Manga Entertainment need to take a chill pill

VoxPhantom said:
Joshawott said:
That was as the result of someone on their Facebook making a comment on their Mardock Scramble: The First Compression post asking if the second film will be released on Blu-ray or if it "won't be viable". Jerome picked up on the obvious sarcasm in the post and told them to "Stop Moaning". Then, said person and a few others played the "You're the representative of a company card!".

One of the few times that I will stick up for Manga...boy it did not have pretty results though.
I was tempted to defend Manga too, the first comment was a very much a barbed question. After getting back from work yesterday and reading the responses you'd gotten, I decided against trying to reason with the people commenting.
Aye. People on the internet think they're so darn clever.

If anything, I wish people wouldn't judge Kazé titles based on Manga's shortcomings.
Joshawott said:
VoxPhantom said:
Joshawott said:
That was as the result of someone on their Facebook making a comment on their Mardock Scramble: The First Compression post asking if the second film will be released on Blu-ray or if it "won't be viable". Jerome picked up on the obvious sarcasm in the post and told them to "Stop Moaning". Then, said person and a few others played the "You're the representative of a company card!".

One of the few times that I will stick up for Manga...boy it did not have pretty results though.
I was tempted to defend Manga too, the first comment was a very much a barbed question. After getting back from work yesterday and reading the responses you'd gotten, I decided against trying to reason with the people commenting.
Aye. People on the internet think they're so darn clever.

If anything, I wish people wouldn't judge Kazé titles based on Manga's shortcomings.

The average punter doesn't know Kaze from Manga, and probably doesn't care. They don't know how the distribution thing works, all they know is that the Manga logo is on the spine, and if they've had past experience with Manga that is negative, that's going to bleed over.

It's one reason for Kaze to ditch the Manga logo. Have Manga distribute the discs certainly, but try and separate the properties, keep the credit (and the blame) for themselves.
Just Passing Through said:
Joshawott said:
VoxPhantom said:
Joshawott said:
That was as the result of someone on their Facebook making a comment on their Mardock Scramble: The First Compression post asking if the second film will be released on Blu-ray or if it "won't be viable". Jerome picked up on the obvious sarcasm in the post and told them to "Stop Moaning". Then, said person and a few others played the "You're the representative of a company card!".

One of the few times that I will stick up for Manga...boy it did not have pretty results though.
I was tempted to defend Manga too, the first comment was a very much a barbed question. After getting back from work yesterday and reading the responses you'd gotten, I decided against trying to reason with the people commenting.
Aye. People on the internet think they're so darn clever.

If anything, I wish people wouldn't judge Kazé titles based on Manga's shortcomings.

The average punter doesn't know Kaze from Manga, and probably doesn't care. They don't know how the distribution thing works, all they know is that the Manga logo is on the spine, and if they've had past experience with Manga that is negative, that's going to bleed over.

It's one reason for Kaze to ditch the Manga logo. Have Manga distribute the discs certainly, but try and separate the properties, keep the credit (and the blame) for themselves.
Well yeah, in an ideal world I'd like to see Kazé ditch MangaUK's logo to (and I bet Kazé would want to ditch it too). At least it's more prominent now than say, on the Layton DVD/BD, where it was only on the back.
I'd like to see separation between Manga release and Kaze ones too. I find Kaze much more likeable and mature, even if their discs need to lose the weird player lockouts ASAP.

"...being called a moaner... that's personal."

Oh, go climb on a bonfire. So they have the right to make snarky comments at Manga, but Manga don't have the right to retaliate with an incredibly mild, seemingly accurate assessment? Perhaps if Jerome had said "I'm going to beat up your mother" that would have been personal. Fight back or roll over. Winging about it and acting all offended just makes the guy look like, well, a moaner.
ayase said:
"...being called a moaner... that's personal."

Oh, go climb on a bonfire. So they have the right to make snarky comments at Manga, but Manga don't have the right to retaliate with an incredibly mild, seemingly accurate assessment? Perhaps if Jerome had said "I'm going to beat up your mother" that would have been personal. Fight back or roll over. Winging about it and acting all offended just makes the guy look like, well, a moaner.
Exactly! It was ridiculous.
Joshawott said:
If anything, I wish people wouldn't judge Kazé titles based on Manga's shortcomings.
See the main issue I have, is that if I was to buy Kaze's releases - I would still be supporting Manga which at the moment I don't want to do.

It's a shame Kaze didn't pick someone else to partnership with. Sometimes I wonder if Kaze really knew what they were letting themselves in for.
The only people who seem to get called moaners appear to be people who moan a lot. Who'da thunk it? Hopefully Mummy has some breast milk for them to suckle on until they feel better about it.
Just Passing Through said:
Another gem of a tweet

I worked at HMV TD Square Calgary for a year between 2003-2004. It was brilliant and helped me learn valuable marketing skills.

and the moral of the story is... Don't get work experience from HMV! :p
My older brother works at HMV in the he won't get out of sales mode! xD
Oh dear. Given HMV's current state, perhaps it was his sharp marketing skills which were holding them together, too.

He is actually pretty good at a certain type of marketing, I'll admit, it just seems to be online where he goes wrong with worrying regularity.

Wow, I'm sure I saw this thread more recently than February...

Anyway, Jerome (or someone above him) agrees and as such he is stepping down from social media for a while (other than for events and trips) and will be handing the reins to someone who "is witty, funny and knows everything about anime"

"There's a fine line between being frank and being rude and even abusive to customers. That's why I will be retiring from official Twitter activities at the end of the week. We'll have some new bods in to help."
Not sure if anyone saw it, but on Saturday night, he point blank told some guy to "**** off" (then deleted it soon after).

The man is a tool...a magpie would be a better Twitter rep. He's obviously been told off though...good - it's about time.

Eh...what are those stars about? He told the guy"duck off", I guess. =/
Aaron said:
Not sure if anyone saw it, but on Saturday night, he point blank told some guy to "**** off" (then deleted it soon after).
I didn't see the tweet itself, only the apology, but for reference the tweet that set him off (after a long day at a con) was "Wow @MangaUK announce more releases as ****** volumes and movies to capitalise on the success of series they don't license..."
Shiroi Hane said:
"Wow @MangaUK announce more releases as ****** volumes and movies to capitalise on the success of series they don't license..."
Can someone translate that into English for me?
Don't worry J bird, I got your back man!

I'm still not sure whether I find J bird's complete and utter lack of professionalism and restraint to be worrying, or endearing in it's frankness. In his defence, the guy he was responding to did initiate the rudeness, so leaving Jerome's lack of self control aside, the initial tweeter probably deserved a telling off (unfortunately, he was probably only too happy to have goaded such a response from Jerome).