Rate the last movie you watched out of 10

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Dizzae said:
Old Boy - 7/10
I gave it 9.5/10 at least! I freaking loved that movie. I had it on DVD for over a year before I got myself to watch it.... what a fool I felt.... ¬_¬
The hallway scene is also my favourite scene. No editing was involved, it's just a really well made fight scene from start to finish. I've definatly scene worse films like. This one had a really good revenge storyline. Some messed up parts in it like when he cuts off his own tongue, but that's why I loved it.
Not for the faint hearted but a definate reccomendation from me.
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Voddas said:
Dizzae said:
Old Boy - 7/10
I gave it 9.5/10 at least! I freaking loved that movie. I had it on DVD for over a year before I got myself to watch it.... what a fool I felt.... ¬_¬
The hallway scene is also my favourite scene. No editing was involved, it's just a really well made fight scene from start to finish. I've definatly scene worse films like. This one had a really good revenge storyline. Some messed up parts in it like when he cuts off his own tongue, but that's why I loved it.
Not for the faint hearted but a definate reccomendation from me.
A high seven probs :)
eggybob said:
Wanted 9/10

Just what the action genre needed. Just go and watch it and see why.
After the opening scene when he jumped from building to building i suspected that it wasn't going to be the most realistic film, WHICH WAS GREAT. It was good to be able to enjoy a cool action film without having to worry about little things, like the plot. Worth a watch and if you don't like it then hey ho.
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L: Change the World - 4/10

Completely bizzare. Though L's relationship with the young boy and girl was,frankly, adorable. The end was probably the best, even though it was pretty obvious. I couldn't help but squeak a bit when he named the little boy Near,despite pretty much knowing he would Quite funny in places, but at the same time that made it very un Death Note like. Not necessarily a must see for Death Note fans as it has very little to do with the original story line. Like I said though, cute in places so it was ok.
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I've seen

Narnia - prince caspian - 8/10 I'm biased here I know, but I can't help

Kung fu Panda - 7/10 it has it's moments
Transformers 6.5/10

I refused to see it for aaaaages just on the principle that i'd piss and moan that it was nothing like the show i adored when i was 4. Also add the fact that Michael *explosion* Bay was directing, who showed no interest till he realised he could make some money out of the francise and isn't exactly amazing. So 'family' film night roles along and my brother had bought it that weekend so i resentfully watched it fearing the worst and after possibly the cheesiest intro sequence ever I didn't expect any different. Yet for what it was i did enjoy it, it's far from fantastic, with some terrible one liners (for the kids) and obvious character traits and cliche developments i.e Shia and Megan 'dayum' Fox. What i did like is as much as i hated the above it kept me watching, for as lame as i thought it was it kept me hooked, the CG was immense and the fight scenes great. Yet again after all that I couldn't help but bitch about the transformer designs, i mean Optimus Prime doesn't need fire paint job to look hardcore and where the hell was Hot Rod. Megatron looked more like something out of Doom 3 than how he should, i honestly would've preffered them more robot looking, blocky and all and i don't care if transforming in to a giant gun isn't logical i'd like to see it (or at least soundwave). The new designs made it difficult to distiguish each one individually apart from the colour schemes.

All in all it was quite enjoyable and i did really get in to it, so after fearing the film for a year and a bit, i wasn't half as offended as i thought i'd be and kids will love it, bringing Transformers to a new generation. I'd even go as far as to say i'd happily watch a sequel, as long as they have Hot Rod in it and Bumble Bee as an actual VW Beetle ;)
Dizzae said:
Old Boy - 7/10
I watched this film after being recommended it incessantly by a friend, (not incest-antly but i'll get to that), and thought it was great, the cool scene where he's fighting those guys in the hallway with a knife sticking out of his back for most of it was one of my faviourate parts, if not my faviourate.
But the ending left me with a strange expression and a sickly feeling in my stomach, that was definetly the ultimate revenge but I felt positively revolted and wondered how messed up the writer must be. Either way it was definetly worth a watch and I couldn't help but draw some parallels with The Trumann Show at earlier parts.
I'd love to hear what other people thought of this film as well.

Old Boy was the first Korean Movie I saw, and by God its amazing, so memorable, one of the all time greats in my humble opinion^__^
9.5/10 also.
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Maxon said:
Sy said:
Maxon said:
Kill Bill: Vol 1

How so?
Hehe, because he's one of the worst directors that gets peoples attention for some reason. His movies are the equivalent of me collecting some neat things I find, putting them in a box and then throwing the box at your head while loud music plays.
Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny 8/10

I've seen a lot of time this film! It's funny funny and funny!

(curiosity: Ronnie James Dio acts a little bit in this movie :eek: )
Julia81 said:
Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny 8/10

(curiosity: Ronnie James Dio acts a little bit in this movie :eek: )

When his picture comes to life at the start lol

Got the soundtrack to this film, it's great, especially for Tenacious D fans.
Playing this year at Leeds Fest too, anyone going?
LukasROAR said:
Julia81 said:
Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny 8/10

(curiosity: Ronnie James Dio acts a little bit in this movie :eek: )

When his picture comes to life at the start lol

Got the soundtrack to this film, it's great, especially for Tenacious D fans.
Playing this year at Leeds Fest too, anyone going?
If only T_T
Skint this year as going to America and i34. Not that I'm doing a lot anyway. ^_^

Really need to go to a festival next year.

Tenacious D rule. I have both albums and I love singing along to them when A: on the road B: Drunk :p
Voddas said:
LukasROAR said:
Julia81 said:
Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny 8/10
(curiosity: Ronnie James Dio acts a little bit in this movie :eek: )
When his picture comes to life at the start lol
Got the soundtrack to this film, it's great, especially for Tenacious D fans.
Playing this year at Leeds Fest too, anyone going?
If only T_T
Skint this year as going to America and i34. Not that I'm doing a lot anyway. ^_^
Really need to go to a festival next year.
Tenacious D rule. I have both albums and I love singing along to them when A: on the road B: Drunk :p
Tenac ious D...

Just seen "Four brothers" - 4 / 10
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