Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

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Iron Man 7/10

Went to see it today.Not bad,cetainly better than I was expecting.Robert Downey jr plays the lead character very well and really carries the film.My only complaint is that all good superheroes need a good super villan as a foil and this is were the film fails.Hopefully they will have a better one for the sequel.
Lupus Inu said:
The whole thing felt like SotC, which is a beautiful game, so Hero visual-wise was a beautiful film, fighting was still terrible though.

Liquid Skin said:
Anyways - I Am Legend

Pretty good, about average really, i wasnt around when it came out but apparently to a lot of people it was a big disappointment. Well considering i watched it with no expectations....not too bad for a complete 28 days later rip off 7.5/10

I Am Legend - Publication Date: 1954

28 Days Later - November 1st 2002



then again he must have meant the movies...i never knew that these two were based on existing novels.
Yep, meant the movies.

Besides that doesnt stop Equilibrium from kicking 1984s ass does it?

Im guessing they didnt do a very faithful reproduction of Legend either. Would have loved to hear more about the virus but all we get is "umm yeah turns you into angry vampires yo" 28 Days Later at least had some explanation, im all for "the mystery" but the film didnt really go down the arthouse route.
Iron man.

10/10. Went to see it a while ago, first day it came out; The preview ;D.

Really cool, worth watching if you havent already - Especially awesome on the big screen! ;D
Passenger 57 - 8/10

Some really cheesy lines are included in this, but that adds to the humour (though it's genre is supposed to be action o_O). Good acting by Wesley Snipes though and it's a good film to watch when you're bored, shitless.
Persepolis - 9/10 it's only not getting a 10, because I don't really like that kind of animation. And they speak french! =P

I want to go on a movie spree... Want to see in bruges, iron man and speed racer... Will let you guys know the results shortly.

Liquid Skin said:
Yep, meant the movies.

Besides that doesnt stop Equilibrium from kicking 1984s ass does it?

Im guessing they didnt do a very faithful reproduction of Legend either. Would have loved to hear more about the virus but all we get is "umm yeah turns you into angry vampires yo" 28 Days Later at least had some explanation, im all for "the mystery" but the film didnt really go down the arthouse route.

there is a "I am legend" movie. Only it's called the omega man and was released before I was born... and I'm old for most people's standard.. at least here :D


mainly in the original they were more like vampires, than zombies..
Iron man 8/10

Great cast (Robert Downey Jr. stole the show, good humour but weak villian fight. Sequel will be awesome though.
Saw What Happens In Vegas last night.

Decent enough. Diaz has lost it big style...it looks like she's either had (bad) plastic surgey on her lower face, or some kinda allergic reaction. She looks very fake compared to how she used to.

Worth a watch anyway...got some chuckles out of me, and didn't have to resort to "lol look at how disgusting and offensive we can be!" to get laughs.
What Happens in Vegas... - 6/10
Has its moments and laughs, though quite predictable in terms of the plot and characters etc...
The new indy 8/10

Better than Temple of Doom, worse than Raiders and Last crusade.

If i write about the plot i'd fill it with spoilers, so i won't.
Don't get why Temple of Doom is everyone's least favourite Indy film. To me it was the best of the original trilogy with the Last Crusade being the still brilliant yet weakest.
The exorcism of Emily Rose - 8 / 10 surprisingly good. I was expecting more of a horror movie though.
After seeing the cool packaging for the region2 release i thought i'd watch the Death Note movie. Kinda wished i hadn't


Pros: The story obviously and the lead actors were good.

Cons: Weak CGI, most characters are badly acted (i.e. every death) and poor camerawork (unnecessary zooms complete with sound effects, it felt like i was watching a low budget TV show).
Amityville Horror (remake) - 8/10

Did exactly what it said on the tin, though I was expecting a little more.

Maybe I should watch the original...
Ong-bak blew my tiny mind, awesome and totally real stunts
8/10 for sheer ass-kickery

Superbad, haha 9/10

I was tired, so skipped the last fifteen minutes, but damn was I laughing hysterically throughout...

The fat kid 'Seth', played by whoever, definitely made that film.
Indian Jones and the Temple of the Crystal Skull 7/10

A decent film it just lacked the full fledged action and build up which i loved about the other films. Also without spoiling anything it was just a little too far fetched. I know Indy is always farfetched but this was just a little too far.
Saying that i did enjoy it, i left happy and it has laughs throughout. The weakest of the series but enjoyable non the less
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