A part of it is that I remember liking kaji the first time round. Whereas after today's episode i dont like him at all. Of course a show can show bad stuff but theres also the way its presented. I did not enjoy seeing a character I thought I remembered behaving that way. He also comes across as very remorseless so its not like he did something bad and learnt a lesson either. I cant remember if any of this gets explored in later episodes so I guess we'll see. It just left a bad taste for me this time
That does make more sense to me. Still, I don’t think there’s any reason to allow a fictional character’s behaviour to stop you from liking them. But then some of my favourite fictional characters are ones who’ve done horrible, horrible things so perhaps it’s me that’s a bit weird there.
I'm not suggesting that there's anything wrong with an artist expressing themselves in whatever way they chose to do so, I'm just stating that you (royal), as the audience don't have to agree with it or feel comfortable with it. It's totally fine to "not be okay" with specific things that don't sit well with you, even if you can objectively look past it as something that the creator was expressing during a difficult period. You can still appreciate "the thing in it's entirety" for all the positive reasons, in spite of x, y and z.
Just so I'm not misunderstood either, I think it's perfectly fine to dislike and disagree with a fictional character's behaviour (everybody does that) but also recognise that it's usually intentional story or character development and without it people wouldn’t have a full picture of a character, warts, contradictions and all. It makes characters more real for me if they’re able to be flawed and behave badly.
Discomfort with fiction is something I admit I understand less. Not trying to seem like a badass here or anything
(I already know I am one
) but I don't believe any fictional media has made me feel "uncomfortable" since I read
Bluebeard with my very vivid imagination when I was about six years old. Ultimately fiction is about telling a story and characters behave the way they do in order to tell that story, so I never really feel bad about
anything being depicted in fiction. It doesn't help, probably, that these days whenever anyone mentions that media made them "uncomfortable" that often also implies "therefore it's bad and the creators shouldn't have shown it" because too many people think their personal comfort is more important than confronting challenging things. Which I don't think either you, Aya, nor WMD intended, but it's become a bit like a reflex to react as though that's what people mean, so I apologise if I jumped the gun a bit there.