Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

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Sparrowsabre7 said:
^ I really do wanna check this out. Chris Morris is a very funny guy.

I thought A Prophet was going to be film of the year but Four Lions is brilliant and is joint first. I highly recommend it!
Big Man Japan - 5/10

The story of a modern day Japanese super hero in the classic Ultraman/Godzilla style. As the name suggests 'Big Man' has the ability to turn into a giant in order to fend off monsters threatening Tokyo.

It turned out to be not quite what I was expecting as much of the film is shot in a mock documentary style as it follows Big Man around in his day to day life. These long interview sections are interspersed with the occasional moster battle, filmed with terrible, cheapo CGI (until the end where they just give up and transport the whole thing to people fighting in rubber suits for no apparent reason).

Silly fight scenes aside, there's some really great comedic moments during the documentary segments and good acting too. But none of the film's sub plots are ever seemingly resolved and you get the feeling that far too much is getting lost in translation. The ending has some downright weird Japan/US symbolism going on but there's no real reason as to why the director chose to include it.

Might be worth checking out if you have a thing for the classic Japanese monster movies (and general weirdness) but the film just turns into too much of a mess by the end to be really worth reccomending.
Watched the following on Saturday,

The Sky Crawlers 8/10

The sound was very good as was the visuals for the dogfights. My main complaint would be the bland looking characters.
Watched a few movies in the BFI's anime weekend and also had a nice surprise, as the director & the producer of "Welcome to the space show" were present in the audience and did a great Q & A session after the movie. Oh, and I also got a goodie bag and a signed poster for being cheeky =)

Rebuild of Eva 1.11 and 2.0
1.11 adds nothing new, but awesome sounds and visuals to the first few episodes of the original series.

2.0 though is fantastic. In my opinion 2.0 is what Eva should be. It has the psychological drama, the action is amazing, the extra fights are great and it even has one more fan-servicy character.

I'd give an 8/10 to 1.11 and a 9/10 to 2.0
Fanboys will be fanboys after all.

Chocolate underground - 7/10
It's a likeable show, but it becomes funny for the wrong reasons. Their love of chocolate and analogies are a bit too much.
The social critique is interesting though. How the people's lack of interest in politics leads the "Good For You" party into power, which in turn bans all unhealthy sugary food.

Welcome to the space show - 9/10
This was definitely my favourite of them all. Great action & comedy, a nice view into the japanese countryside, great animation, an interesting ost and a sequence that would be amazing to watch while drunk / high.
It is also the most kid-oriented of the four movies, but definitely the most enjoyable one.
The Bad Lieutenant Port of Call: New Orleans

A film directed by Werner Herzog in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina with Nicolas Cage as a corrupt detective. I was expecting madness on the level of Aguirre or Fitzcarraldo. Indeed, this is possibly Herzog’s most conventional film ever. No bad thing because Nicolas Cage shines. However, I would have liked more singing Iguanas.

I loved Cage’s performance. He’s starred in some really bad films recently (remake of the Wicker Man, anybody?) but with this film, he pulls off a great performance. He is, insane and a increasingly unhinged drug-addled man on the edge doing some pretty nasty stuff yet remaining likeable throughout and that’s because he retains some humanity.

The supporting cast were good, Eva Mendes was great as his bad influence, high-class girlfriend, equally hooked on drugs yet making the second half of a cool couple.

Direction was solid. I think Herzog has been type-cast as crazy director who gets shot and lifts steamships over hills but it does feel like he's not trying that hard as the rest of the film didn't quite grab me the way his other films have. This left me feeling the film underused the New Orleans setting unlike the jungle settings of the films mentioned previously. Still, it was well put together. Any other director and the film world would sing their praises.

Overall, an enjoyable movie.

Did an all-nighter.


Yeah, so a lot of it was pretty silly and the cure to becoming human again was half-baked and probably thought up in about ten minutes. But as well as that there was several sub-plots which weren't really necessary, but still... I ******* loved it man. Sam Neill's performance pretty much carried the movie, then you have Willem Dafoe and uh... what the ****? Last time I saw him he was the only good character in Boondock Saints which was ultimately ruined by this scene Jesus Christ what a horrible film. But yeah, his character was so bad he was kind of good, I mean his name is Elvis so what can you expect?

Enjoyment score? 8/10 but as an actual film? I'm conflicted, I guess I'll just leave this one out.

Children of Men

More like: "Eden: It's An Endless World: The Movie" pretty much everyone died in this movie, EVERYONE. But I dig post-apocalyptic settings (Well, it's kind of post-apocalyptic) I haven't seen Clive Owen in much except Sin City and I just couldn't get the idea out of my head that CliffyB said he'd like him to play Marcus Fenix in the Gears of War movie. So when he's avoiding bullets and trying to progress through the area I just couldn't help but keep thinking about it. I also didn't care much for Julianne Moore's character, she came across as a bitch, but soon enough I started to like her then she died. I also really liked Clive Owen's character though, he was a bit of a **** but as the movie progresses he becomes far more likable as it goes along. Good movie.


The Elephant Man

First David Lynch film I've seen and I've got Blue Velvet ready to watch now. Some of the editing early in the film when switching between scenes seemed a bit sudden and I was like "Wait, did I just miss a scene?" But as the film went on it seemed more natural. Joseph Merrick will always be a sympathetic character and I'm not going to deny I felt for him at all. Holyshit, I cried like three times. Anthony Hopkin's performance was great too. Best movie I saw tonight, not sure what to expect from Blue Velvet except if I like it my hipster cred will go up.


Now I've got...

Logan's Run
District 9
The Big Lebowski
Blue Velvet
Dead Mans Shoes
Raging Bull
Boogie Nights

Not sure which order to go with them, although I know I DEFINITELY want to watch Dead Mans Shoes first and then Logan's Run. Guess I won't be watching anime for a while.
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Oldboy: 8/10 I totally called the twist as soon as he said you look familiar but it was still a very entetaining film. I like the openness of the ending.
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Instant Swamp: 8/10 it maintained a good pace and managed to remain funny throughout the entire movie
Black Death

The latest film by Christopher Smith (Severance, Creep, Triangle), Black Death manages to re-create a palpable atmosphere of horror that the plague might bring. Within the first twenty minutes the camera has detailed piled bodies, plague pits, and the dead and dying lying scattered on the streets.

The characters are all interesting especially Carice van Houten and a typically reliable Sean Bean occupying directly opposite ideologies.

It is solidly made, the story is interesting, it tackles theological questions and the acting is good so it should work but the story is slight. Relationships are never really established between characters to a degree deep enough to make me care.

As a result the last fifteen minutes which should have been a rollercoaster ride of darkness and emotion felt hollow.


Did I hate it? I loved it. I loved it purely because it was entertaining. Yes it is derivative and far-fetched and full of clichés but it has genuinely surreal moments, great performances and pop-culture references (Lara Croft really does beat the boys).

The plot revolves around a botched jewellery heist that involves four college girls and their circle of friends. The film is told from their individual perspectives over the course of three days and the two cities the film takes place in. For the first half of the film you’ll be guessing where this is going.

The narrative leans heavily towards a film like Go with its fast-paced multiple narratives and boundless energy.

These girls seem the unlikeliest of friends but the fact that their great performances sold it. I was charmed by the film’s good-nature and humorousness that even the violence and sex is fun.

Please Give

I think I went into this expecting an intelligent comedy centred on New Yorkers like a Woody Allen film. This does not paint a good picture of New Yorkers. Or people for that matter.

Nicole Holofcener has made a film that has convincing characters with neuroticism and obsessions that feel real. These characters are not one dimensional they are flawed, hurt and hurt each other. It strikes home in the bitchiness and ego the characters evince out of one another.

Everybody gives great performances and the relationships worked despite some dodgy subplots.

London Assurance

Yes, I know it's a stage play and I know that today is the last day it will be performed this season but it has to be one of the best things I have seen.

It's a hilarious comedy and had me laughing throughout the duration. The performances were uniformly excellent. Simon Russell Beale as the preening fop Sir Harcourt Courtly and Fiona Shaw Lady Gay Spanker are just wonderful and I'd love to see it again.

I've seen a fu*kload of films, as I always do, although yesterday I went to the cinema. Saw Get Him To The Greek. 6-7/10. It's stupid, a bit jarring at times but features some good performances and laughs.

It's complete and utter crap compared to Forgetting Sarah Marshall though.

7.5/10 It was enjoyable better than the other sequels (and I rather liked AVP2). The acting was good, was surprised to see Brody being a badass, but he did it. Laurence Fishburne was awesomely insane too XP. Lots of cues taken from the first film, music, quotes, scorpion stabbing. (No GET TO DA CHOPPA =()
I'll just post what I posted on another forum. Sorry for my laziness. :p
Finally some sci-fi. I thought Predators was just as good as its predecessors. Except for the special effects, not really much improved.
Luckily they gave it a medium screening room (for a second I thought I'd get that small one on either corner, and that would've been bad). A lady next to my friend who smelled like the inside of my mom's purse, and a friend asking me whether or not I'd do her... yes, I'm not really fond of having experienced a different version of Ookami-san's narrator in real life.
I consider Predator a classic, and I grew up with it, so I don't think the possibility of me disliking it ever existed.
I'd recommend it if you liked the previous ones (specifically the first and second). Although it was slightly different this time with a bit of info about the Predators added, and less Predators appearances compared to Alien vs Predator. This time though, they're back in the jungle and it was pretty nostalgic.
Hmm, rating. I'd probably give it a biased 8, or a harsh 7 for the lack of originality.

Also watched Death at a Funeral about 3 weeks ago, did anyone else watch it?
I thought it was hilarious. I don't think I've ever laughed that much because of a film.
As a comedy title I'd give it a 10, as long as the audience isn't easily insulted by some nasty jokes.
Predators - 7/10

Just got back from seeing it. It weren't a bad film and was enjoyable as long as you leave your brain at the door, but it had a fair few "...Really now -_-" parts and it could have been so much better. A lot was left unexplained throughout the film which didn't help and the whole Japanese-Yakuza-guy-being-the-one-to-conveniently-finding-a-katana-and-having-a-generic-samurai-style-duel lost the film a few points for me.

Overall I don't consider it a waste of money and it's worth seeing just so long as your expectations aren't too high and you're not intent on comparing it to the original Predator film :D
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