Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

Naruto series 5 boxset 7/10 Typical Naruto, just a fun anime to watch. Fairly boring to start with but it picked up during the middle. Really liked some of the new characters that came and went. My biggest complaint was that it ended on such a cliffhanger. Now I have to wait for the next set.
A couple of rental anime ratings.

Ghost Hunt Vol 2: 6/10 Really not for me but my partner, she seemed to enjoy some of the episodes and we'll probably carry on with the series. The main character, Naru, seems like a cross between Light and L, for a start. Honestly, I just don't have a lot to say about the second volume. It made me a little sleepy.

Millennium actress (On & off): 8/10 Suffering the sleepy effects of Ghost Hunt & a long day at work. I kinda nodded on and off during this film but only for 5 minutes at a time, on about 4 different occasions. What I saw was great, a typical Satoshi Kon anime movie. You can't really go wrong. I will probably now buy this film and watch it & rate it properly. But for now, I give it a provisionary 8.
Millenium Actress sells for under a fiver. By no means is it one of my absolute favourites, but my decision to buy it didn't exactly break the bank.
Samurai 7 The complete series 8/10

I must admit I was pleasantly surprised by this having never seen a episode before.Intresting take on Kurosawa's classic film especially with all the "steampunk" references.Enjoyable. :D
Urzu seven said:
Samurai 7 The complete series 8/10

I must admit I was pleasantly surprised by this having never seen a episode before.Intresting take on Kurosawa's classic film especially with all the "steampunk" references.Enjoyable. :D
the ending is a bit of a mess, but yes, it's a very enjoyable and pretty looking series.
Urzu seven said:
Samurai 7 The complete series 8/10

I must admit I was pleasantly surprised by this having never seen a episode before.Intresting take on Kurosawa's classic film especially with all the "steampunk" references.Enjoyable. :D

When I first watched it I was really impressed with how they managed to get the character personalities and that to match so well with the original film, which I am a big fan of. The set pieces to introduce each character are different, but you can still tell who is who.
Arjuna: 1-7

Watched 7/13 (2/4) of Arjuna last night.

The episode order is really weird. 3-4-4-2. Most episodes are in the middle volumes. It isn't smart to put a small amount at the start, and putting only two episodes on the final DVD pleases no-one.

Anyway, the series is hit and miss.

Visually it looks amazing considering its age, the art, animation and colour all being excellent. Even the CG, which is the only part that shows age, blends in well with the animation. You wouldn't think it's as old as it is.

Where it falls short is its lack of story. It's more like an information pack than an anime at times, with lots of episodes dedicated to pointing out how humans do what's easy rather than what's good for the world. Because it looks nice and I'm a dummy, I didn't mind very much, but others get really pissed about the director pushing his views on the viewers instead of, you know, using the anime medium to just tell a story.

And, even when it isn't focusing on being informative, certain aspects of the supernatral, magical girl stuff bugs me. For instance, at the start, after a well done introduction where the lead died, she was told as a spirit that she'd be saved if she purged the Earth of the Raaja. So, when shes reborn outsude a nuc plant that's being attacked, with the ability to summon a bow and guardian, she assumes the guy meant to kill the Raaja/worm things - who wouldn't? But, for reasons unknown, he goes back on what he said, acts like she's an idiot and tell her not to kill the Raaja. If anyone was being an idiot, it was Mr 'I know it all, yet explain nothing'. What an ****.

Overall, the series is good; solid but not amazing. Visually excellent, a decent soundtrack and the show has a clear message. The main two characters are even fairly likeable. But it lacks a decent story and, as a result, lacks whaat's needed to contect the dots. And the (as ever with anime) unexplained supernatural stuff does the series no favours. It's better than its MAL ratings suggest (compared to other anime), but it isn't a classic.

7/10 (so far)
Witch Hunter Robin - 7/10

I've typed myself out in another thread, so I'm not going to say a lot. I'll just highlight a few points instead:

- The worst thing about the series is the way obvious stuff gets turned into 'dramatic' plot twists. The main character had no clue she was the same as those she hunted, even though she used magic and she hunted people because they used magic, It was made into a big deal, which made it come across even more stupid. And, even after that's made perfectly clear, she - and the rest of the cast - still see the need to use the word witch as if there's some difference between hunters who use magic and those who don't. There's some REALLY dumb dialogue.

- The whole thing lacks any purpose. Most of the series is spent watching episodic witch hunting and the end, involving obvious plot twists about an anti-witch item and random genetic stuff involving the main character, seemed like it was chucked in there just to stop it going on forever. The most funny thing was that at the end Robin went back to hunting witches - nothing changed at all, from start to finish.

- This series had near to no character development. I know sod all about Amon, who appeared to be the main character at the very start, and the same can be said of nearly all the other main characters. I have no idea why, in a series full of fillerish material, no effort was made to flesh out the STN-J members.

...but, despite all of the above, it was enjoyable to watch. Brainless, mostly uninvolving and pointless, yet it never bored me. If thought of as no more than watch and forget entertainment, it was pretty good.
iisan said:
Mushishi 10/10
Not going to write much but what I will say is this;
Each and every episode of Mushishi is a piece of art.
Have you seen Kino's Journey? I believe you will enjoy it as well. It's in my top ten, so it's great =)
Honestly I started looking into it as soon as I'd finished Mushishi.
I've got quite high hopes for it, thanks for the reccomendation.
I'll probably pick it up soon. :)
Bleach Memories of Nobody 8/10

I've waited so long for the region 2 release to come out and I have so to say I was'nt disappointed.The extra budget that the first Bleach movie gets is up on the screen for you to see.I doubt Karakura town has ever looked better and the scenery and characters look really sharp.As for the plot and storyline as a stand alone segment of the Bleach universe it does it's job very well.I only hope that we don't have to wait to long for Manga Ent. to bring out the next two movies.Ace :D
Aion said:
Witch Hunter Robin - 7/10 Brainless, mostly uninvolving and pointless, yet it never bored me. If thought of as no more than watch and forget entertainment, it was pretty good.

To my mind, it was exactly the sort of thing they should have shown on Anime Central when that was running. Oddly enough, I enjoyed Witch Hunter Robin more when it they were doing the 'monster of the week' format - the moment it showed signs of trying to develop an ongoing plot, I suddenly lost all interest.

Maybe it was an attempt to give the series a grittier look, but there were some pretty ugly character designs going on in there too.
Finally finished off Gankutsuou. Excellent from start to finish. I won't go into detail as I don't want to accidently spoil anything for people who ain't started this yet. I loved pretty much all of the characters and the plot had me hooked right from the start.

Easily one of the better shows i've seen for a long time. 10/10 (although for some reason I wanted to mark it 9 or 9.5. Hmm...)
"Gankutsuou" was ment to be the next anime I had to watch, but due to "Abenobashi Mahou Shoutengai" arriving yesterday, I started watching that instead. Still looking fwd to "Gankutsuou" like. =P
Sword of the Stranger - 9/10

I'm a sucker for samurai and ninja anime. Unless it's widely reputed to suck donkey conkers, I'll give it a shot. Ninja Scroll, Samurai Champloo, and the first Kenshin OVA are amongst my favourite anime, and Sword of the Stranger now belongs in that list.

It's a simple story, simply told: a young boy and his dog are being pursued by both Japanese and Chinese soldiers, for reasons that aren't made apparent until later. They're saved by a nameless wandering swordsman who then accompanies them, first for money but later because he wants to attone for past sins. And maybe he's a fiddler, who knows.

As a spectacle, though, it's absolutely incredible. The theatrical budget enabled Bones' talented animators to create some truly spectacular fight scenes, with the film culminating in an extraordinary bloodbath inside a fortress. The sweeping score would usually be a touch dramatic for my tastes, but it suits the mood of the film. Ocean seem to be the studio of choice for Bandai these days, and they've produced another great dub.

I would have awarded the film full marks if not for a couple of issues. First, there's a lull in the middle of the film where not much happens; second, the kid was a loud, obnoxious brat at the start. I understand that this was so that the audience could see the bond between him and the stranger deepen, but it still annoyed me. Aside from that I have no complaints. Watch this film!