I came across this while searching for something else in a post and thought it might be worth chiming in:

It must be entirely the work of the Netflix script adaptation, because it's very different from thefansubs pinched off the Internet subtitles used by Manga Entertainment on their EoE DVD. Those have Misato's line directed at Shinji rendered as:
"Like it or not, you're still alive! Get moving and DO something! You can die later."
It's very close to the original Japanese. If it was pure accuracy of translation that you were after, I'd have gone for:
"You're still alive, aren't you!? Then get ahold of yourself. You can die after."
Speaking of those fansubs, as well as the mistranslation found in Misato's explanation of the nature of humanity in relation to Adam and Lilith, there's another subtitle that's always bugged me because it makes no sense. It's Misato's reaction to Shinji pleading for help from Asuka:

I finally got around to having a proper listen to the Japanese dialogue the other week, and the translation I ended up with was:
"At a time like this...! Leaning on a girl, running away, fooling yourself...!"
I can assure you that that would be an accurate translation, so... I've absolutely no idea how the fansubber came up with what's in the screenshot above.
That's an interesting line.On the whole, I think EoE is somewhat more direct in its storytelling
. . .
Misato's line, "Live your life standing up, then you can die" caught my attention, as I wondered if this had originally been intended to recall Pancho Villa's apocryphal last words "Better to die on your feet, than live on your knees", albeit perhaps lost in translation.

It must be entirely the work of the Netflix script adaptation, because it's very different from the
"Like it or not, you're still alive! Get moving and DO something! You can die later."
It's very close to the original Japanese. If it was pure accuracy of translation that you were after, I'd have gone for:
"You're still alive, aren't you!? Then get ahold of yourself. You can die after."
Speaking of those fansubs, as well as the mistranslation found in Misato's explanation of the nature of humanity in relation to Adam and Lilith, there's another subtitle that's always bugged me because it makes no sense. It's Misato's reaction to Shinji pleading for help from Asuka:

I finally got around to having a proper listen to the Japanese dialogue the other week, and the translation I ended up with was:
"At a time like this...! Leaning on a girl, running away, fooling yourself...!"
I can assure you that that would be an accurate translation, so... I've absolutely no idea how the fansubber came up with what's in the screenshot above.