Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

Some of the AnimeOnDVD forum posters seem quite fond of Melody of Oblivion. Then again, they're the same bunch who tenderize the microphone (euphemism courtesy of ayase's link) over any show with cute girls in it. I've no idea why I still visit that place... the denizens there have the worst taste in anime on the internet.

Burn Up has the dubious honour of being the first anime I've awarded 1/10 on MAL. I rated Shuffle and the few episodes of Grenadier I was able to tolerate 2, while Step Up Love Story and Diebuster earned a whopping 3.
So, last night I watched Grave of the Fireflies and honestly I was a bit disapointed, I had hoped it would be much better. I felt like, as unlucky and unfortunate as the siblings were they only made things worse for themselves. I both admired and disliked Seito, I admired him as a brother - but not as a parent. He cared so much for his sister and yet he would rather let her die of starvation rather then simply return to his aunt's house? Please. Not to mention he didn't even have to do that, why didn't he get the money out of the bank sooner? I get that being as young as he was it was difficult for Seito to fully comprehend the gravity of the situation, but he wasn't oblivious to it and he should have done something much sooner.

I enjoyed the movie (to an extent, it's not a film one 'enjoys' as such) but it failed to leave a message in my mind other then the obviously horrendous consequences of war, but at the end of the day Setsuko's death was as much the fault of Seito as it was the fault of circumstance. The animation was nice enough, but doesn't compare well to Ghibli's from the same decade. That said, many scenes were well done, with silence and music setting the tone as much as the situation itself, and it managed to squeeze a tear or two from my eye at the line 'she never woke up'. I might watch it again but this time in Japanese and re-evaluate my opinion, but for now;

Grave of the Fireflies - 7/10
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Kara no Kyoukai (1st and 2nd films)

I'm told it's a series of seven films, of which I’ve only seen the first two but it's already impressed me a great deal. I could describe it as a paranormal horror mystery, however the second film was so different to the first I’m wondering if it’s restricted to such a genre.

Thus far the strongest aspects have been the animation and atmosphere (not to undersell the story, however much of it remains a mystery at this point). Areas of the visuals such as lighting are used to outstanding effect as a creepy sense of menace is established. The movie budget shows in every area from fluid character animation to obsessively detailed background work. The music also enhances the mood to great effect.

I was also surprised that KnK delivered on the action front. After a gradual build up for half of the first film it explodes into an intense action sequence across rooftops that literally got me to the edge of my seat. Not being on TV additionally gives it the chance to show some extreme brutality and gore, which may sound slightly tasteless but it only serves to enhance the eerie atmosphere further rather than appearing wanton.

The first film introduces us to the central character Shiki, a cold laconic young woman wearing a striking combination of Kimono and leather jacket. The plot focuses on her investigation into a series of unnatural suicides at an abandoned apartment complex, which might sound quite straightforward but much of the anime’s complexity and intrigue arises from the way it develops the story and characters alongside each other. We know next to nothing about our protagonist and the other characters initially, but as the plot develops and several shocking twists occur we learn there is a great deal more to them than meets the eye.

The second film takes a different approach to the first, and casts aside almost all the supernatural elements of its predecessor. However in place of this we get a thorough examination of Shiki before the events of the last film as we delve into her past. The resulting character development portrays someone who’s terrifyingly fractured, throwing up a great deal of tantalising possibilities and questions.

Which is really the only thing I can criticise: unanswered questions. I applaud the approach of telling the story by showing rather than launching into long and tedious exposition, however the show rarely goes out of its way to explain what’s going on and while this is frequently compelling it can also be extremely confusing. All the same, it’s not fair for me to criticise such a thing at this stage when most of the answers may well be contained within the ensuing films.

Ultimately I can see this being a favourite if it maintains such a level quality to the end. Future instalments may indeed disappoint, but that would likely be because the first two films on their own merits will be hard to top. Terrific stuff.

Rating: 9/10
Rui said:
Maxon said:
chaos said:
Princess Tutu - 9/10

It's an anime fairy tale inspired by ballet. Each episode has a ballet song, it's about a duck who turns into a human, which has powers to turn into princess tutu. Instead of fighting, she dances trying to communicate her feelings.

The animation is pretty, although a bit old. The characters develops a lot during the show, as well as their relationships.

It has a main plot, but an episodic feeling to it, as the series progresses, I felt like I haven't seen any magical girl show like this before.
I've been wanting to watch Princess Tutu for ages. I heard it's "ninjas with guitars awesome". Is this true?

I thoroughly enjoyed it as well. It's extremely girly in its trappings but as chaos said, it's a fairy tale and intentionally very surreal so don't let the frilly pink things put you off. If you can stomach magical girl shows and want to try something that is self aware, earnest and a little different it's worth checking out.

I know nothing at all about ballet and ended up Googling a few of the references after particularly good episodes because I'd been drawn in so well.

I've missed this entirely. Yes, Princess Tutu is definitely worthy and it does get you interested into something that otherwise I'd classify as dull.

I've want to go as far as wanting to get some tickets for ballet, so I can at least say if I like it or not.

I've just completed Golden Boy, which is an 8/10 series with slapstick comedy and loads of OTT situations.

It's been a while since I laughed this hard with anime.
Also, I must confess that this was the first time in this decade that an animated character actually managed to make me fantasize with them... I'm talking about the racer episode here, if you seem this series. And, for those wondering, this six episode series is very close to becoming a hentai one, but it manages not to.
The Law of Ueki
Main focus: Genericness, but with redemption.


"Kousuke Ueki, a student of the Hinokuni Junior High School, is picked by a God Candidate, Koba-sen, to participate in a competition where people battle out to become God and only the strongest will prevail. Embodied with the ability to turn garbage into trees, Kousuke will be joining in the battle against other junior high school students in this selection. This sets the premise for the earth-friendly battle where the students will pit their powers against the rest." Source: AnimeNewsNetwork.

Note: This is the first anime out of the 340+ I have seen wherein I have had the choice of watching it in an English dub or Japanese dub, but have chosen the Japanese one. Why? Because quite simply the english dub is THAT DAMN BAD. I watched the first few episodes in english and had to switch over. The only other anime where I have considered doing this (but did not) was Zenki...but this time, well...Bad dub, VERY bad dub.

One of the most generic typical 'Shonen-style' anime ever. This one goes straight in the basket with the likes of Buso Renkin and Tokyo Underground. Simple summary-ish: Boy gets powers, fight to 'protect friends', big evil guy #1 shows up, big evil guy #2 shows up, boy wins although really shouldn't have etc... Everyone must have seen an anime like this.

Of course, as with all of this type of anime the story does get better as it moves on, but always resorts back to the main protagonist quite simply getting great and wonderous powers convinietly when necessary. As I continue to watch these I start to be more and more sickened by what I like to call the "yeh right, whatever" factor. As in things and events just don't work 'right' considering other things that have happened and where stuff just works out too conveniently for our 'heroes'. ¬.¬

Anyways, reedeeming qualities, as with most of these shows, the comedy (some of which was actually very good in this show), the action and a reasonable story (this is why I keep watching these types of show). An interesting and sometimes good, sometimes bad point is the continued intrigue as to the varying powers of which the contenders control, from changing 'tomatoes in magma' to turning 'BB pellets into meteors', they can be just some random throw away powers or something quite in-depth and technical, especially as the series moves on. The introduction of 'level-2' powers and 'limiting conditions' can also make for more interesting fights.

Alas, tis just the grave annoyance of the genericness of everything else that gets me...

*Is amazed at just how much he wrote and that he even put in a link and synopsis, albeit via C+P* *Is so very bored*
Sword of the Stranger 9/10

I picked this up as an R1 a while ago (before Beez announced it, doh). Might consider checking out the R2 anyway if the rumoured extras are interesting.

It's a standalone little film and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Attractive character designs, great fights, strong music and a serviceable plot (which is fully resolved) kept me interested throughout. The only real criticism I have is that the movie doesn't add anything new to the genre - it's strictly a samurai film by numbers. But what a great job it did. This should go down a treat over here with the world cinema crowd as well as the anime fans.

The funny thing I found with Sword of the Stranger were there were several revelations that I expected to come back and be used in later parts of the film like the strangers red hair, which never were mentioned again. I wonder if they just forgot about them when writing it, or whether it was intended to leave some mystery for a sequel.
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Dracos said:
The funny thing I found with Sword of the Stranger were there were several revelations that I expected to come back and be used in later parts of the film like the strangers red hair, which never were mentioned again. I wonder if they just forgot about them when writing it, or whether it was intended to leave some mystery for a sequel.

Yes, I was at least expecting him to meet Itadori on the battlefield after they'd gone to the trouble of linking their stories and having them in the same place on (roughly) the same side. I interpreted the vagueness of them never really explaining more about Nanashi as a reflection on how unpredictable and ephemeral that kind of life is. He seemed content enough in himself so the apparently deliberate lack of explanation didn't trouble me. I liked his attitude.

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Jyu-oh-sei: 6/10. Hmm.......it started pretty well. The mid episodes were okay but then the last few just lost me. It's not too bad for just over £10, I've seen a lot worse and it passed some time.
You're Under Arrest OVA/TV 1
Main focus: Pleasant with the funny, 8 or 9?

YUA had just about a bit of everything, nicely packaged in with a generally pleasant feel and pace alongside the all important heaping helping of comedy. I really struggled (and am still as of this moment) in deciding as to whether to give this series an 8 or 9 out of 10...

The series is definitely worth an 8 due to its nice and episodic feel, alongside plenty of comedy, drama, action, romance and enjoyable stories. Likeable characters and a very good dub also contribute to bringing this up to an 8.

Now, a bad point that makes me not want to give this series a 9. Firstly there is the fact that there can be a strangely heavy focus on mechanics, cars and motorbikes, I am talking in particular those episodes dedicated to these things on a more personal level for the characters.

And now for the extra good point that makes me want to increase this series to a 9. This primarily hinges on one character, Strike-man. Comic gold every time. You would just have to watch it and see, but he is definitely one of the best side characters that I have come across in a while. I would suggest he is in 7 or 8 episodes including his alter egos, of course. These are definitely some of the best episodes in the series and luckily he is not used too much but is recurring enough to make an impact on the viewer.

So it comes down to Strike-man vs mechanics. I think, in this instance, I am so very not sure. Someone help me out on this one...

Note: I really wish someone would licence the rest of the YUA series' as I would really like to continue watching this with the great dub from Coastal Studios. kkthnxbai.
Texhnolyze 9/10

This anime has gotta be the most depressing thing i have ever watched, but that doesn't make it bad. Never has an anime had such a profound effect on my mood and thoughts as this did. After i finished the series it left me feeling pretty depressed, and the ending of the show had me a little choked. Even though it evoked what could be called negative emotions, i couldn't stop thinking things through about the show for hours afterwards and i really loved the series. This series is very unique. The fact that the main character rarely talks is an oddity but it really works, as things just seem to be explained and developed visually. I can't recommend this series enough, especially if you like things dark.
megagold5 said:
You're Under Arrest OVA/TV 1
Main focus: Pleasant with the funny, 8 or 9?
So it comes down to Strike-man vs mechanics. I think, in this instance, I am so very not sure. Someone help me out on this one...
Give it a nine.... =)

Kosuke Fujishima is well known for his mechanics fetish (just look at how belldandy treats machines in AMG!)

His designs are pretty realistic, and well, I'm sure we all know a few people who are also really into machines like that, but I doubt you will have such nice characters like those in YUA.

Check the rest of the TV series as well if you have a chance.
chaos said:
megagold5 said:
You're Under Arrest OVA/TV 1
Main focus: Pleasant with the funny, 8 or 9?
So it comes down to Strike-man vs mechanics. I think, in this instance, I am so very not sure. Someone help me out on this one...
Give it a nine.... =)

Kosuke Fujishima is well known for his mechanics fetish (just look at how belldandy treats machines in AMG!)

His designs are pretty realistic, and well, I'm sure we all know a few people who are also really into machines like that, but I doubt you will have such nice characters like those in YUA.

Check the rest of the TV series as well if you have a chance.

I really want to see the other series, but I also really want to wait in the hopes that someone will licence them and bring back the eng dub cast...
^ not only the second season, but full throtlle is not out in english. =(

I doubt that any company would pick the second season now, but one can only hope.

And yes, the english dub cast was surprisingly good. Some of them were better than the japanese ones, IMO.
chaos said:
^ not only the second season, but full throtlle is not out in english. =(

I doubt that any company would pick the second season now, but one can only hope.

And yes, the english dub cast was surprisingly good. Some of them were better than the japanese ones, IMO.

Yeah, and No Mercy, although I am not quite as interested in that one (Does not like American way of policing).

I think I shall wait until I watch the mini-specials tomorrow and decide then, I am expecting to give them either a 9 or 10, so I shall give the series 1 less. This is of course assuming that they are as good as I am expecting. I'll update my main post then. :p

Megagold5, taking rating his anime viewing experiences SERIOUSLY.
Just finsihed watching magenetic Rose, cAant believe I havint seen the memories anime before, Ill give it 8/10, just a beautiful piece of animation.
Outlawstar said:
Just finsihed watching magenetic Rose, cAant believe I havint seen the memories anime before, Ill give it 8/10, just a beautiful piece of animation.
More people ought to do the same, methinks. Memories and Neo-Tokyo are both highly accessible titles, and quite a few non-fans would probably come to appreciate them.
Fullmetal alchemist the movie: Conqueror of Shamballa
Was really surprised how good this was.
AND finally after 2 and a half years i finnaly finished Fullmetal alchemist! it has been great watching this series as the Elric Brothers faced many obsticles and showing us what real brotherly love is. :)

However, i did NOT like the ending to the movie. But it was still good.