Student Council President
Well, since it's been well over a year since I posted my collection and I've just been through the trauma of redecorating my room it's probably time to update.
So prepare for a long post full of terribly shot pictures, plus some interesting facts about my collection *smile*
manga/light novel collection. I also have One Piece and Berserk, not pictured as they are on different shelves.
In total I have 42 Light Novels, with Spice And Wolf being the current longest series at 14
I have 1032 volumes of manga (wow, more than I thought) consisting of 79 Different series, of which 36 are complete. The longest complete series is Mahou Sensei Negima at 38 but I anticipate Naruto to take the corwn soon as only a couple of volumes left.
I tend to buy a manga series if it looks interesting, or if i've watched the anime and it was good (conversely if i read a manga and enjoy it i'll source the anime, double the pleasure!) or if someone tells me a series is good (hence why I started My Little Monster, which indeed is good *smile*)
I also have 8 Art Books, which can't quite be seen on the above image, but To Love Ru holds the first place, with 2 of them.
In terms of anime now...
I have 615 seperate items, although a lot of them are multi part series and long running Shonen. I've a bit of a scattergun approach to regions, and also to special editions. Anyway 219 are Blu-Ray or Combo Packs, and 192 are Region A releases.
So i do still try and buy region B, but the numbers of those are declining due to local screwups, though MVM and Anime Limited do tend to get a lot of my business!
As for double dipping, don't do it much, but have got a few, such as Gurren Lagaan and Mayo Chiki!, generally I would have to really like a show to upgrade to Blu-ray, but a new dub can etice me. Yes, i'm primarily a Dub watcher, but as you can see I am not adverse to Sub only releases. If an anime is good it's good, right?
As for numbers, the franchise i have the most purchases is Naruto with 36 items. Thse long running Shonen are a pain to collect *smile*
The most expensive franchise is Monogatari with i dare not think how much i've spent. If i hadn't already started before the MVM releases i'd have saved a ton of cash, but i figure i started so I'll finish *grin*
As for genres, i'll but alsmot anything that looks good, as you can see, but i have a weakness for harem shows and better still booby harem shows. Yes, i may be the type of anime fan that is killing the industry with my taste, but at least I put up my cash!
And finally onto figures. Finally got some display cases so I can put them all out...
I own 22 figures (and a couple of bootlegs, but am getting round to ebyaing geniune versions of them soon) and To Love Ru wins hands down with 6, including 2 Momo's!
As you can see, i like cute girl figures. So sue me *smile*
anyway, I do keep lists of everything i own, so that's how i was able to compile these stats. They aren't quite accurate as I have a couple new anime series and a half dozen more volumes of manga that arrived this week, but I haven't opened 'em yet so i haven't counted them. And yes, i have watched everything i own at least once, with the exception of Kill la Kill and Tokyo Ravens, foe which I am waiting for the last parts before bingeing on.
Well, I think that's probably enough rambling *smile*
So prepare for a long post full of terribly shot pictures, plus some interesting facts about my collection *smile*

manga/light novel collection. I also have One Piece and Berserk, not pictured as they are on different shelves.
In total I have 42 Light Novels, with Spice And Wolf being the current longest series at 14
I have 1032 volumes of manga (wow, more than I thought) consisting of 79 Different series, of which 36 are complete. The longest complete series is Mahou Sensei Negima at 38 but I anticipate Naruto to take the corwn soon as only a couple of volumes left.
I tend to buy a manga series if it looks interesting, or if i've watched the anime and it was good (conversely if i read a manga and enjoy it i'll source the anime, double the pleasure!) or if someone tells me a series is good (hence why I started My Little Monster, which indeed is good *smile*)
I also have 8 Art Books, which can't quite be seen on the above image, but To Love Ru holds the first place, with 2 of them.
In terms of anime now...

I have 615 seperate items, although a lot of them are multi part series and long running Shonen. I've a bit of a scattergun approach to regions, and also to special editions. Anyway 219 are Blu-Ray or Combo Packs, and 192 are Region A releases.
So i do still try and buy region B, but the numbers of those are declining due to local screwups, though MVM and Anime Limited do tend to get a lot of my business!
As for double dipping, don't do it much, but have got a few, such as Gurren Lagaan and Mayo Chiki!, generally I would have to really like a show to upgrade to Blu-ray, but a new dub can etice me. Yes, i'm primarily a Dub watcher, but as you can see I am not adverse to Sub only releases. If an anime is good it's good, right?
As for numbers, the franchise i have the most purchases is Naruto with 36 items. Thse long running Shonen are a pain to collect *smile*
The most expensive franchise is Monogatari with i dare not think how much i've spent. If i hadn't already started before the MVM releases i'd have saved a ton of cash, but i figure i started so I'll finish *grin*
As for genres, i'll but alsmot anything that looks good, as you can see, but i have a weakness for harem shows and better still booby harem shows. Yes, i may be the type of anime fan that is killing the industry with my taste, but at least I put up my cash!
And finally onto figures. Finally got some display cases so I can put them all out...

I own 22 figures (and a couple of bootlegs, but am getting round to ebyaing geniune versions of them soon) and To Love Ru wins hands down with 6, including 2 Momo's!
As you can see, i like cute girl figures. So sue me *smile*
anyway, I do keep lists of everything i own, so that's how i was able to compile these stats. They aren't quite accurate as I have a couple new anime series and a half dozen more volumes of manga that arrived this week, but I haven't opened 'em yet so i haven't counted them. And yes, i have watched everything i own at least once, with the exception of Kill la Kill and Tokyo Ravens, foe which I am waiting for the last parts before bingeing on.
Well, I think that's probably enough rambling *smile*