Manga Entertainment need to take a chill pill

Oh nice, he reckons they're the only anime label in Britain too! They're really out to try to step on as many toes as possible today.

Interesting tidbit though in between all of the juvenile idiocy today, "25% of our survey respondants said they import DVDs from Japan.". While there is no way that is actually representative of their main customer base, that's still quite a lot higher than I would have thought.

I'm not sure which survey they meant, but did it explicitly say import from Japan, or just import?
It could well be they've taken import as from Japan, when actuality a lot of people meant from the US, and a 25% figure there wouldn't surprise me at all.
In their defence, the only real issue today is that they're using an "official" twitter account for a couple of things that should probably go on a personal one. Anyone who can't see around this really hasn't been paying much attention. The Topshop comment is some nice, gentle humor, and tweets like "Technically that's @KazeUK title we r distriburig for them, so we still suck. :(" show that Jerome is hardly trying to go out of his way to be a meanie all the time.

Rui said:
Interesting tidbit though in between all of the juvenile idiocy today, "25% of our survey respondants said they import DVDs from Japan.". While there is no way that is actually representative of their main customer base, that's still quite a lot higher than I would have thought.
Haha, I wonder who the six people who filled in the questionnaire who don't import stuff from Japan were?
Joshawott said:
Besides, we all know women prefer Primark. My female Psych teacher had a rant at a student for going there before her xD.

VoxPhantom said:
Not sure which is more cringeworthy, his attempts to defend himself or the people who are acting like keyboard warriors taking pops at him.
I <3 this place.
Rui said:
Oh nice, he reckons they're the only anime label in Britain too! They're really out to try to step on as many toes as possible today.
My main thought was "MVM"? Sure, they distribute other things like live-action movies, but...

Interesting tidbit though in between all of the juvenile idiocy today, "25% of our survey respondants said they import DVDs from Japan.". While there is no way that is actually representative of their main customer base, that's still quite a lot higher than I would have thought.

That was a response to my question about how there's a lot of debate about America and Japan sharing the same BD region so US releases are being sold on the grey market, I asked if there's a similar fear in Japan about us having the same DVD region as them.

VoxPhantom said:
Joshawott said:
They're at it again. This time, they seem to have made some remark about how women would hate if Topshop closed and someone took offence to that.
This tweet sums them up really.

Besides, we all know women prefer Primark. My female Psych teacher had a rant at a student for going there before her xD.
This pretty much illustrates the need for a personal account for Jerome more than ever. I think his original tweet is harmless, to be honest - asking for trouble when it's posted via a corporate account though.

Not sure which is more cringeworthy, his attempts to defend himself or the people who are acting like keyboard warriors taking pops at him.
This. I actually found it kind of funny.
"@sarah_208 Spare me. Have u seen half the anime shows we have released lately? Hello HOTD! Hello VampireBund!"

Ahahahaha, he's actually awesome. :D And no-one who replies to that tweet seems to even remotely understand his point (which is not entirely rock solid, but is still amusing).

edit: looooooool 99% of the people replying to him are retards. This is some next level stuff: ... uying-this
I should have asked him for a free DVD...but yeah, the free DVD thing is a bit...What?!

Even I see the point of bringing up High School of the Dead and Dance in the Vampire Bund...on the flipside, they also release Hetalia and Black Butler.
This is nice and all, but when is Tiger and Bunny / P4: The Animation / Dragonball Z Coming out?
You know, stuff I'd pay cold, hard, cash for that I haven't already done so.

Cause this is simple.

Release stuff, get cash, Party.
I suspect they're waiting on the dubs for the first two at least, so you'll need to direct your prodding at the US.

Rui said:
I suspect they're waiting on the dubs for the first two at least, so you'll need to direct your prodding at the US.

I'm sure.

Christ, are they doing anything except denying the existence of their Dragonball licence these days?
I wish Jerome could have waited for this to blow over and not tweeted again tonight.

Looks like me might get a tumblr post about the future of UK anime...
Rui said:
Oh nice, he reckons they're the only anime label in Britain too! They're really out to try to step on as many toes as possible today.
As well as 'The UK's largest and best anime distributor.'.

Yes Manga, you keep bigging yourself up.