Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

Jyu-Oh-Sei: 6.5-7/10

A pair of twins have their parents murdered and get sent to a savage planet where plants kill people and women rule over men. If nothing else, the series has an interesting premise.

The story rushed when it should've slowed down. Too much time was spent on unimportant characters, the Karim(n?) character being totally needless and yet still managing to take up a significant amount of episodes. The ending was horrible, jumping from sudden genetics talk in episode 10 to a fight against the A.I. of a secruity system in episode 11. I ended up not caring at all becase of the way the story kept jumping around. There was even a trademark anime dream conversation near the end.

If the series had been a 26 episode one, with slower progress early on and lots more character development, it might've been very good. But the series was ultimately ruined by characters doing things like sacrificing themselves for others without any reason. One minute Thor, the main character, wanted to kill a character...and then they became buddies and tried to help each other. It was a complete mess in terms of characterization.

It looks nice (though not as good as I had expected), is short, enjoyable to watch and only cost me £10. Aside from it being better than Manga's other cheapo complete series, Black Blood Brothers, there's not a lot else good to say about it.

Suzuka: 7.5-8/10

A story about a plain guy wanting to get hot under the covers with a sporty chick. You already know how the plot goes, you say? You think they end up together after the plain lead spends most of the series chasing after her and getting into sports because of her? Well, you're right - that's exactly how the series plays out. There's a pause in the middle where Yamato, the male lead, goes out with a member of his harem, but it's straight-forward apart from that.

It started slow, introducing the lead and showing where he lives, and then moved into the land of predictability. Other hot school girls came into the picture but it was destined to end in the most obvious way. But, to be fair, what sort of harem doesn't end with the lead male getting it on with the girl the series is titled after? And Suzuka is a very enjoyable series to sit through, despite its flaws. It's hard to dislike the series, providing you're into romance and don't drop it before the sports stuff comes into the picture. My rating went from 7/10 to 8/10 as I progressed.

The series was well-made, with the pacing slow enough to make me care about the cast and the romance/sports angles blended fairly well. If I ignore the predictable and largely unoriginal story, then the only negative is Suzuka. She's a bitch. Yamato, the lead, is always nice to her, yet she always puts him down for no reason or quickly switches from being friendly to being nasty for no good reason. The only reason given for her actions is that her old crush died, but that's no excuse when other characters in existence have had their husbands die and still been friendly.
Aion said:
Suzuka: 7.5-8/10
... then the only negative is Suzuka. She's a bitch. Yamato, the lead, is always nice to her, yet she always puts him down for no reason or quickly switches from being friendly to being nasty for no good reason. The only reason given for her actions is that her old crush died, but that's no excuse when other characters in existence have had their husbands die and still been friendly.

How many well-adjusted teenagers do you know?

I see nothing wrong with Suzuka being a bitch, actually I don't think she was bitchy in the traditional sense of the word. She had zero communication skills certainly, committed to her athletics career, hung up on her senpai, feeling guilt about liking this new guy, and getting all messed up in the head about it. For a comedy teen romance, it was pretty realistic IMO. Because some teenagers are like that.

In a lot of forums, there is plenty of hate spewed towards Suzuka because of her bitchy-ness. Two main reasons for that in my opinion. She doesn't conform to the usual anime stereotypes of submissive Belldandy, moe or tsundere. I think many people would have actually known someone like her at school. I know I did. Agree with your overall grade though.
Lupin III: Napoleon's Dictionary 4/10

Basically, Lupin & Chitty Chitty Bang Bang meets Wacky Races. Lupin steals an old car which he doesn't end up needing, so he soups it up and enters a race he doesn't really need to be in in order to steal the titular dictionary, which coincidentally Fujiko has also entered. Little hilarity ensues. One of the Lupin Specials I hadn't seen before, and frankly I should have turned it off about half an hour in. When I stop paying attention and start tidying the room during something that's usually a sign it's pretty bad.

::sigh:: The TV Specials are such a mixed bag, but I need to watch all of them to sift the wheat from the chaff. I want to create a definitive list of "Good" and "Bad" in the Lupin franchise... I don't know why, I just have this compulsion. Perhaps it's so no-one else will have to sit through crap like Napoleons Dictionary again.
Have you seen Walther P-38 (released in the US as Island of Assassins)? It's much darker and more violent than anything else I've seen of the Lupin franchise, and it's easily my favourite of the TV specials. The Secret of Twilight Gemini, though undistinguished, has more shots of Fujiko's boobs than any other Lupin movie and might be worth watching if you like that sort of thing =P

The theatrical Dead or Alive, directed by Monkey Punch and released by Funimation, is not on your list either. You should watch that one.
Aion said:
Jyu-Oh-Sei: 6.5-7/10If the series had been a 26 episode one, with slower progress early on and lots more character development, it might've been very good. But the series was ultimately ruined by characters doing things like sacrificing themselves for others without any reason. One minute Thor, the main character, wanted to kill a character...and then they became buddies and tried to help each other. It was a complete mess in terms of characterization.
I couldn't agree more, I've never seen stiffer more unbelievable characters then in Jyu-Oh-Sei. It made the entire experience unenjoyable, it's a shame it's such a downer of a show because the idea of the planet itself was really quite appealing.
fabricatedlunatic said:
Have you seen Walther P-38 (released in the US as Island of Assassins)? It's much darker and more violent than anything else I've seen of the Lupin franchise, and it's easily my favourite of the TV specials. The Secret of Twilight Gemini, though undistinguished, has more shots of Fujiko's boobs than any other Lupin movie and might be worth watching if you like that sort of thing =P

The theatrical Dead or Alive, directed by Monkey Punch and released by Funimation, is not on your list either. You should watch that one.
I've seen all three of those. I remember enjoying them (Twilight Gemini less so than the other two) but can't really rate them until I watch them again as it's been a while. As I say, I intend to work my way through everything eventually.

Actually, I'll just stick DoA with an 8 since you reminded me. I think I can remember most of that one.
Ergo Proxy: 8/10

I'm not sure wat the score should be, but I enjoyed this show much. The story is a bit confusing at times - especially at the end - and some episodes can be very slow-paced where they just talk the whole episode without coming to a conclusion.
Despite of these cons I really liked the show and it's characters. The visual style and overall animation was also very enjoyable.

I recommend this anime series if you can stand a bit confusing storyline.
Claymore vol. 1&2
Released by Manga ent.

WOW didnt expect this to be so good. The action was decent and the whole "claymore" and Yoma" thing is pretty smart. Theres also a Huge twist on one of the episodes on disc 2.

Another great release by Manga ent.
Anyone that hasnt bought this should definately give it a try.
ayase said:
I've seen all three of those. I remember enjoying them (Twilight Gemini less so than the other two) but can't really rate them until I watch them again as it's been a while. As I say, I intend to work my way through everything eventually.
You're a brave man. Some of the specials are so bad that I wasn't able to finish them. And given that I managed to watch such televisual torture as Clannad and Kannazuki no Miko in their entirety, that's a damning indictment. First Contact might be the last one I ever see.

Just Passing Through said:
In a lot of forums, there is plenty of hate spewed towards Suzuka because of her bitchy-ness. Two main reasons for that in my opinion. She doesn't conform to the usual anime stereotypes of submissive Belldandy, moe or tsundere.
You're probably right. She sounds waaaay too "real" to appeal to that type of viewer. Your post has actually got me vaguely interested in watching Suzuka, and at 15 quid for the Viridian I might well pick it up at some piont.
Princess Tutu - 9/10

It's an anime fairy tale inspired by ballet. Each episode has a ballet song, it's about a duck who turns into a human, which has powers to turn into princess tutu. Instead of fighting, she dances trying to communicate her feelings.

The animation is pretty, although a bit old. The characters develops a lot during the show, as well as their relationships.

It has a main plot, but an episodic feeling to it, as the series progresses, I felt like I haven't seen any magical girl show like this before.
The reason just about everyone who reviews Suzuka mentions that Suzuka is a bitch isn't because she's a realistic depiction of a female - it's because her actions are inconsistent. One minute she'd be making sure to sit as close to Yamato as possible, despite him being with his girlfriend, and the next she'd attack him for breaking up with his girlfriend. One minute she'd be ignoring Yamato, the next she'd go for a night stroll with him to see the fireflies.

Unlike other tsundere characters who are liked, there was no logic or good reason behind her actions. No matter how a person feels, no-one has the right to continually put down someone who has only ever been nice to them.

I can understand her not wanting to enter into a relationship after her crush - who she never even kissed - died. I also understand how it would annoy someone who takes a sport seriously if someone else didn't. But, at the risk of repeating myself, there's simply no excuse for treating others like trash just because of a little emotional hurt and being naturally uptight.

Real or fictional, she's still a bitch. It really doesn't matter if every girl on the planet is a bitch; they're still hate worthy if they act like Suzuka.

From what I've read about the manga, I understand she dumps Yamato and goes to another country shortly after where the anime ends. They do get back together years later, but still...dumping a guy after all that, and not even sleeping with him? That would sting just a bit.

I will say that Suzuka wasn't the only poor character in Suzuka: Yamato was also an idiot. First he got with a girl despite not caring for her very much, then he had Suzuka pick his girlfriends gift, then he revealed that Suzuka had picked the gift when giving it and he completed his idiotic string of actions by telling Suzuka - another girl, in case you're wondering - that he dumped her because she was a burden. Yeah, way to impress the ladies - he not only managed to get dumped, he even made Suzuka think of him as a pig by lying about the breakup in order to protect her feelings.

His other respect worthy actions include getting forceful on his bed with his girlfriend and using he surprise snog technique on an uptight bitch. Way to go, stud.

I liked him at first, but the way he treated Honoka (his girlfriend early on) and how he continued to chase after a bitch with short hair (short hair ain't hot) made me end up disliking him.

Honestly, the only character I actually liked was Miki. Re-haired, kind hearted, fiery, big breasts, long legs and generally loveable. Everyone else was hate worthy or so-so.

One last thing: FU, Fabio. My opinion not good enough anymore!?

Another last-last thing: I didn't want to reply because I make a ton of errors and lack the ability to proof read, resulting in ten edits. So FU you as well, Justpa.
chaos said:
Princess Tutu - 9/10

It's an anime fairy tale inspired by ballet. Each episode has a ballet song, it's about a duck who turns into a human, which has powers to turn into princess tutu. Instead of fighting, she dances trying to communicate her feelings.

The animation is pretty, although a bit old. The characters develops a lot during the show, as well as their relationships.

It has a main plot, but an episodic feeling to it, as the series progresses, I felt like I haven't seen any magical girl show like this before.
I've been wanting to watch Princess Tutu for ages. I heard it's "ninjas with guitars awesome". Is this true?
Aion said:
One last thing: FU, Fabio. My opinion not good enough anymore!?
"Anymore"? :D

Plenty of people behave in ways that are neither logical nor consistent. Maybe I'll hate Suzuka (the character) but she does at least sound more interesting than, say, the human pets of Clannad.
There's more to talk about with Suzuka than say... Belldandy; a blank slate of a character, but there's very little good to say. Whether that's a good or bad thing depends on the person, I guess.

I liked Suzuka at first, despite her bad attitude. I only started disliking after she lead Yamato on, rejected him and then used every chance to attack him...or just ignore him.

I would've loled at the end if she'd followed up her double slap (for kissing her) with a kick. It would've been the ultimate attack, disorientating and then finishing with a killer blow.
Maxon said:
chaos said:
Princess Tutu - 9/10

It's an anime fairy tale inspired by ballet. Each episode has a ballet song, it's about a duck who turns into a human, which has powers to turn into princess tutu. Instead of fighting, she dances trying to communicate her feelings.

The animation is pretty, although a bit old. The characters develops a lot during the show, as well as their relationships.

It has a main plot, but an episodic feeling to it, as the series progresses, I felt like I haven't seen any magical girl show like this before.
I've been wanting to watch Princess Tutu for ages. I heard it's "ninjas with guitars awesome". Is this true?

I thoroughly enjoyed it as well. It's extremely girly in its trappings but as chaos said, it's a fairy tale and intentionally very surreal so don't let the frilly pink things put you off. If you can stomach magical girl shows and want to try something that is self aware, earnest and a little different it's worth checking out.

I know nothing at all about ballet and ended up Googling a few of the references after particularly good episodes because I'd been drawn in so well.

Princess Mononoke - 9/10

superb film, i really liked the plot in particular, the version i watched had awful sound quality though, otherwise it had a chance of being a 10.

Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu - 9/10

i loved this anime, i thought it was really funny and i liked the characthers alot too.
Black lagoon - The First barrage Ep.1-12 (9/10)
Far better than i expected, sat down to watch an episode or two and ended up watching the whole lot.

FLCL Ep.1-6 (8/10)
One of the strangest things i have ever watched but good fun.