Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

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mangaman74 said:
Dune 8/10

This is the cult classic 1984 David Lynch film. If it was made today it would no doubt be chock full of CGI.
I don't understand Dune. I can normally get to grasps with cult films, but everything that happened just was meandering and ridiculous in it. I am definitely not part of that cult. The whole thing reminds me of The Last Airbender actually. What makes you like it? Nostalgia?
I think people likes dune for the books, rather than the film. The film just became an addition and surprisingly, it makes perfect sense to fans of the book.
Jayme said:
Dune [...] What makes you like it? Nostalgia?

It's got Sting in it! Need I say more? Would be interesting to see what would be done with it today if it was remade, but I prefer the book: the universe Frank Herbert created is just so rich (random trivia: apparently very popular in Muslim countries as it has parallels with the life of the Prophet Mohammed).

Children of Men
So, all women are infertile. Extinction within three generations or so. This is the premise behind what is a much deeper piece of sci-fi than I initially gave it credit for. It's bleak visually, there's a load of symbolism in there, and the ending is left somewhat open (Cuarón is seemingly not big on expository film). This one's about the journey.

The cinematography is stunning, with a load of single-shot scenes (with the help of some CGI) that are just amazing to watch. For anyone with an interest in the technical side, the ambush scene making-of is worth a look.

8/10 - may increase with a repeat viewing.

I thought A Prophet would be film of the year. Few other titles came close to taking the crown despite the overall quality of releases this year as opposed to last. Then Inception entered the fight.

A team of thieves can enter into peoples dreams and take secrets. Leonardo DiCaprio is the best extractor in the business but is hired by a businessman to perform a high-stakes heist in reverse.

This SHOULD sweep the awards. I've not seen a screening room this packed since Spirited Away and just like that film, everybody in the audience was gripped.

This has to be the smartest, most complex, best acted block-buster since the 80's.

The plot is labyrinthine but never out of control because Christopher Nolan has managed this operatic piece brilliantly. Every twist and reaction is well handled and the special effects are brilliant - and most importantly they are tangible - thus making the dream sequences even more incredible.

There are so many highlights from the compelling characters (which are brilliantly acted by the ensemble cast) to the James Bond-esque action sequences that show Hollywood/British ingenuity at its best.

I loved this film. Yes, it's more about the ideas as opposed to the emotions but what the hell, we cannot and should not watch Iron Man, Sex and the City and Transformers all the time.

10/10 Film of the year! Game Over! Everybody else go home!

Watch it or die.

Let's make this number one in the charts people!
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Dr Strangelove or exceedingly long subtitle 8/10

Great film, unusually straight for the first 20 mins or so and intercut with the kind of military fetishism that would make michael bay blush. Still great film, very funny.
Inception, 8/10.

I can't give it a 10 because the beginning is filled with some of the clunkiest and most expository dialogue I've heard in the longest time. I was worried if this film was for me, because I was legitimately bored. Once it kicked off (around the time with Page first bends her dreamscape), it becomes quite fun to watch even if everyone is basically vessels to tell some larger story. It really does end with something of a crescendo, but I had issues with the pacing leading up to it. It was getting climatic, but a drawback of telling such a dense story is that the scenes that needed to be sped up a bit - couldn't be sped up because the plot needed to move along. That being said, I couldn't be more happy with the ending. Great acting, suitable score and wonderful ideas... its quite a feat and definitely a Nolan film.
Oh yeah, I watched Toy Story 3 at the IMAX yesterday. 9.5/10. Toy Story is quite simply, the best trilogy ever. Really good 3D as well. I didn't like it for Up but it really worked and added to it for this.
Toy Story 3
usually the conclusion of a Trilogy is rather dissapointing, but not in this case

maybe it has something to do with the fact that i am a massive Toy Story fan, i actually worn out most of the cassette tape for Toy Story 1 as a child, that's how much i loved that movie, overally it was fantastic, the first 10 minutes is a homage to all the guys and girls who watched the firts two movies during their childhood, almost every reference is there, from the "Attack Dog with built in forcefield" right up to "Death by Monkeys", just about everything you could think of, well, maybe with the exception of a "hey look! I'm Picasso!" from Mr Potatohead

it is an amazing movie, one that will definately appeal to everyone of all ages, whether it be kids who are only just getting into Toy Story, or high schoolers and college/uni students who enjoed the first two movies as children, there is something there for everyone, and i mean everyone. :)
I was tearing up at the beginning home-video clips.

One of the other things I liked, they successfully escaped from Sunnyside. A few times during that, I kept thinking they were going to get caught and get chucked back in. A tiresome formula done in many films, but this broke it (in my mind) and every scene felt like it was moving the story forward. It's weird to see how the animation has progressed as well, the detail on the toys is nothing less than astounding.

Oh, and the Day & Night short. It was quality.
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I knew nothing of Gainsbourg before watching the film but now I have a new found appreciation for the chap. So this biopic does work.

The film follows the life of Serge Gainsbourg from his childhood in Nazi occupied France through to his blossoming dominance of French music relationships and his marriage to Jane Birkin.

The film was exciting, imaginative and light-hearted. It captured Gainsbourg’s genius and precocious intelligence in an always amusing and sometimes surreal manner. The performances were uniformly excellent (and there were so many sexy French women 8)!

I enjoyed it tremendously.

I watched Tron. It was acceptable. I can't help think it was [for its time] a mix between Inception and Avatar. All superficial and action-packed, with a somewhat geeky/intelligent driving force. I got quite into it and now at least I'm prepared for the Tron franchise boom coming later this year. I initially thought I had seen the film and heck, I might have at some stage but I couldn't remember any details about it for the life of me.

Erm, 7/10.

(It has to be said, I was disappointed by how little the lightbikes were in the film. They are iconic and they were in it... what? 5-6 minutes tops? - odd.)


I just watched St. Elmo's Fire. That was also acceptable. Joel Schumacher is definitely no John Hughes and that's all I can really say about that. 7/10.
There Will Be Blood: 10/10

Marvellous. It's basically Citizen Kane for the incredibly cynical and misanthropic: As a result, it manages to be better than Citizen Kane. In fact, it is probably one of the greatest films ever made. The contrast of the central characters as business / religious fraudsters was masterful. Daniel and Eli are exactly the same kind of hateful, selfish person but locked in a symbiotic relationship where they need each other just as much as they despise each other. There are no heroes in this film. Just horribly flawed human beings, fighting for no other reason than to feed their own egos.

There is a conversation in the middle of the film between Daniel and Henry. I have honestly never been so simultaneously surprised, giddy and saddened all at once. Because I recognised myself there in a bemusing but disturbing way. And as if that wasn't enough so did my fellow viewers.

Plainview: Are you an angry man, Henry?
Henry: About what?
Plainview: Are you envious? Do you get envious?
Henry: I don't think so. No.
Plainview: I have a competition in me. I want no one else to succeed. I hate most people.
Henry: That part of me is gone... working and not succeeding- all my failures has left me... I just don't... care.
Plainview: Well, if it's in me, it's in you. There are times when I look at people and I see nothing worth liking. I want to earn enough money that I can get away from everyone.
Henry: What will you do about your boy?
Plainview: I don't know. Maybe it will change. Does your sound come back to you? I don't know. Maybe no one knows that. A doctor might not know that.
Henry: Where is his mother?
Plainview: I don't want to talk about those things. I see the worst in people. I don't need to look past seeing them to get all I need. I've built my hatreds up over the years, little by little, Henry... to have you here gives me a second breath. I can't keep doing this on my own with these... people.
I'm... not sure how to feel about that, having lines lifted from my favourite drunken speeches that way. Anyway see this bloody film. And if you don't like it you're wrong.
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The Crazies.

The exact sort of "survival horror" movie that I've been in the mood for the past couple of weeks (on a Shiki-inspired horror binge atm), everything that a remake of a classic should be AND MORE. Get that as box quote right now, Sir.

Scott Pilgrim Vs The World, 10/10. Spoilers for the books and film. This is just me venting and getting my thoughts straight, as always.

I loved it and I'm eager to see it again. I initially felt it stumbled for its first few scenes (basically up until Clash and The Boys appear and/or Ramona) so some of O'Malley's lines worked better in the comic. Once we're at the Rockit, its amazing. Edgar Wright has such a vision on the story that it worked perfectly. Kieran Culkin made Wallace Wells his own. He absolutely killed it and surprisingly, so did Michael Cera - I think at the same time the film clicked, he clicked - and became Scott through and through.

I enjoyed the use of Subspace and although I would have liked to see what The Glow would look like in real life, it would have just made it more complicated towards the end - in which I thought they used parts of the final book very effectively. I thought Scott's Understanding towards Gideon (played with perfection by Jason Schwartzman) worked much better in the film and Knives being angry towards Ramona also worked very well considering. How Scott gives all the character resolutions ("Your now called Neil!") was something I wasn't really expecting but was glad it happened. In that entire final scene, I would say that Scott's death wasn't shocking enough - I would have loved for it to have been a bit more dramatic or that might have just been me knowing it was coming at some stage. Interesting development for Knives as well. Knives gets a bit shafted at some points of the book so it was great to see her to stay consistent. I was somewhat let down that Scott didn't fight the Katayanagi's robots. but that ended up being something of an epic and hilarious battle. "Come on, he's Scott Pilgrim!" Roxy was... interesting as well.

I laughed out loud at Nega-Scott. I never, ever thought he would appear and it was kinda great the way that played out. I liked the way the book resolved the band stuff better though. As great as it was for Young Neil to become the bassist, I missed Kim and Scott still being in a sucky ass band.

There were some good throwbacks to the book as well, Honest Ed's in the background after the Todd Ingram fight, Scott mentioning Lisa Miller. The use of O'Malley drawing's for the past was also great and Scott's hair! Brilliant!

tl;dr - It's completely unlike anything else out there, ever.
28 Weeks Later - 7/10

okay horror film, only watched it because my family were, not really a horror fan tbh, plus I had a bit too much cider, lol
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