Post a photo of your entire anime collection!

Shiroi Hane said:
My figures (some here all came from HLJ, YesAsia and my comic store via Diamond.



to those who but figures how do you feel when you have them

i mean like when there there for you look look at or you get a new one how do you feel, happy bliss, excitement,

i guess i would be like when i watch a anime i like, to watch happy, excited to continue a story, bliss when youv just watched a anime you really really like
Rui said:
I'd rather not post mine, it would be a lot of pictures. Also there's some remaining illusion this way that I am not a completely tragic human being with almost a thousand individual BL doujinshi (981) >_>

I cheat, though, in general, as some of the manga etc in the house is actually my husband's, and I have a lot of old stuff which bulks everything out due to being in singles volumes.

I probably win on obscure categories like "number of anime-related 3" CD singles" (300ish) and "number of Japanese VHS tapes" (I don't even know how many I have, they're in the attic), but several people here have large collections of more sensible things!


<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="worship gifs Pictures, Images and Photos"></a>

i believe you
hail our queen

and just to let you know theres no shame of reading doujinshi
Shiroi Hane said:
Joshawott said:
@Shiroi Hane Words can not describe how jelly I am.
I'm sure you could make your room just as messy if you tried.
My floor space is already covered by a quilt that is used by my cocker spaniel. Pretty messy as it is xD
Unknownfate said:
I'm top 10 at least, maybe top 5

id like to do a top 10 list of


of those who have the most in each categorise

since im only a anime dvd collector the anime categorise is mine

just count of how any series/ movies, games, manga, models, ect you have and we'll see who has what.
I dunno though, someone who has a collection full of limited edition first press BDs has a more valuable and attractive collection than someone with a hundred S.A.V.E. sets or Manga UK bargain bin DVDs - it can't be so easily compared. Then there are the crazy (but awesome) folks who re-buy entire series to trim down their shelf space usage when a slimmer set comes out and so on, and I'm not sure a full series of something such as Urusei Yatsura should be weighted the same as a full series collection of Dragon Half. In other words, I don't think directly comparing collections is that easy :)

If AnimeFreak is only wanting to compare collections by quantity, then it doesn't make a difference whether a release is budget or first press - when you stick the disk in the player it'll still be the same.

Furthermore, the idea that a collection full of Limited Editions and First Presses is more valuable than one of cheaper/less exclusive releases is only an opinion. Whilst they may be more financially valuable, they could have sentimental and emotional value.
ilmaestro said:
If by models you mean figures, I would think CloudedMinds out of people who post at all.

Well my collection is 86 (two arrived yesterday) full-sized figures but i think Aya-kun has far more with 351 though her full-sized figures are only 85...according to MFC anyway
ilmaestro said:
fabricatedlunatic said:
I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest that VoxPhantom is a Haruhi fan. Amirite?

Insanely envious of your Alter figure collection, I am.
But... but... he has them all boxed up! :-/

Even i've got all mine boxed up still...saves on cleaning the dust off :p
CloudedMinds said:
ilmaestro said:
fabricatedlunatic said:
I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest that VoxPhantom is a Haruhi fan. Amirite?

Insanely envious of your Alter figure collection, I am.
But... but... he has them all boxed up! :-/

Even i've got all mine boxed up still...saves on cleaning the dust off :p

dust is a huge pain a really huge pain i know i should store them but i like to put them on display
Joshawott said:
My floor space is already covered by a quilt that is used by my cocker spaniel. Pretty messy as it is xD
I read that as: "My floor space is already covered by a quilt that used to be my cocker spaniel". :eek:
ayase said:
Joshawott said:
My floor space is already covered by a quilt that is used by my cocker spaniel. Pretty messy as it is xD
I read that as: "My floor space is already covered by a quilt that used to be my cocker spaniel". :eek:
The last thing I'd do is make her into a quilt xD

Also, I've been looking at Gertrud Barkhorn figures on eBay....buying one would screw me only financially until the Tuesday after next though...
Joshawott said:
ayase said:
Joshawott said:
My floor space is already covered by a quilt that is used by my cocker spaniel. Pretty messy as it is xD
I read that as: "My floor space is already covered by a quilt that used to be my cocker spaniel". :eek:
The last thing I'd do is make her into a quilt xD
Well yeah... there's not much left to do with her after that!