Rate the last anime you watched out of 10

I'm usually pretty good with these long posts of yours Aion. I generally read most of them even if I don't know the series and so can't really comment.
That one however:
I haven't done a word count, so I can't be 100%, but I'm pretty sure it's nowhere near my longest.

So, why the ":O" face? :O

My short reviews have been doing **** on MAL. So, in an attempt to reverse the trend, I went back to the endless style. It isn't as good as my Battle Royale, Genshiken or Maison Ikkoku reviews, but it's decent.
Baccano 6.5/10 Or a alternaltive title could be Murdering Psychopaths on a Train.I dunno what the creators of this series were on when they dreamt up the show but I'm pretty sure it was'nt legal.The plot (if there was one )is paper thin ,the storyline jumps around worse than a jack in the box on acid and some of the characters are so shallow to be non-existent.
The only saving grace for the show is that some of the characters are so ludricous(Brad Russo & Vino aka Rail Tracer) as too be laugh out loud funny.I'm pretty sure the show was'nt meant to be a comedy (not quite sure what genre the show actually falls in ) but I haven't laughed at an anime so much in a long time and for that it gets an extra 2 points.
Otaku-san said:
hopeful_monster said:
Ah My Goddess 10/10
Please explain.
there short and sweet
Akaike information criterion ? what does that have to do with anything? I iked the OVA, it was short and sweet, but the first dvd of the anime dragged on like the last hour of work on the Friday before your big holiday. Little in the way of plot, character or world development.
Death Note - 5/10 I am so selling this series.
If the first arc were standalone it would be a 7 easy, and no, I'm not an L fanboy.
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iisan said:
Death Note - 5/10 I am so selling this series.
If the first arc were standalone it would be a 7 easy, and no, I'm not an L fanboy.
I'd happily buy it off you, if only I wasn't in the same boat as yourself as regards opinion of it.
Don't worry though. I'm sure you'll find a genuine buyer in due time- the fanbase is sizeable enough.
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iisan said:
Death Note - 5/10 I am so selling this series.
If the first arc were standalone it would be a 7 easy, and no, I'm not an L fanboy.

As much as it pleases me that Fabio now has a friend, I can't help but think of you as an idiot unless you bother to explain yourself. So far, you haven't even typed enough about Death Note to create a decent paragraph. Just giving a low rating and not explaining yourself doesn't say a lot good.

I find it amusing that you stuck with a 5/10 series all the way to the end, going as far as to buying all of the volumes. Even I am yet to buy volumes 4 and 5, and Death Note is a series I rated 10/10! It reminds me of the people who hate Naruto yet watched over 100 episodes.
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Funny, I thought this thread was titled ‘rate’ the last anime you watched – not ‘review’ the last anime you watched. Fair enough though, an opinion without explanation isn't really an opinion at all, so I'll write something up tomorrow to clear up why I rated it so low.

Let me clarify as to why I’ve bought all the DVDs of a series I rated 5/10, it was still a 7-8/10 series for me during the majority of the first arc, and the quality (in my opinion) only began to decline half way through the fourth volume. I had invested so much into this series by this time I thought it silly not to go the whole hog and see if it picked up. Also bear in mind I rated this without score inflation or whatever. 5/10 to me means average, not awful.
Quite right. However, I only said not to review because most people are too lazy, most seeming to only enjoy posting a few words.

When someone gives a rating that goes against the average, I don't think it's wrong to expect the number to be backed up by an explanation. To do that, a review isn't needed - a paragraph or two would suffice.

You scored the series 5/10, despite thinking 26/37 episodes deserved a score of 7-8/10? Not the best math. If you enjoyed two thirds of the series, then a score of 5/10 because of the final third isn't an objective rating.

Seeing you score the series 5/10 tells me you haven't seen a 5/10 series. Your rating is off because you've most likely only watched highly rated series. Over-rated it may be, but average it isn't compared to most other anime. Just based on the visual and audio side, 5/10 is too low.

As for the second half being inferior to the first half, most would agree. That's exactly why Madhouse cut a lot out - around half the material. The last half of the final episode aside, what you see in the second half of the anime is a lot better than the story in the manga. I'm sure you'd have a higher opinion of it if you'd read the manga.
I averaged it out. I rated the first arc 7-8/10 and the second arc 3/10. It might've been 6/10 but the ending just did nothing for the final impression of it. I've blotted out the big spoilers, but be careful if you havn't seen it, as I talk about the finale. Anyway, here are some of my key issues with it;

The first arc of Death Note was an epic clash of conflicting morals and beliefs. L and Light had strong personal motivations revolving mainly around their own definitions of justice, and each is as interesting and thought-provoking as the other. As time progresses, Light seems to loose sight of the nature of his original goal and becomes progressively more evil and harder to empathise with as a lead character. He becomes completely impossible to relate to as a character, he becomes such a jerk that he’s completely predictable, and this is well before the first arc is over. While L was a genuinely intriguing character who had many little quirks that complimented and paralelled his personality, Near and Mello were clones who became defined by those quirks. Mello likes chocolate. Near plays with toys. This is all they are. It got old really fast. They feel like novelties attempting to fill L’s shoes. They have zero character motivation besides surpassing L which leaves them as completely dull antagonists, and the psychological question that the series set out with, letting you choose your own hero, is soon completely lost in all the overdone melodrama and unbelievable character developments. Well, I say unbelieveable character developments, but thats a little too generous, as only one character develops through the entire story, and considering his original MO his personality goes completely sideways, and just doesn’t tally with his original beliefs. This gets ridiculous to the point where Light is scheming even on his Father’s deathbed.

The war ground of intelligence and deductions seen in the first arc is soon replaced by ‘I knew you’d do this... so I did this’ which becomes almost laughable in the series finale, where this is predicably bounced back and forth several times. There are a few interesting characters, but many who are present for the entire series are simply blown off once they’re in the way or never developed at all. I actually thought they’d done this to Ryuk, who was nowhere to be seen for the final arc, until he popped up out of nowhere and I realised they just hadn’t been bothering to draw him. There are also plot holes, and the whole second arc feels far less intelligent then the first. One of the things that interested me most was L’s origin, and the strange claim he makes that he’s been able to hear bells getting closer his entire life, but this is never expanded upon and is left completely ambiguous. The music, besdies the nice little religious themed pieces that crop up is pretty forgettable overall. The visuals are well drawn but the repetitive camera angles soon get boring. I did like how they would focas in on someones eyes and colourise them as they’re thinkinh, which is used very effectively with Light vs. L arc. It feels more like tradition as the series goes on though, and gets repetitive and meaningless. A good finale would probably have redeemed this series for me and made it worth the watch, but it was so overdone and melodramatic that it became laughable how seriously it was taking itself. Well, at least Ryuk was entertained cause I sure as hell wasn’t.

http://www.designchronicle.com/memento/ ... 3725LG.jpg

Oh and also, I have seen truley awful series.
Jyu-oh-Sei, 2/10.
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To hear that the twists are laughable certainly puts a new spin on the show. I've familiar with those who'll wax lyrical about this show to no end, and I notice that the assorted critiques to counteract them seem to vary- I can never exactly predict what a given detractor is going to dislike about it.
Texhnolyze, on first viewing, 8/10. A very good series, I'm surprised it's not talked about a lot more. For a start, it's one of those animes that could be dissected and discussed for years to come. As others have said, along the lines of Serial Experiments Lain, mainly closer to the end of the series. One of the more depressing animes, generally very bleak, which I find a good trait. Also, not one for action fans. It's quite a slow, thoughtful series & even the action scenes seemed pretty slow. As someone else reviewed in the Texhnolyze thread, you're thrown into a world where 'hope' just doesn't exist. An anime worth watching but only for the very open-minded anime fan.
It pleases me that you've put effort into expressing your opinion. Did it really require a childish taunt for you to do so?

As I've said, the second half of the story is weaker than the first. Death Note fans agree. Madhouse agree. I'm not even going to suggest that the first and second halves of the story match-up in terms of quality. But 3/10, for episodes with top direction, music placement and plenty of manga fixing? The number doesn't fit. If you want to see a proper 3/10 series, watch Doki Doki School Days. Or, if you want to see a studio **** up the source material and put no effort into the art/animation side, watch Shippuuden.

In the second half of the story, the author lost his touch for a lengthy period, and even when he bounced back with Mikami's introduction he still created plot holes in order to reach the conclusion. There's also the argument that the second half of the story wasn't required - that the story should've ended with L.

However, although I'm fully aware of the shortcomings of the last half of the story, I still liked it. Why? Because I understood what the author attempted to do. He didn't want the main character to die without getting a major victory first - he felt that would've been a pathetic way for such an intelligent character to go out. He did want him to lose, but not straight away. So, in order to pull this off, he had L die and, in his place, created two new rivals for Light - one like L (Near) and one more like Light (Mello). L alone couldn't beat Light, so he made it 2 vs 1 to be fair.

It wasn't the idea of two new rivals coming after L that was bad - it was the execution. At first it went well, with Near leading the Americans and Mello leading the mafia, but it started to go wrong after Light's dad got killed by Mello. After that, Mello had no role to play in the story - it was all Light vs. Near. The author didn't know what to do with Mello at this point. And, sadly, what he ended up doing was making Mello do something he'd never do in order for Near to win: sacrifice himself. His character was ruined there and then. If Mello had ever been shown to be the kind of guy who'd throw away his own life for the greater good, the twist would've worked, but he'd never been shown in that light until his demise.

I don't think Mello's character change damaged Death Note a great deal, though. He should've been removed from the picture earlier, and the author should've come up with a different way for Light to lose, but no lasting damage was done... providing you can ignore what happened to a character who was wasted. I'm in the camp that believes the poor job the author did with Mello was made up for by the warehouse sequence at the end.

As a whole, the second half of the manga was less than impressive. There was too much pointless talking, too many needless plot twists and not enough of Light doing his thing. But the anime is different. 50+ chapters were sped through in 11.5 episodes, with all of the needless content cut. What resulted was a fast and thrilling ride, with all the good of the second half of the manga and a limited amount of the bad. If I overlook the few plot holes, Near being an L clone and Madhouse ******* up the ending, I see little reason for me to not give the series as a whole 10/10, or close to it.

Unless you read the manga, you just won't get how good of a job Madhouse did... the ending **** up aside. They put effort into even the smallest of things, ranging from Light eating crisps to Light getting out of a car door (There was even a new, only played once track that accompanied that scene). And, as has been mentioned on numerous occasions, they cared enough about the source material to want to fix problems. In an age where anime studios are known for not spending money and screwing up perfectly good stories, you have to give them credit for doing the best they could. Does a 5/10 score reflect this, or the quality of the first half (2/3rds in the anime) of the story, which you said you liked? Nope - it'd make a person think of Studio Pierrot's adaptation of another Bleach or Naruto.

Having read your post, it's clear you haven't read the manga and, in some cases, just didn't understand what you'd seen.

L vs. Light, a conflicting clash of beliefs? No. L and Light are very similar characters. Both are the type who'd discard others if it meant winning. Neither of them valued life very highly. That's why, during the Yotsuba business, L argued with the other team members, who refused to accept the idea of letting people die in order to catch Kira.

L thought Light was childish, but he himself admitted to being childish. He also said that's why he could predict Kira's moves - because of their similar way of thinking.

Light became more evil as the story progressed? No. If you want to think of him as "evil", he was evil right from the start. He never cared about his family, he never had any true friends. His brilliance and lack of heart isolated him long before he found a Death Note. All the Death Note ever did was allow him to be true to himself; allow him to break away from the chains of society.

You go on to say he's hard to relate with, yet many people can relate with him. Lots of people put on fronts around others, acting kind when they don't really give a ****. Lots of people think of the world as a mess, full of disgusting people. Lots of people would kill others if they knew they'd get away with it. You may not agree with Light's actions but, in my opinion, there's a bit of Light in everybody hiding somewhere under the surface, masked by a fake smile.

I also fail to comprehend why you believe Light's actions on his fathers death bed somehow contradicted his earlier actions. Was Light ever shown to think of his father as anything other than a pawn? Even earlier on, after the tennis match, Light felt he had to act like the good son in front of L. To be frank, you're talking out of your ****.

Moving onto your 'point' about Ryuk, once again you failed to grasp something: Ryuk wasn't shown much in the second half because of the surprise role he played at the end. He didn't want Ryuk to be at the front of the readers mind. I'll cut you some slack here because, due to the Madhouse ending, it looked like Ryuk took pity on Light. In the manga... well, I don't want to spoil it but I'll just say that the author was saving Ryuk for the finale.

Switching again, this time to L, I chuckled at your comment regarded L's "special ability to hear bells". I sense much density. First of all, you have no way of knowing this but the bell thing was filler. Secondly, the meaning behind L hearing bells was obviously that he knew his end was fast approaching. If you didn't get that when you watched the scene, you most certainly should've after L died almost straight after.

...I'd best wrap this up. Most likely, you'll be too lazy to read this in any event. In summary, I'm well aware of the flaws of the second half of the story, but I feel it saves itself towards the end - from Mikami's introduction onwards - and I also believe that Madhouse did such a good job that it remained close to being as thrilling as the first half of the story in the anime.

This will be my last post because I'm trying not to use the net - typing lengthy messages does not help. You should feel proud that I've gone to the trouble of typing this message. If you feel like rewarding me and need to get the stains of '5/10' anime off your hands, send me your copies of volumes four and five. I'll even cover postage.
Thanks for the offer but they're up on eBay already. If nobody bids I'll let you know.

The problem with your arguments lie in the fact that you think everyone should know the authors original intentions and why things went wrong in the anime version/what was improved, but this isn't a realisitc expectation. I simply rated the series standalone unbaisedly (aside from perhaps being tainted slight with disapointment after the hype) based on enjoyment. I know it's a high quality production, but I simply couldn't abide watching anything towards the end (though I'll admit I liked Mikami until the finale) and I got absolutely no enjoyment from it, thus, 3/10.

As for the bells thing, I know that meant his life was coming to an end it just seemed a wierd thing to say to me. Honestly I wasn't saying I was surpised by Light's actions during his father's death, I was just using it as an example to say why he's unrelatable, for me, at least.

Anyway, I enjoyed debating about this with you, though you could be a little more polite in future.
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Eden of the East - 7/10

Despite the tremedous amount of potential the series held in the first few episodes it did fall rather flat around the midsection. The show seemed to be suffering from an identity crisis where it couldn't decide whether to be slice of life romance or a hi-tech conspiracy thriller.

Not to say that either aspects of the story were particularly bad, however there's a sense of dissonance between them rather than the integration I'd hoped for earlier. On top of this the pacing went slightly awry too, as the plot took sudden jumps ahead that weren't always welcome or well executed. All the same, there's more to like than hate about EotE in the end. The animation was excellent, and there was great deal of originality (not to mention political relevance) in the concept.

The ending is something of a cliffhanger, but with two movies apparently confirmed it shouldn't be long to wait before it's resolved. Hopefully these followups will refine the formula into something genuinely impressive beyond the flawed promise the series offered. I liked it, it just could have been a great deal better had there been a stronger focus on one side of the narrative.
Silent Mobius The Movie 9/10
Silent Mobius 2 The Movie 9/10
First a confession,Silent Mobius was the very first manga I read almost sixteen years ago.I loved the way the author Kia Asamiya blended sci-fi,action and the paranormal as well as the cast for the most part being made up of beautiful looking women who could kick ass.So my rating could be considered biased,but the two movies stand up well when you take into account that they were made in 1991 and 1992 .
The only reason I don't give them a 10/10 is because at 55 minutes running time they are just too short.The two movies are best watched back to back as the second film starts right off from were the first one ends. :D
Fullmetal Alchemist season 1 part two 8/10 The story is starting to build up a head of steam now and the show is getting darker with some characters getting the chop.
I always felt episode 25 in the show was a great turning point as it showed that no character was safe from getting killed and added that little extra bit of suspense as you wondered who would be next?Plus because the anime very soon after diverged from the source manga ,the shows creators had a bit more leeway story and plot wise.