Do you think? I'm pretty sure you see the computer suddenly activate before all the cooling rods go in. Also didn't Misato herself say she only survived because of outside interference before the scene cut to Gendos little debrief.
I checked episode 7 again, and you're absolutely right,

We cut to a shot of the red "ERROR" message on the monitor, then the screen clears and shows a reboot process. Misato then falls to the floor as the cooling rods are suddenly moved, presumably by the computer-controlled mechanism rather than by her own physical effort, as the on-board systems return to functioning normally. Shinji proclaims it a miracle, but Misato, while of course relieved, is left disappointed that this "miracle" was "set up by someone". Ritsuko reports to Gendo that everything went according to plan, "except for Captain Katsuragi's actions". Perhaps the system had been rigged right from the start to reboot
just before total meltdown? And obviously, protecting her
own a*se, Ritsuko was not in a position to tell Misato about any of it, and so let her risk her neck by boarding JA. Interesting...
So much happens in these episodes it can be hard to remember everything and the order it happed in even just after you've watched it!
Indeed so; this was my first time seeing that episode in three years, and I was too busy just refamiliarising myself with the overall content to be able to take in all the subtleties. I also hadn't noticed how, when Misato remarks to Ritsuko how it's genuinely impressive that JA is able to walk successfully, Ritsuko looks pensive, as if waiting for something that's just about to happen...
That's how dense Eva can get, as you say.
Episode 8
Red? I didn't know Unit-02 was red.
Asuka strikes! And drives a bus straight through the existing character dynamics of the show. A big, bright-red bus at that.
In other news, it appears that the Angel attack was caused by the presence of some rather...
special cargo.
Episode 5–8 thoughts:
*holds up left hand *
*holds up right hand *
*claps them together *
Asuka's here.