Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

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@Sy: I love Groundhog Day! Bill Murray at his finest (second only to Lost In Translation I reckon).

Iron Man: 7/10

Not bad as superhero movies go (not that I've seen many) but I agree with Empire in saying that the inevitable sequel is going to be better. This is just laying the groundwork I suppose.

Robert Downey Jr is several shades of awesome though, as always.

Batman Begins: 8/10
My superhero movie education continues...

I enjoyed the darkness and moral questioning of this movie, plus the fact that something as silly as a fighter for justice dressing up as a bat was made to look sensible and convincing.

There were so many famous names in supporting roles too: Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine, Gary Oldman...Christian Bale added some excellent pathos and angst to his role. I'm quite looking forward to watching the Dark Knight now.
Martin said:
@Sy: I love Groundhog Day! Bill Murray at his finest (second only to Lost In Translation I reckon).
I'm yet to really see that all the way through. I might have to pick it up on DVD tomorrow. :)

I agree with Batman Begins too. I don't particually like superhero comics but these new Batman films with the more grounded approah really appeal to me. For once a lot of thought and depth was put into the man behind the mask, I've found that a lot of the time you're just waiting for them to become the superhero. Christian Bale put up a performance that made Bruce Wayne equally as compelling as when he became Batman and that is worthy of praise all round.

I might give it a slightly higher rating of 9 though. ;)
The Incredible Hulk - 6.5

Good, not too bad are words your most likely to hear when this film is mentioned. It's fun with some witty dialogue, good acting and cracking fight scenes but it does tend to drag in places. It's no Iron Man by a long shot.
One missed call - 8/10
Funny how japanese horror is basically variations of the same theme and still, very scary...

Sy said:
Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence - 8/10

A brilliantly even handed war film with a wonderful soundtrack and a performance by David Bowie that proves he can stand up with the best. The performances all round are natural and believable.

I have a feeling that CGeek might like this one.
Actually, it's OST is credited to Ryuichi Sakamoto and the song forbidden colours is Sakamoto + Sylvian, not Bowie. BTW, Takeshi Kitano is awesome. Zatoichi is a must see. He plays sargeant Sagara, if I recall correctly.
And, yes, it sounds like the kind of movie for CG =P

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/x1YkHJJi-tc&hl=en"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/x1YkHJJi-tc&hl=en" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Sy said:
Groundhog Day - 9/10
One of my favourites. Funny and quite moving at points. I like the darker turn in the middle of the film which leads to his revelation. Given the amount of times he was forced to repeat the same events it made his transformation into the person you see at the end of the film seem just that little more authentic.
One word for Groundhog Day - Genius.

About Lost in Translation that Martin cites, sometimes I feel like I'm in that movie... xD
chaos said:
Actually, it's OST is credited to Ryuichi Sakamoto and the song forbidden colours is Sakamoto + Sylvian, not Bowie. BTW, Takeshi Kitano is awesome. Zatoichi is a must see. He plays sargeant Sagara, if I recall correctly.
I know. I meant Bowie's performance as Jack Celliers. The mime scene when he's being led out of his cel was great. ;)
White Noise - 8/10; Very effective, and entertaining, horror/thriller movie. The pacing is great, the acting is good, though the ending is truncated and seems to be removed from the flow of the rest of the movie. Well worth the watch, I think.
The assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford - 1/10 I've dropped it midways... too boring, too slow, not enganging... :( really unimpressed.
Batman: Gotham Knight - 7/10

Some sections were better than others however all were very high quality with 'Field Test' and 'Working Through Pain' being my favourite segments. I would be quite happy to watch an entire anime series based around the style of either of those. A good watch though not as close to the style of the Nolan movies as I would have hoped since that's what they were marketing it as.
ps I love you - 8/10 very touching movie. It's been a while sice I last watched a romcom this good.
Ratatouille 9/10.

All together a very enjoyable film, which had me laughing many a time. Nice well paced story, with amazing animation.

My dad has just bought a new LCD TV and Blu-Ray player, so as I was going down to visit for the weekend I decided to pick up a film to try out his new kit as he had not bought any Blu-Rays.

Have to say the film is stunning in Blu-Ray.
Jumper - 8/10 - definately a great script and a well played out film, although the ending seems wrong in so many ways

Samual L Jackson should play more bad guys, he does nasty really well.
I missed the beginning but Hairspray was on today.

It was actually quite enjoyable. It was so cheesy but I liked it. None of the songs stood out immensely and the story isn't great but its a okay musical, with a fair amount of actors. Travolta dressed up as that women was quite odd, Didn't really like him in it. Can't say I took to many of the characters in it, either. Even though I liked some of the actors beforehand. It took me to about 3/4 of the movie before I thought it was any decent.

Rambo IV - 7/10 - a true 80's style action movie, sooooo much blood but I have to say I loved every action packed minute, took me back to remembering why i loved the first movie so much
Evan Almighty 7/10 Funnier than I was expecting and a breath of fresh air compaired to The Heartbreak Kid with Ben Stiller I watched the night before which I gave a low 4/10. What were the Farrelly Bros thinkng?
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