Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

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Did Asian Film for activities week in college:

The Happiness of the Katakuri's

Decent film, even though pretty much EVERYONE who watched it didn't like it, but they still laughed at the comical moments, I never laughed at it, like... once, but it was an extremely entertaining piece of film for me. Can't say it's an instant favourite, but I'd watch it again if offered. 7/10

Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance

A lot of people liked this, but only because of the violent content. I liked it a lot myself, not for all the violence though, it was a pretty tragic movie I mean like when the loli died and Ryu's sister killing herself ZOMG. Good film. 8/10
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Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street - 8/10.

It was great, but a lot of it didn't make sense (probably because I wasn't paying attention) and too many songs were filler.
Lupus Inu said:
Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance

A lot of people liked this, but only because of the violent content. I liked it a lot myself, not for all the violence though, it was a pretty tragic movie I mean like when the loli died and Ryu's sister killing herself ZOMG. Good film. 8/10

Have you seen Oldboy? It's basically the spiritual sequel to Sympathy and it's amazing. [/spoiler]
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I watched the first hour or so AGES ago on Film4, it had critical acclaim and a lot of people loved it, it was a decent watch from what I saw, then I fell asleep. Same thing happened to me with Shaolin Soccer and I was loving that, haha.
The Incredible Hulk 8/10

Great popcorn movie and has everything you could want from a superhero moive (though not quite as good as Iron Man). Speaking of which, Strark's cameo at the end, swish, can't wait for the Avengers movie!
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eggybob said:
The Incredible Hulk 8/10

Great popcorn movie and has everything you could want from a superhero moive (though not quite as good as Iron Man). Speaking of which, Strark's cameo at the end, swish, can't wait for the Avengers movie!

You'll be waiting a while for that like since they still need a Cap America movie (which is in production i believe) and possibly a Thor movie
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I can't see in any way how a Captain America movie could possibly be good. Though on the Incredible Hulk I wish they'd put the Stark cameo after the credits like Sam J in Iron Man, it kinda left the ending flat.
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Sy said:
I can't see in any way how a Captain America movie could possibly be good. Though on the Incredible Hulk I wish they'd put the Stark cameo after the credits like Sam J in Iron Man, it kinda left the ending flat.

No cap, being the comic nerd i am i know that Cap America replaced the hulk after a couple of issues of the avengers. The orginal line up was:
Iron Man
Ant-man (A super hero who can grow and shrink and wait for it. . . control ants. Oh and has self esteem issues about his size and therefore beats his wife.)
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Thing is though they've already dropped the hints about Cap though, and Marvel have said that Cap will be in an Avengers movie, though for it to work i would like to see the Cap movie be set in WW2 instead of following the plot ofthe previous Cap America movie
eggybob said:
Ant-man (A super hero who can grow and shrink and wait for it. . . control ants. Oh and has self esteem issues about his size and therefore beats his wife.)

You've gotta be making that up lmao
sorry people for laughing at domestic violence but seriously? is that true?

And from what i can remember cap america and wolverine were a tie into the WWII plot, So expect to see some kind of cheap flashback on that.
Tachi- said:
eggybob said:
Ant-man (A super hero who can grow and shrink and wait for it. . . control ants. Oh and has self esteem issues about his size and therefore beats his wife.)

You've gotta be making that up lmao
sorry people for laughing at domestic violence but seriously? is that true?

Yeah that is true, he's not making it up :)
Wild Hogs - 6/10 - not a great movie but still funny, although travolta was annoying in it William H Macy really made me smile.

Oh and the cameo of John C. McGinley (Dr Cox from Scrubs) as a gay cop is one of the best bits of the movie
5cm per second - 10 / 10
the girl who leapt through time - 9 /10
Place promised in our early days 7 / 10 After seen the previous two, this one didn't seen as a good ending for the weekend, but still a good film.
Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence - 8/10

A brilliantly even handed war film with a wonderful soundtrack and a performance by David Bowie that proves he can stand up with the best. The performances all round are natural and believable.

I have a feeling that CGeek might like this one.

Star Trek: Nemesis - 5/10

I've never been a huge fan of the Star Trek franchise but it certainly does have it's moments and I have a soft spot for the Next Generation since it's one of the shows I grew up with. That's what left me conflicted, for a farewell movie to The Next Generation cast it seemed rather sloppy and events were forced with the writers feeling that they just had to kill off a main character (Data) since it's probably the last big outing of the cast. It tried to be an action movie but the action wasn't that exciting and lacked tension, though it was amusing to see Patrick Stewart take such great pleasure driving a dune buggy.

Another piece of my childhood memoreis that fell butter side down.

Groundhog Day - 9/10

One of my favourites. Funny and quite moving at points. I like the darker turn in the middle of the film which leads to his revelation. Given the amount of times he was forced to repeat the same events it made his transformation into the person you see at the end of the film seem just that little more authentic.
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