Post a photo of your entire anime collection!

Trying to show some pictures of my collection, how do you include pictures in the post as it says file size to large and is there a way to upload a video file (mp4) instead?
AnimeNut said:
Trying to show some pictures of my collection, how do you include pictures in the post as it says file size to large and is there a way to upload a video file (mp4) instead?

You can either make the pictures smaller or put them on a third party picture site like imgur or photobucket then share the image link. For video, it would be best to upload it to YouTube or something similar then embed the video here, as the board won't let you upload videos.

fabricatedlunatic said:
I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest that VoxPhantom is a Haruhi fan. Amirite?

Insanely envious of your Alter figure collection, I am.
But... but... he has them all boxed up! :-/
Joshawott said:
@VoxPhantom - I like your taste!
Thanks! :D

animefreak17 said:

AWW thats a nice lil collection
Cheers, it's definitely only a little one compared to some of the monster collections that others have posted!

fabricatedlunatic said:
I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest that VoxPhantom is a Haruhi fan. Amirite?
You've rumbled me! :lol: Might need a shelf just for Haruhi stuff soon, I can't get enough of it.

Insanely envious of your Alter figure collection, I am.
I love the Haruhi figures that Alter do/did, seeing the prices that some places sell them at now makes my eyes water. I'm sure there was an Alter version of Mikuru in school uniform, which I'd like to pick up, but I haven't been able to find it anywhere.
ilmaestro said:
Slickly presented collection, my man, the amount of JP language manga was unexpected! I am also quite jelly, as I only have the small bunko re-issue of Maison Ikkoku, I would quite like an original tankoubon version.

Are you not in possession of the other volumes of YKK?
My Japanese manga, ah, for the days of the strong Pound... ;_;

Though my learning efforts did stall somewhat, it's something I'm definitely going to start devoting time to again this year. 2012 is the year I start on the path to realising some of the goals I've had for too long. がんばります.

Those were the only volumes of YKK available at the time I bought them... I now know why, as it's been reprinted (but with different covers damn it). Maybe one of these days I'll get to Japan and find the others.

speaking of which, on this forum from 1 to 10 who has the biggest collection in

i know in dvds im packing
mangaman has the biggest dvd collection i bet ya

you know what we should aces that
I'm fairly sure Rui's collection would probably count as one of the biggest, if not the biggest from the sounds of it.
If by models you mean figures, I would think CloudedMinds out of people who post at all. I have quite a lot of games for PS2-era and onwards systems, but I'd guess one of the older guys has some epic collection going back through time. My DVD collection would be a lot larger if I didn't buy so many expensive singles ^^; but I doubt too many people here have more individual anime BD discs than me.

ayase said:
Those were the only volumes of YKK available at the time I bought them... I now know why, as it's been reprinted (but with different covers damn it). Maybe one of these days I'll get to Japan and find the others.
Aha, I see. I could look for you next time I'm there, if you like? It would not compare to the fun of one day hunting them down yourself though, I suppose.
Having had a slight tidy up recently I took a few snaps

Main shelves:
<a href=""><img src="" height="400" width="300"></a>

Manga overflow:
<a href=""><img src="" height="400" width="300"></a>

Overflow of overflow:
<a href=""><img src="" height="400" width="300"></a>

Newer magazines:
<a href=""><img src="" height="300" width="400"></a>

Some stuff lying around elsewhere:
<a href=""><img src="" height="400" width="300"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" height="300" width="400"></a>

(older clearer snaps from during the move a couple of years ago still here)
Joshawott said:
I want to buy some figures...but I'm not sure where the best place would be...
I got all of mine from eBay (Haruhi ones from Japanese/Hong Kong based sellers, Inami from a US anime shop). If I remember correctly, all but the Inami one made it through customs without charges!
Joshawott said:
I'm fairly sure Rui's collection would probably count as one of the biggest, if not the biggest from the sounds of it.

............................???????? i didn't know RUI had a big collection which page is her collection on
animefreak17 said:
Joshawott said:
I'm fairly sure Rui's collection would probably count as one of the biggest, if not the biggest from the sounds of it.

............................???????? i didn't know RUI had a big collection which page is her collection on
I don't think she's ever posted it, but she has made occasional comments about the relative size of her collection.

@VoxPhantom Thanks, I'll have to look around. Since my Gundam Dynames model kit broke, there's some space on my shelve that needs filling up xD.

@Shiroi Hane Words can not describe how jelly I am.
im better mangaman has the biggest dvd collection but until iv seen RUIs collection im stilling to my guess, i know mangaman hasn't put up a picture of his collection but from his comments saying he has a box city and looking at all the dvds hes brought im certain he has the biggest.

RUI if you ever have time can we see your collection please
Joshawott said:
I want to buy some figures...but I'm not sure where the best place would be...
If you are looking at new release (ie. preorder) figures, Amiami for sure (this goes for JP games, too, although you have to get preorders in quite early usually). Older stuff, I would imagine finding someone legit and vouched for on eBay would be your only way of not paying way over the $$$ for most things.

Shiroi Hane said:
Overflow of overflow:


Some stuff lying around elsewhere:
:lol: Excellent.
I'd rather not post mine, it would be a lot of pictures. Also there's some remaining illusion this way that I am not a completely tragic human being with almost a thousand individual BL doujinshi (981) >_>

I cheat, though, in general, as some of the manga etc in the house is actually my husband's, and I have a lot of old stuff which bulks everything out due to being in singles volumes.

I probably win on obscure categories like "number of anime-related 3" CD singles" (300ish) and "number of Japanese VHS tapes" (I don't even know how many I have, they're in the attic), but several people here have large collections of more sensible things!


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