Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

Devil Lady - 8/10

The premise is simple: humans who possess a specific gene are evolving into twisted creatures called devilbeasts. But not everyone with the gene evolves completely. Protagonist Jun, an elegant but melancholy model, is a Devilman -- a half evolved devilbeast who retains her human conciousness.
And by the end, in typical anime fashion, they introduce a bizarre supernatural element and mess it all up. Sort of. I understand that this is similar to how the original Devil Man manga went, but Devil Lady seemed to be leading somewhere else before taking a detour through WTFville. At some point it ceased to make much sense.

But overall it was a good show with an adult tone, impressive character development, lots and lots of lesbianism (both implied and not-so-implied and handled more maturely than fanboy wankfodder like Kannazuki no Miko), and some highly disturbing scenes. The visuals are so-so, with limited animation and plenty of shortcuts, but some of the detailed close-ups of the main characters are quite striking.

Kekko Kamen - aka ' What can we get away with?'
A lot of super heroes have techniques to keep their enemies off balance, Batman uses darkness and fear, Spiderman keeps up a constant stream of quips and verbal diarrhoea, Kekko Kamen however has a different idea. She is butt naked... (baring boots, gloves and a mask), and this keeps everyone's attention on her body, and not on what she's doing. As concepts go it's one that would attract most heterosexual males attention. Pity that's as far as the concept got thought out. The animation is poor (even for when it was made), the plot is so dumb even the characters call it out, and it manages to be sexist to every gender and orientation at once. A few cheap laughs is all you'll get out of this show.
Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 5.5/10

What a disappointment,having got the orignal eight part Oav's years ago on Vhs no less I was always a fan of BGC especially with it's Bladerunner paralells and so I was really let down by this so-called re-envisioned tv series.
I've actually gotten my original BGC's dvds out and watched them again to compare them to the newer version.I know that the original BGC was not that popular at the time in japan which kinds of make you wonder why they bothered with a tv series almost 10 years later.But after watching the newer series ,I can honestly say that it looks like they took all the best parts from the origianl BGC and dumped them.
First the characters,in terms of personality and looks are almost completely different from the original oav's.
Syvlia Stingray ,The leader of the Knight Sabers in the oav's was protrayed as a mature, cool, calm and collected leader who took a very business like approach to the job and never let her emotions get the better of her.
The newer syvlia is almost the direct opposite ,suffering severe mood swings and by the series finale is useless and takes no part in the final battles ,some leader.
Priss Asagiri ,while in both the oav's and the series she plays the lead of rock band,that is as far as the two meet.In the oav's she was protrayed as a much more fiery person,easy to judge and a hot temper but also with a caring side which was evident in episodes 5 & 6 of the oav's.
The newer Priss like syvlia is almost the polar opposite of how she was orignally played.She is almost boomer like in her lack of display of emotions.
The two other members of the team Linna and Nene while their apperance has changed not much else has changed except prehaps Nene s more involved in the combat side of things than in the oav's.
The boomers in the oav's that the Knight Sabers usually fought were combat boomers in different shapes and sizes but the were no less lethal especially as they could pass for humans( just like Terminators)when not in action.
The boomers in the series except for one episode are all labor boomers with no onboard weapony or even a hint of personality unlike the one's from the oav's which really does'nt give them a sense of threat.I mean the A.D police was fromed to deal with rogue boomers( more like Patlabor) but it was partially because of their inability to deal with combat boomers that Syvlia Stingray formed the Knight Sabers in the oav's.
Second is the animation as a whole ,even though the series was made nearly ten years after the oav's you can hardly tell by the quality of the animation which is shoddy at best and crap at it's worse.The main characters let alone the secondary ones are very poorly drawn and Nene and to a lesser extent Leon are the only ones who barely change expression.
Third is the music,now in the oav's a lot of the music and songs were done by the voice actress for Priss(Kinuko Ohmori) who was a real life singer and this certainly showed as the music became intergral to the show ,a classic eaxmple of this is the first few minutes of the very first oav where the action is overlaid with priss's singing and introduces all the main characters.Another was the way the instumental music added to atmosphere of certain scenes .case in point was a scene in episode 5 when one of the 33s boomers on a bike is being chased down by two combat boomers down a highway.
On the other hand the series music in my opinion is techno rock trash which adds nothing to the series at all.
In conclusion if you are a fan of the oav's and have'nt seen the tv series save your self 20 quid and buy somthing else A re-vision of a older series or oav is generally meant to change and improve on the original but except for some changes to the characters which is too their detriment ,this series does nothing to improve the BGC universe one bit. :x
p.s I probably added two points for how cheap the series was to buy.
Urzu seven said:
Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 5.5/10

What a disappointment,having got the orignal eight part Oav's years ago on Vhs no less I was always a fan of BGC especially with it's Bladerunner paralells and so I was really let down by this so-called re-envisioned tv series.
Seemingly anyone who has watched the orginal doesn't think much of the new version. Not having watched the orginal quite enjoyed the 2040 remake.
hopeful_monster said:
Urzu seven said:
Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 5.5/10

What a disappointment,having got the orignal eight part Oav's years ago on Vhs no less I was always a fan of BGC especially with it's Bladerunner paralells and so I was really let down by this so-called re-envisioned tv series.
Seemingly anyone who has watched the orginal doesn't think much of the new version. Not having watched the orginal quite enjoyed the 2040 remake.
In a way I'm glad for you because if you had seen the original first you would never have liked the 2040 version.For me it was like having read one of my favourite books and then going to see the movie version and watching everything you liked about the book being absolutely thrashed.


I don't think I've had this much fun watching anime since Full Metal Panic. Slayers has some of the best comedy and plots, even with the sometimes cheesy dub. The animation was a little dated, but hey, what do I care? The characters still looked very nice, and Zelgadis was definitely the best drawn character. Zelgadis was also my favourite character (with the exception of Lina of course). I guess I just like the aloof types. Lina was pretty badass.
I knew there would be a anime nerd that would say something like that. And if you dont like what i said then do a turkey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
so what if its not a anime? someone rated Star Trek on here once. and thats not even animated! So hush!

Garren Lagann
This was absolutely amazing! The action, the animation, the story, the characters ITS ALL PERFECT!!! This is FAR better then Neon Genesis Evangelion! (in my oppinion)

The best anime ive seen this year so far!
sanji no 1 said:
so what if its not a anime? someone rated Star Trek on here once. and thats not even animated! So hush!

Garren Lagann
This was absolutely amazing! The action, the animation, the story, the characters ITS ALL PERFECT!!! This is FAR better then Neon Genesis Evangelion! (in my oppinion)

The best anime ive seen this year so far!

Maxon said:


I'm really happy to read things like this. A lot of newer fans seem to have trouble getting into Slayers with its rather charmingly wonky animation and crazy storylines so hearing that you've looked past that and been sucked in pleases this long time Slayers worshipper :)

Have you seen the lot or do you still have NEXT to look forward to (my personal favourite season)?

Rui said:
Maxon said:


I'm really happy to read things like this. A lot of newer fans seem to have trouble getting into Slayers with its rather charmingly wonky animation and crazy storylines so hearing that you've looked past that and been sucked in pleases this long time Slayers worshipper :)

Have you seen the lot or do you still have NEXT to look forward to (my personal favourite season)?

I've still to watch Next. A friend of mine has marathoned most of Slayers (TV, movies, OVAs) and says that Next is the best one too.

I'm a real appreciator of anime. I can look past wonky animation quite easily. After all, I'm a fan of Devilman Lady. :)
New rule: No idiots are allowed to post in my once perfect thread. It's now a holy, sacred place, safe from idiots from this moment forward.

I declare that sanji and unellmay are banned from this thread.

Note: The first person to say I've just banned myself from my own thread will make me cry.


Baldr Force EXE - 7/10

The series is like The Matrix... just without the whole trench coat thing. People get plugged into a virtual world via their heads and even get the mecha they visualize. It's as if whoever came up with the story saw The Matrix and thought, "Wouldn't it be awesome with Gundams, heads exploding and lots of big breasted women?"

I liked the first episode but the overall quality wasn't high. You can tell it was based on a hentai story; the amount of female characters is a clear indication. I have nothing against seeing a lot of females but when none get any development due to the short two hour length, it makes the anime look like all of the other average titles that use sex to sell.

The story was decent enough, though it lacked originality with its Matrix theft and generic 'I was experimented on as a child and escaped!' plot twist. Not worthy of remembering. It was good enough for one viewing but I doubt I'd enjoy sitting through it again.

Overall, it was worth a fiver but I can't really recommend it to anyone outside of those who want to add more anime to their MAL lists.
Macross: Do You Remember Love? - 9/10

Some time ago I saw an ANN 'Buried Treasure' article on this film and I’d been meaning to track down the fansub for sometime (due to the infamous licensing complications it will likely never get an R2 or even an R1 release).

Previous to seeing the DYRL I'd seen the Macross Plus OVA's and the recent Frontier, however my experience of the original SDF Macross series was limited to the US ‘Robotech’ hack job. ‘Do You Remember Love’ is essentially a condensed version of the TV series events I’m told, and so my hope was that it might fare better than the solid but ultimate flawed American counterpart.

I wasn’t disappointed.

The first thing that caught my attention was the visuals. Despite being made in 1984, they hold up remarkably well most likely due to the inflated movie budget. The character designs are distinctly dated, but not in an unpleasant way rather possessing a charming retro vibe. The tech designs are also impressive to this day, with details on the Valkyrie and enormous space battles being packed with detail and movement. The music also a adds a great deal, with sweeping orchestral scores for the more dramatic moments and Minmay’s signature J-pop cropping up at frequent intervals before serving as the backbone for the finale.

Of course this would all be pointless were it not for the quality of the storytelling. It’s certainly cheesy, and at times the compression of the storyline is evident in the occasionally rushed pacing, but what is most remarkable is how it managed to make me care for its cast and the outcome of their struggles. As over the top as the Macross universe might be, the central love triangle manages to remain believable and has a slightly surprising but sensible conclusion.

Overall, suspense of disbelief may be pushed a little far at times while the narrative has a few shaky sections, but by the time the ending battle began I wasn’t concerned. DYRL is right up there with Macross Plus in terms of quality and has earned it’s recognition as a classic.
Do You Remember Love is amazing. I did have a copy Kiseki's VHS release but must have thrown it out with my other tapes during one of my cathartic clear-outs. I recommend giving this AWO episode a listen; the love they have for the film is remarkable (and somewhat infectious).