Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

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Crank - 9/10

Action packed all the way through. Although, I couldn't help but think they could of made it longer and explained more things.
What Happens In Vegas - 8/10

This film surprised me and did have quite a lot of funny moments; a lot more than I expected, anyway. It was a little on the "cheesy-side", but the comedy more than made up for it.

Jack: "Your name is Banger? Dick Banger? Oho, that's just gave us jokes for the whole weekend!"
Everyone Else: "...*GASP*"
Dick: ".... .... .... ...Jack, right?"
Jack: "Yeah?"
Dick: "Jack...off! Jack-off, Get it? Jack off!"
Everyone else: "......*Lol?*"
Cloverfield 10/10

Not just one of the best monster films out recently but one of the better films to come out recently.

Different visually, and with one of the most intense last hours in film history, I'm just hoping for a sequel.
Cloverfield was awesome, finally, someone who actually agrees with me, although I'm waiting for the sequal to be announced and it turns out to be a Gantz LA movie.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original) - 6

I honestly thought the remake was TEN times better. Everything in the original irked me somewhat; the quality of film, actors, voices, effects-- everything.

Jessica Alba + breasteseseses FTW.
The Kingdom - 6 / 10 - the ending scene was brilliant
28 weeks later - 7 / 10 - I prefer 28 days, but this is a great addition to the franchise
I am legend - 9 / 10 - Ain't Will Smith good or what?
The Incredible Hulk - 9/10

Went to see this today, expecting a load of shite but instead, it surprised me. The characters are much better and the plot are much better than in the First Hulk film, tenfold. It would have a 10/10... but it does have it's generic/cheesy moments.
Die Hard 4.0 - 7/10 - Keep your expectations down. That's the trick

Night watch - 8/10 - A great surprise for me.
Futurama: The Beast With A Million Backs.

It was quite bad, to be honest, Its pains me to say this about Futurama but It just wasn't that funny. The plot was messy, It took too long for it to start, meaningless things happened. I was expecting something much more on-par with the level of storytelling that was in Bender's Big Score and that the movie would continue on from that film.. I mean, Except for the universe cracking at the end of the first film, It was completely separate. No cliff-hanger, either. ;/ I suppose the next movie will be good.

It had character fan-service, also.


It could've been worse.
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Well hearing that's put a damper on the new Futurama movie for me... I'll still check it out of course but the story for the next movie doesnt sound too great either.

The Incredible Hulk - 7.5/10

I enjoyed it a lot more than I was expecting to. The pacing was a lot better than in Hulk which was the main problem I had with it and everything looked really grounded and gritty. Not the greatest movie ever but really solid entertainment and something I'd watch again quite comfortably.
Full Metal Jacket 9/10

The training camp half is probably some of the best film ever.

This is my rifle, this is my gun.
This ones for fighting, the ones for fun.

Second half is still good but no way near as good as the first half.
Jayme said:
Futurama: The Beast With A Million Backs.

It was quite bad, to be honest, Its pains me to say this about Futurama but It just wasn't that funny. The plot was messy, It took too long for it to start, meaningless things happened. I was expecting something much more on-par with the level of storytelling that was in Bender's Big Score and that the movie would continue on from that film.. I mean, Except for the universe cracking at the end of the first film, It was completely separate. No cliff-hanger, either. ;/ I suppose the next movie will be good.

It had character fan-service, also.


It could've been worse.

I agree, also the films ending was well. . .meh. Still quite a few funny one liners


Playtime is fun!!!!
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Futurama: Beast With A Billion Backs - 5.5/10 (and I'm stretching that really)

Ugh, Jayme was right sadly. I could excuse some of the problems I had with the first movie like some extremely pointless cameos because it was funny and the storyline was clever whilst being tied back into the series continuity. Beast with a Billion Backs has a similar problem with too many pointless cameos and it just wasn't all that funny. Sure it wasn't terrible but I expected more of the same quality from Bender's Big Score (or the majority of the series) and it doesn't deliver. It plays like an extended episode and that's not good enough when you're telling a story the length of a movie.

I just hope the next two movies get back on track. They need to stop trying to please everyone and just focus on telling a good story.
Last movie I watched for the first time.... was, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I didn't like it too much. ._. It got really weird at the end. o_O Aliens? But, the only other Indy (as in Indiana Jones) film I've ever really watched was The Raiders of the Lost Ark when I was 5, and my brother said that the end scared the bejeebus out of me.
Vinnie said:
Last movie I watched for the first time.... was, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I didn't like it too much. ._. It got really weird at the end. o_O Aliens? But, the only other Indy (as in Indiana Jones) film I've ever really watched was The Raiders of the Lost Ark when I was 5, and my brother said that the end scared the bejeebus out of me.
Spoilers!!!! :'(
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