Post a photo of your entire anime collection!

G'wan then, I have just rearranged most of my stuff. 95% of it here, still the odd thing probably packed in miscellaneous boxes:

New BD/DVD shelf:


Manga and Artboxes:



Free-standing extra nice display items, plus bad girls exhibit:
It's now got to the point where I'm having to look into getting a third bookshelf or something. If I get one more DVD, I'll be going off my DVD racks and if I get two more manga volumes, I'll have to start doubling up on rows (which I HATE) - but there's simply no space in my room (and due to the stud-walls, I can't have any heavy fixtures).

So I'm in discussions with Mum about letting me move my collection into the hallway outside my room xD.

A small update though: You know that Gundam Dynames model kit I have? Yeah, somehow it fell off the shelf a couple of days ago and one of the leg joints snapped. I've tried using super glue, but the leg is just so damn heavy in comparison to the crotch. Also, the Death Note replica has been replaced with Madoka volume 2 and the signed Pokémon Black box is now in the centre. I've also moved the Madoka poster up a bit so I could put the volume 2 posters up.
The Ghibli Blu-rays... volume 8 of Black Lagoon... the horror /o\

A good collection there, ayase my good man, and probably the closest to my own of all those posted here. A gold star for you and your good taste.

But! I'm dismayed at how few people arrange their collections alphabetically. It makes me cry a little inside. HOW DO YOU PEOPLE FIND ANYTHING?!!?!111
I am seriously considering keeping my Ghibli DVDs, buying more two-disc cases and putting the BDs in with them (then selling/giving away the extra DVD copies) so horrible is the inconsistency. And WTF is going to be No. 2 in the collection, or have they just totally missed it out? That Black Lagoon Vol. 8... The mind boggles. Then there's Mardock Scramble and its stupid French spine, which I've stood upside down for now.

When I look at it all though, I do become aware that I have a number of Nice Things, which pleases me.
Joshawott said:
It's now got to the point where I'm having to look into getting a third bookshelf or something. .
Tell me about it, my billy unit for anime is completely full, leaking over to the one for PC games, and I have DVDs stacked on top too, let alone anything else I have coming, and my other unit with my DVDs, books and console games is overflowing too. I was actually thinking about how I could try and address it earlier but I didnt think of a clear answer.
What makes you most jelly Lawro? Go on, inflate my ego.

Is it the Harley Quinn maquette? That's worth a friggin' mint now.
update my shelves, still so behind on stuff -damn figures XD- can't take pics on my manga -also behind on- as there on another bookcase in my wardrobe

Back Layer



Front Layer



That's reminded me of what's missing from my collection pictures - My metal boxes of Evangelion and GitS:SAC 1st and 2nd Gigs.

There are some nice looking big boxed sets there Aya, unfortunately I can't tell what some of them are.
@animefreak Lol, I used to keep track on how many I had but haven't counted for a while, I might do it when I next some free time.

Haha thank you those figures you can see are about 2% of my collection XD

@Ayase Thank you, I know my camera wouldn't play nice, It's still new and I haven't worked out all the settings on it yet -plus the light kept bouncing off everything XD

Which ones where you trying to work out?
I think I've worked most of them out now. The only ones I'm struggling with are the one in the centre on the top shelf in the first picture with the girl in a kimono, and third from the right on the same shelf, with a green head and an "H" and an "N" on it.
@Aya-Kun you otaku *its a complement *

by the way to everyone

did you take a picture of your hole collection or did you miss out on your backlogs
@ayase haha that's actually a guy in the kimono but you wouldn't be able to tell that from the pic XD That is Ghost Slayer Ayashi

The other one including the one of the left of it is Eureka 7 there the two art boxes I bought all of the limited edition version

@AnimeFreak Haha thank XD I haven't got an up to date pic of my room other wise I would show you the rest of my figures -I'll try and take some on my next day off.

And my pic is of everything
Got some shelves today, so I can finally post a picture of my collection looking presentable, rather than being in three big stacks.

Wasn't expecting to fill both shelves quite so easily though...

ayase said:
That Black Lagoon Vol. 8... The mind boggles.
If that isn't a deliberate troll on people like you then I can't possibly explain it. :lol:

Slickly presented collection, my man, the amount of JP language manga was unexpected! I am also quite jelly, as I only have the small bunko re-issue of Maison Ikkoku, I would quite like an original tankoubon version.

Are you not in possession of the other volumes of YKK?