Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

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Iron Man - 6/10

I actually didnt hate it as much as I thought I would considering i've never been an Iron Man fan. Always had a dislike for the comics along with Fantasic 4 and Spiderman for some reason...
Lord Of War - 8/10 - I love this film, especially the scene where they land and strip the whole plane in record time.
Hancock - 6/10

Pretty much what I expected, the outcome is obvious before you even go in. Fun movie and don't regret that I went to see it because we had a great time and there were some genuinely funny (laugh out loud) moments in there. Will Smith was great as always but at points I did feel that it was his natural charisma carrying the movie. There's a lot to not like about this movie (the plot twist about the guys wife being immortal as well was one of them for me) but I won't let that dwell and just accept that it was a fun watch although I probably wouldn't want to see it again anytime soon.

One thing I hated was the repeated 'call me an asshole/crazy once more' lines. That kind of forcing of a catchphrase during the run of a movie seems like it should have died in the 90's.
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Be Kind Rewind

Very nice movie. I expected it to be a "lolz foonay" spoof movie for some reason, but it isn't at all. Very enjoyable and lighthearted.
Be Kind Rewind - 6.5/10

There was a lot going against this film for me. On top of finding most of the performances managing to just be average I usually can't stand Jack Black's 'acting'. However in this case something seemed to hit the right places. I'm holding this more on the wonderful direction and the complimenting story though. It was a surprisingly decent watch since I was expecting nothing at all. Probably something I'd even take the time to give a rewatch at some point. Not bad at all.
Hancock 6.5

It just wasn't as good after he sobered up, with some bad choices in character outcomes but it had it's brilliant laugh out loud moments. I'd recommend it, would make a great comic book series. Jason Bateman is great, i just could stop thinking it's Michael Bluth. Any Arrested Development fans out here?
Kung Fu Panda - 8.5/10

What can I say? This was a great movie! We all enjoyed it and here's the low down. The music was fantastic and had that traditional chinese vibe to it whilst still sounding modern, none of the characters burst into song, the action was entertaining with more realistic (though still over the top) physics than you would expect, no pointless love interest and some genuinely funny moments. All in all one of the best CGI animated films I've seen.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III .....6/10

Seriously, I missed it when I was a kid, so it was nice to go back and watch the slight naff-ness of it all. Well, I enjoyed it.
Not much of a chick flick fan, but when I'm watchig zombie horrors or action movies all the time, you have to take one for the misses. Was actually a pritty good film. Bit sad like but easy going at the same time. Was a definately a good Sunday night viewing type of film.
Earlier today I saw..


I really don't know whether I enjoyed it, I didn't really expect how hard-on a film it actually is. I'm not sure if its going to go down as easy as all the others. Basically, The film is saying:


The first twenty minutes of Wall·E without any dialogue is actually one of the best Disney/Pixar moments they've ever created (and it looked even more frickin' amazing due to the Digital HD Screen, I saw it at). Then, after that it seemed to turn into a lecture from Disney/Pixar about how Americans/The World have simplified their life's and made electronics and corporations do everything for everyone (in doing so, polluting the world to a unstable mess), so the actual role of a human being becomes smaller. When I first came out of the film, for quite a while I was actually wondering how it was going down and if I actually liked the movie. I'm still unsure whether I enjoyed it.

Visually one of the most amazing things, Ever. Wall·E is a brilliant character and the romance elements of the film are also very good but the real "story" of the film (which seemingly seems to be left out side of most trailers/reviews/etc) is a bit strong, although I have no problem with it. I still found it a bit shocking. It also seemed to go straight over the heads of most Americans in the cinema (and even on the internet). Not good really. The musical score of the movie is the general Disney/Pixar classic cartoon fare.

Rating, I really dunno. 7.4/10, Maybe. I originally thought about a 6 but I think my opinion will change over time.

Disney/Pixar films have always been a little bit preachy, I know, but, seriously...

(By the by, Yes, I sort've know I missed out of some of the other points the movie picked on)

EDIT: God, This post is long and ugly. Anyway, I've begun to like the movie. My rating still stands, but on a slightly different basis.
The Dear Hunter 10/10 for me. Tense and extreme film and an all time must see IMO. The Russion Roulette scene still gives me goose pimples!
Wall-e 9/10

The Happening 4/10
Just no. Poor acting and poor scripting.

Seeing Wanted tonight and that looks pretty good.
eggybob said:
Seeing Wanted tonight and that looks pretty good.

Good luck, if it's as bad as the graphic novel then your in for a shock lol.

Can't wait to see Wall-E, didn't think it was out yet
Old Boy - 7/10
I watched this film after being recommended it incessantly by a friend, (not incest-antly but i'll get to that), and thought it was great, the cool scene where he's fighting those guys in the hallway with a knife sticking out of his back for most of it was one of my faviourate parts, if not my faviourate.
But the ending left me with a strange expression and a sickly feeling in my stomach, that was definetly the ultimate revenge but I felt positively revolted and wondered how messed up the writer must be. Either way it was definetly worth a watch and I couldn't help but draw some parallels with The Trumann Show at earlier parts.
I'd love to hear what other people thought of this film as well.
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