developed better, Scarlett Johansson's character didn't really have much of a purpose, the way James Rhodes got War Machine didn't seem natural either. "Yo, Tony, I'm taking one of your prototypes. In a bit." then he just leaves with it and Tony is like "Well... damn." Justin Hammer was pretty annoying too, but I guess he -had- to be.

Decent movie, don't really think it tops the first one. 7/10
Shaolin Soccer (Region B blu-ray) - 9/10

A film with both kung-fu & football. Directed, written by and starring Stephen Chow. The only fault I can find with it is the lack of any extras.
Iron Man 2 - 7/10

Good, but not as good as the first film. Scarlett Johansson and Gwyneth Paltrow seemed underused while Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury seemed to be shoehorned in to tie Iron Man in with the Avengers.
Inglorious Basterds - 6/10

Had been looking forward to watching this one for a while as I really enjoyed some of Tarantino's movies, Pulp Fiction especially.

Obviously, I didn't expect a realistic portrayal of WWII ala Saving Private Ryan, but the silly 'history bending' plot became something of a mess by the end. Which is a shame because some of the acting and characters were really, really good.

His films are getting more and more self indulgent, I won't be holding out much hope of enjoying whatever he does next.
Four Lions

“Is the honey monster a bear?”

By the time you’ve heard this line of dialogue your sides will be splitting. Make it through the first 20 minutes and the laughs come rolling in.
This has to be one of the best films of the year so far.

Overall it’s a sad indictment of the stupidity of peer pressure and herd mentality but it delivers it through the stupidity of the terrorists. These guys are humanised and feel very real and therefore fallible so we can recognise and relate to them in certain ways. Everything about the characterisation and dialogue to the small details like news-reports and props are brilliantly thought out. It is genuinely hilarious, from the events building up to the terrorist act all the way through to the end.

Don’t read reviews or watch previews, just see this movie. Support British film!

^ I really do wanna check this out. Chris Morris is a very funny guy.

8/10 The Wrestler

Somewhat cliche "my life is terrible, only through doing what I love can I feel loved" but Mickey Rourke manages to make it very humanising and you really get caught up in it, because you're often wondering how much of the violence is real and how much is fake (I'm aware it's all fake but I mean in context of the wrestling) as a result, what would be pedestrian fight scenes in something like Transporter or whatever become intense bouts of "jeez that looked bad"
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