Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

Ghost Hunt: 8-8.5/10

An anime without any major, enjoyment ruining flaws, but also without anything outstanding. There is not a part of the series you could show a friend and go, "Just look at it! This is one of the best series ever! Go buy it now!" but the opposite is also true. Ghost Hunt is a series you need to get into before you can appreciate it, and that's exactly why the first three episode arc focused establishing the characters and didn't even include a ghost.

For those not too quick on the uptake, Ghost Hunt is about ghost hunting. A small group, including a school girl, ghost hunter, monk, priestess, priest and spiritual medium team up to solve cases that are risky or too much for only one to handle. There are seven 2-4 episode stories included, with the remaining episode being an unusually light-hearted one thrown in to prevent the series from being overly serious.

My main issue with the series is that it lacks character development. Very little ever gets revealed about the past of the characters, and what is shown are clips that last for a few seconds. With series like Death Note, where an overarching plot prevents the viewer from missing character development, it works...but it doesn't work so well in a series like Ghost Hunt where non-related shorter stories make up the 25 episode length. The characters are not found lacking in terms of likability but do lack depth. Would it have been so hard to link the pasts of the characters together with some of the ghost hunting?

With the series being split up into 2-4 episode arcs, another issue I have is with the quality jumping around. I liked the first few stories but grew tired towards the end. Just after one high school ghost hunting mission, another high school arc followed it, which left me feeling a little underwhelmed. Also, the final four episode arc was weaker than the previous, far more disturbing four episode arc... The ending struck me as being anti-climatic when it neither ended on a high or closed off the story.

...Oh, yes, my other negative comment: the ending. Nothing was resolved and the story is still on-going at the end. The end just screams sequel. Since there is not a sequel series out there as of yet, right now I'm rating an unfinished article, with no ending in sight, and that means I'm left feeling disappointed. Really, it feels like I'm grading the first half of a 50 episode series; a series where everything important is going to happen in the second half.

The strange thing about Ghost Hunt is that, despite it not being amazing, I was able to rewatch the first 11 episodes in one sitting and finish the rest of the series in one sitting the next day. What the series did well was keeping every episode suspenseful, leaving me craving more and making me want to see how the stories ended. Providing the stories grip you, it doesn't matter a great deal about the lack of character development. If you are like me, you would find yourself too involved in the stories to care.

To sum it up, Ghost Hunt is a solid and highly entertaining series. The art is appealing, the colour usage is good, the animation isn't awful, the music is fitting, it has one of the best dubs I've heard (Mai and Naru's voices are top draw) and nearly all of the stories are gripping. If you can overlook the fairly minor flaws I have mentioned, it is a good series to blow £20-30 on.
Aion said:
Ghost Hunt: 8/10

An anime without any major, enjoyment ruining flaws, but also without anything outstanding. There is not a part of the series you could show a friend and go, "Just look at it! This is one of the best series ever! Go buy it now!" but the opposite is also true. Ghost Hunt is a series you need to get into before you can appreciate it, and that's exactly why the first three episode arc focused establishing the characters and didn't even include a ghost.

That's a 6 or 7 no brainer
Really? Something without 10/10 or 5/10 content is somewhere in-between. Right in the middle would be 7.5/10; 0.5 lower than my score.

...But Ghost Hunt is too enjoyable to be a 7/10, it being more in the area of 8-8.5/10.
Aion said:
Really? Something without 10/10 or 5/10 content is somewhere in-between. Right in the middle would be 7.5/10; 0.5 lower than my score.

...But Ghost Hunt is too enjoyable to be a 7/10, it being more in the area of 8-8.5/10.

You realise the numbers 1,2,3 and 4 exist don't you?
the numbers that would define it being terrible

5 would then be average

6 would be Fine if in the genre you like

7 would be good in other words enjoyable not outstanding
again if its in the genre you like (also the lazy score)

8 is great worth getting one of the best
(The score you gave it)
Your saying its great
that its outstanding when you give it this

And simply based on your review of it I would say its a time waster
at best.
Ratings are subjective. There is no definitive rating system. Most people use a 6-10/10 grading system, reserving lower ratings for truly awful titles. I'm one of those people.

Some people prefer not to give ratings in order to prevent arguments about the numbers given.

I'd never finish 1-4/10 series. If I think a series is average, I drop it - I have dropped 7/10 titles. For me to give such a low score without finishing an anime, the anime would have to be one of the worst ever made. That's why it's hard to see me scoring anything above a 13 episode series 1/10.

As for Ghost Hunt not being worthwhile, that depends on taste. Lots of people love Ghost Hunt because of how easy it is to watch due to the series lack of structure. With likeable characters and entertaining stories, it's a hard series to dislike.

I focused on the negative because I'm critical; it's just how I am. Others focus on the positive and ignore the bad, I do the opposite. If my review had more structure and wasn't a forum post, I'd have attempted to not focus so much on what I consider to be bad.
Aion said:
Ratings are subjective. There is no definitive rating system. Most people use a 6-10/10 grading system, reserving lower ratings for truly awful titles. I'm one of those people.

Some people prefer not to give ratings in order to prevent arguments about the numbers given.

I'd never finish 1-4/10 series. If I think a series is average, I drop it - I have dropped 7/10 titles. For me to give such a low score without finishing an anime, the anime would have to be one of the worst ever made. That's why it's hard to see me scoring anything above a 13 episode series 1/10.

As for Ghost Hunt not being worthwhile, that depends on taste. Lots of people love Ghost Hunt because of how easy it is to watch due to the series lack of structure. With likeable characters and entertaining stories, it's a hard series to dislike.

And that obviously makes it deserving of an 8 because YOU could finish it
and because its episodic =/
A review is a platform for a person to express their opinion; no more than that. What one person scores 10/10, someone else scores 1/10.

The only way to judge if you should watch an anime based on a review is by checking to see if you agree with the other opinions of the reviewer. And, since I have the best taste on AUKN, everyone should live and die by my review ratings.
Aion said:
A review is a platform for a person to express their opinion; no more than that. What one person scores 10/10, someone else scores 1/10.

The only way to judge if you should watch an anime based on a review is by checking to see if you agree with the other opinions of the reviewer. And, since I have the best taste on AUKN, everyone should live and die by my review ratings.

Based on your anime list I would say that simply is not so
in fact giving spirited away a 5 and dropping eureka 7 AND Higashi no Eden
Probably makes you the most tasteless person in the world, nay the universe
See? Now you're getting a clear understanding of how opinions work. I think you're the definition of a retarded TTGL fan who struggles to put a sentence together, where as you disagree with my thoughts about myself. Neither opinion is right or wrong because, unlike facts, there's nothing concrete to supprt he thoughts of either party.
Aion said:
See? Now you're getting a clear understanding of how opinions work. I think you're the definition of a retarded TTGL fan who struggles to put a sentence together, where as you disagree with my thoughts about myself. Neither opinion is right or wrong because, unlike facts, there's nothing concrete to supprt he thoughts of either party.

^Just give it up, Unellmay. I think Aion has done a marvelous job with his review. But it's a review I kinda disagree on.

I've bought Ghost Hunt out of sheer randomness and watched it with my little sister in Dub. Even if I didn't like the english voices much, the character grated me so. They turn out to be unlikable, especially the two main leads. I gave up watching it by Episode 10 [I would've gave up earlier, but my sister kept wanting to watch it]

So I gave it to my little sister and she ended up completing the series. At least I'm glad that my little sister of 11 decided to watch anime instead of those horrid shows on Disney Channel. But my point is:

The characters definitely ruined it for me. Whilst the cases were enjoyable, they just end up being ruined by the characters. They did nothing for me. It felt more like a 6. Kudos to its simplistic and lack of convoluted plot. I say it's another great introduction to the series, yet lacking on my view.


Casshern Sins: 8/10

It sounds similar, yet what you expected is something completely different. Like an original recipe, it changes within time and produce a different taste/look. Casshern was one super-heroic in the 70s anime, titled “Neo-Human Casshern”. Yet the concept is entirely different in this latest incarnation, Casshern Sins.

The difference between Neo-Human Casshern and Casshern Sins are vast, so vast that you can mistake it for something new entirely. It’s vague, as it’s almost a new show with cameos of the original. It’s rebooted, with a new and interesting plot. And this time, it’s in a post-apocalyptic world that humans and robot alike are dying. Robots, supposedly the immortal creation from man, can experience death. This sets Casshern Sins at an excellent start, gripping you within each episode; with each character with different tales to share.

But it starts to suffering from plot holes when nearing the climax of the series, where everything is wrapped up, albeit at a pace too fast for its own good. It’s hugely disappointing, as your awaited answers are either or not explained to a satisfying degree. But Madhouse has taken careful care with the animation; truly a splendour work. Stylish, yet smooth and exquisite; they haven’t held back onto the budget. And it isn’t one without excellent scoring; add the OST soundtrack to your shopping basket!

But in truth, the first half of the series is arguably superior. That’s because I feel they have taken extra care with each character, even if some of their role felt a bit pretentious. But it’s that very same role that perks the interest that questions one thing; what’s their story? And it ends with a very gratifying conclusion. One that ends so quickly and before you know it, it was onto the next one.

You tend to wish it would never end. The huge pause at the point where the real plot begins has a propensity to aggravate. And as pointed out before; the ending was rushed. It could’ve stayed to what it was originally good at, yet it’s that very change that caused it to fall flat on its face. It’s a shame, but it isn’t horrible. It’s still enjoyable, providing you don’t want your entire question answered.

But that’s negligence rather than an open conclusion waiting to be discussed.


Excellent starting, but Casshern Sins fall flat on its face in its closing finale. It will still interest towards the end, but don’t expect all your questions answered. Yet regardless, it’s an anime that does deserve at least a watch.

Haha, I remembered doing a review ages ago and they were very ameteur-ish. I still think that I haven't succeeded with this one, but is it safe to say that it surpass my old reviews? I hope so.

PS: Why did I use ingredients? Because at that time, I was in a cooking mood. It somehow filtered into this, but it was my personal way of explaining the differences between the two shows. I think it's one I better put away next time.
Paradise Kiss

Realism, drama and romance. Those are some of the qualities normally required for me to respect and give a story a high rating. Paradise Kiss has a mix of all three.

In a nutshell, Paradise Kiss is a story of growth. Over the course of 12 episodes, a high school girl, Yukari, transforms from a normal girl feeling pressured into studying only to impress her parent; transforming into an independent woman who follows her own heart. An encounter with George, an overconfident and handsome fashion designer and head of a small group called Paradise Kiss from a fashion design school, leads her down the path of modeling and love.

I expected fashion to be the main focus of the series after reading a description of the story, but the fashion stuff barely featured outside of costume changes and a few key plot points. It was always in the background, never being more important than the characters. So, if you are worried, fear not: characterization was clearly the priority of the author, and I am glad that was the case since fashion and me do not go together so well. Nearly all of the story focused on the love/hate relationship of George and Yukari.

Throughout the story, George is blunt to the point of being insulting, and he has no problem telling Yukari things such as how he hates women who blame others for their problems (after she blamed her parent for pushing her), or informing her that she was an idiot for putting sleeping with him above her dream. While he was usually right and said what he did out of caring for her, his needlessly confrontational attitude made him a hard guy to understand at times.

Despite my problems with George's 'bad boy' personality, I do think their relationship, including how the two end up, was handled in a very realistic and mature manner. Never did I feel I was looking in on the actions of fake individuals; I could imagine the same events playing out in real life. Their relationship came across so realistically that watching them made me a little watery eyed a few times. After watching numerous anime stories involving plain, generic leads getting it on with soulless female characters, watching Paradise Kiss was a breath of fresh air.

It was also nice seeing an anime relationship not require the male to chase after the female. It was far more equal in Paradise Kiss, with Yukari doing most of the chasing because of George's attitude. She even had to basically beg him to sleep with her after he picked up on her obvious hints but failed to take the easy openings she gave him, instead opting to make her do the work. I give major plus points for the story very rarely coming across as fake.

I only have a few negative comments about the story/characters. The first is that the relationship of George and Yukari seemed to move too fast at first, with George getting jealous after seeing Yukari out with another man, going on to ignore her... even though he had only known her for a few days. The other negative point is that the supporting cast did not get enough time. For example, I wanted to see more than Arashi and Miwako (members of Paradise Kiss) fight and have sex every now and then. Neither of the problems were severe enough to ruin the series for me, and I doubt most others would be troubled by what bugged me.

In terms of the video and audio aspects, the series is very impressive. The art looks wonderful, it being both realistic and stylish, the eyes in particular looking lovely, and the animation is up to the usual Madhouse standard. The soundtrack is a solid one, too, including an excellent opening and a few memorable pieces. As for the voice acting, the English dub is excellent, with all of the cast sounding natural.

All in all, Paradise Kiss is something either gender can enjoy. Going into it, I was a little concerned, worrying that I would not be able to get a lot of enjoyment out of it because of my gender, but I was able to get into it right from the get-go. If you are tired of all the silly, over the top anime in existence, I suggest you give this a try. If in doubt, do not avoid one the best anime out there just because you are not female.

Rating: 9/10
Ok Aion, you watched it all and gave it a fair chance so I owe you some feedback. I'm half asleep. I hope it makes sense.

I'm delighted you enjoyed it! On the surface the frilly fashion element seems to put off a lot of [male] anime fans; that below the surface lies a crushingly realistic story about a barely healthy relationship seems to deter most of the remainder looking for a standard fantasy romance. Even Miwako's infectious cuteness doesn't help its popularity reach much farther than the female fanbase.

I was disappointed by a couple of things in the anime version of Paradise Kiss since I started it as a fan of the manga. The main thing was Arashi. Something about his design in the anime changed the way I felt about him; where he often had that trademark passionate Yazawa "look" in the manga he mostly seemed brash, shallow and annoying when animated. I didn't really care about his feelings in the animated version. On the flipside I think I liked anime-Caroline slightly more than the original version. Perhaps because some parts were slightly condensed she didn't manage to have time to grate as much while she tried to find her feet in the world of adults.

Ysabella, Miwako and George were all perfect in both versions. I fancy from memory that Ysabella received more attention in the manga when in the anime she was mostly a pretty ornament in a lot of scenes. A few of the silly SD jokes were trimmed out to give the anime a more mature feel. The silliness was then put back in in another form for the crazy ending sequence.

George as a character is a breath of fresh air in this world of unrealistic romance stories. I'm used to the very attentive, terrifyingly loving men who populate most shoujo love series, and the other type; men who seem to act like jerks for no reason at all just so that they can be illogically changed by the female lead in the final volume. Both feel more like plot devices than actual characters I can care about. George was neither and was fully in control at all times. I agree with most of what you said about him, though I didn't find his diva-like mood swings regarding Caroline early on any stranger than his attitude towards everything else in his life. Miwako and Arashi alone probably had enough storyline material to fuel their own miniseries quite easily. I'm hoping Yazawa's previous work Gokinjo Monogatari will be picked up by Viz when they need something to milk after Nana is caught up just for the tiny crossover tidbits it supposedly contains.

I still don't like fashion. Having said that I probably wouldn't have dipped my toe into fashion-based series such as Walkin' Butterfly and Shimotsuma Monogatari without Paradise Kiss showing me the way. If nothing else it's interesting to see how people who love a universe I normally can't stand work their passion for it into their lives.

It's underrated series like Paradise Kiss and Jyu-Oh-Sei which have started me buying anything that's released that came from the "Noitamina" block on Japanese TV. There's something endearingly experimental and different about the shows which aired as part of the initiative. I look forward to seeing a few more find their way to R1 next year...

Roujin Z - 9/10

I first saw this OVA back in 1995 and I think I appreciate it more now than I did then. Parts of it don't feel like anime at all. Roujin Z is film about an old man, the cute nurse who cares for him, her friends, old hacker dudes, and a computerized hospital bed that goes batshit insane and rampages through urban and rural Japan. It's a fun, amusing, clever movie that carries a serious but not overbearing message about the way in which Japan (and by extension much of the rest of the world) treats their elderly.

The fim is written by Katsuhiro Otomo (him what did Akira) who's also responsible for the absolutely crazy and inventive mechanical designs -- shades of Akira in the latter part of the movie. Looking at screenshots might give a misleading impession of the film's visual quality; at times the animation and level of detail is highly impressive.

It's just a shame about CPM's typically poor DVD release. I've just watched what is apparently the "remastered" edition, and my only question is "remastered from what"? The non-anamorphic transfer (borders ahoy) is taken from a composite source and it looks pretty awful. There does, however, exist a subtitled rip of the properly remastered R2J DVD, so if anyone wants to watch the film it might be worth tracking that down instead of trying to find a copy of the out-of-print R1 release.

Anyone looking for something a little different should check it out.
Naruto Unleashed
season 6 part 2


Since the filler episodes started......I have the strange feeling that.....Naruto........isnt as good as it used to be. its still enjoyable and i will continue to buy the DVDs :)
sanji no 1 said:
Naruto Unleashed
season 6 part 2


Since the filler episodes started......I have the strange feeling that.....Naruto........isnt as good as it used to be. its still enjoyable and i will continue to buy the DVDs :)

Don't worry curry of life is awesome
Burn Up - 1/10


This 40 minute one-shot OVA from 1991 might be the first anime I've watched without a single redeeming factor. The plot, as far as I was able to discern between the naps I took every five minutes, is that three bimbo policewomen are on the trail of a white slave trader named Samuel McCoy (he has to be foreign, see, 'cause no Japanese person could ever be that evil) who masquerades as a legitimate businessman. So, following a lead, they go undercover at a club and the dumbest of the three gets herself kidnapped. The other two launch a seige on the trader's mansion and that's about it.

This was obviously AIC's attempt to cash in on the popularity of Bubblegum Crisis by producing their own girls-with-guns crimefighting show. Only they forgot a few things, like the awesome design and music and action scenes. Burn Up has none of that. Instead it takes place in a soulless world, has hideous character designs, awful music (by Kenji Kawai, of all people), and some of the most yawnworthy action sequences I've ever seen. It even lacks the fanservice that made Burn Up W and Excess just about watchable if you were drunk enough. What a tragic waste of paint.
If you want to see the worst, you should watch Riding Bean; that's truly awful....oh, wait, you already have. Silly ol' me.

Before my previous TV died, I did have a look it Burn-Up Scramble. It struck me as average and boring but didn't appear to be one the worst series ever. Going on that, I assumed the original would, if nothing else, be watchable.
The very notion that Riding Bean is the worst anime ever is absurd. You, sir, are a maniac. It must be worth a few points for the art and animation alone, not to mention the bulletproof headband (implausible, yes, but it's seared into the memory of all who witness it). And if you hate Riding Bean, I can't see you being any fonder of Burn Up, which is a similar kind of show only inferior in every way.
The worst anime ever? It might be, but I think Doki Doki or Melody of Oblivion may be worse. I've rated them higher only because I haven't finished them. I gave Riding Bean bottom marks because I finished it and saw no good points, but I can't do the same with others because I've only seen a few episodes.

Doki Doki I sold the full series of after watching three episodes - it was that bad. An Azumanga copy (did it come out after?) without any heart, likeable characters or anything semi-decent. The main character, a teacher, being the size of a child, being pathetic and living at home with her parents was supposed to be funny, with the same jokes getting made about it over and over, but it wasn't. I bet I'd give it 1/10 if I had forced myself to go beyond my limits and stay awake.

Melody of Oblivion is just a mess. Characterization on the level of a hentai, a villain who makes women turn into whores with his looks and rides on a bus that turns into a bull and heroes who ride on bikes into space. Everything about it is awful. If I ever finish it, I deserve a reward of some kind.