Right time to put away the Honkai and play some FGO

EDIT: Got Lancelot (and Percival)

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Saving for Arcueid now. Nothing else matters lol

Same. My main force of fairy knights is now complete, as is my knights of the round table. Though I kind of got lucky with Percival. He showed up 3 times in 1 11 roll. Didn't want to show up until right near the end but then did in mass.
After finishing the first part of Avalon le Faye too quickly, I managed to just about stretch out the second part to just before the next anniversary event heh. I've loved the story so far, so bloody good and probably my favourite one in FGO - any of you guys played this yet and if so how have you found it? Until the third part is released, hopefully there will be one less distraction to try FF XVI for what it's worth heh.
New banner on Arknights to mark the What the Firelight Casts event. Will have to settle with a duplicate Asbestos from this 10 ticket roll. Quite a few limited banners coming up soon and I'll no doubt get Reed the Flame Shadow another time. The priority right now is saving up for the Monster Hunter banner.
The FGO 6th anniversary has been most fruitful with all the SQ been thrown out as well as the free 5*. Just too many great summon banners all squished together with the excellent 6th lostbelt story. I followed the meta trail this time and very thankfully managed to pick up Oberon and Koyanskaya and opted for Waver as the freebie. From the paid summons I got more good fortune and pulled Arjuna Alter, whom I really wanted and who fits perfectly with those buster supports (even if I was still secretly wishing for Kama, though I may try for her upcoming summer variant with the leftover SQ instead). What characters did you guys go for if you've been playing?
The FGO 6th anniversary has been most fruitful with all the SQ been thrown out as well as the free 5*. Just too many great summon banners all squished together with the excellent 6th lostbelt story. I followed the meta trail this time and very thankfully managed to pick up Oberon and Koyanskaya and opted for Waver as the freebie. From the paid summons I got more good fortune and pulled Arjuna Alter, whom I really wanted and who fits perfectly with those buster supports (even if I was still secretly wishing for Kama, though I may try for her upcoming summer variant with the leftover SQ instead). What characters did you guys go for if you've been playing?

Went for Drake in the freebie choice. Have all the ones that are "most have" in a meta sense (like Waver) so I went for one I like but don't necessarily need. So between Sitonai and Drake, so in the end I went with Drake. My luck with the GSSR was less then stellar. I got Caster Da Vinci which honestly was the only one I really really did not want from the banner, so I burned her to get some rare prisms instead. Much better with the other pulls, got both Oberon and Koyanskaya, as well as Baobhan Sith as a bonus.
Threw 50 pulls at the celebration banner and got more Asbestos...
My favourite character won't leave me alone.
But fortunately within those 50 tickets I got Gnosis as the guaranteed 6*. His kit looks pretty useful for the IS and SSS game modes.
Oh man I been too hooked on star rail. Though I feel like I am finally ready to take a break with that now, it consumed me. Thanks for the reminder though, I will log in and claim.
Heheh yeah I've not been as hooked on that one the story was over as I just story hopped over to fgo. The 5* freebie is permanent until claimed but would be worthwhile running any banners you may want with the extra SQs.
So between Sitonai and Drake, so in the end I went with Drake.
Aaaah good choice, I really like Drake who is a total bada$$ and maybe one day will try for her. I was really, really tempted to try for Sitonai in her banner but resisted to have enough for Oberon!
I got Caster Da Vinci which honestly was the only one I really really did not want from the banner, so I burned her to get some rare prisms instead.
Ah commiserations dude, don't blame you as she seems uninspiring but I've hardly used or seen her in support rosters so can't say for sure heh.
Much better with the other pulls, got both Oberon and Koyanskaya, as well as Baobhan Sith as a bonus.
Very nice, I had very much been hoping to land Baobhan, a favourite SR from a story chock-a-block with great characters, but got proper Tristan instead, who is also brilliant and I'm very happy to land. I'm so glad he got more of a role in this lostbelt, having not really had much in the Camelot/main story otherwise (unless he has been better featured in events before I started playing). Got swimsuit Medb as the 4* from the paid banner, who is very meh to me, but happily got Asclepius and Red Hare as two of the story locked 3* whom I've been wanting. So I'm a happy bunny until next anniversary and will try to be saving up as much as possible for Arc, the monster berserker that will be Ibuki and a most anticipated Ruler Skadi!
aaah good choice, I really like Drake who is a total bada$$ and maybe one day will try for her. I was really, really tempted to try for Sitonai in her banner but resisted to have enough for Oberon!

Yeah, Sitonai is the only one of the "permanent" story summons that I still want now that I got Drake. So next time she's rate up I am probably gonna pull for her.

Ah commiserations dude, don't blame you as she seems uninspiring but I've hardly used or seen her in support rosters so can't say for sure heh.

Yeah, her kit is okay and fine if you need a support caster, but everything else is just weak and boring. Weak attack. Boring attack animation. Boring NP animation. Boring ascension art. It does not help that I feel that after the lostbelt prologue, she is suppose to be gone. I feel this particular version of Da Vinci is not suppose to just turn up with a "Hello!" after the events that transpired. I know they have provided "reasons" as for why she can be summoned by Ritsuka, but still.... My disappointment of getting her was significantly dampened since I got Angra Mainyu two days later.

Very nice, I had very much been hoping to land Baobhan, a favourite SR from a story chock-a-block with great characters, but got proper Tristan instead, who is also brilliant and I'm very happy to land. I'm so glad he got more of a role in this lostbelt, having not really had much in the Camelot/main story otherwise (unless he has been better featured in events before I started playing). Got swimsuit Medb as the 4* from the paid banner, who is very meh to me, but happily got Asclepius and Red Hare as two of the story locked 3* whom I've been wanting. So I'm a happy bunny until next anniversary and will try to be saving up as much as possible for Arc, the monster berserker that will be Ibuki and a most anticipated Ruler Skadi!

Good on Tristan. He had a big role in the SE.RA.PH interlude. I got Penth as my GSR, which is alright even though I don't really like Berserkers. Also nice that you got Asclepius and Red Hare, like Columbus and Salieri, those seems to be the kind of 3 star summons that are almost as rare as the SSR ones are, lol.
Also nice that you got Asclepius and Red Hare, like Columbus and Salieri, those seems to be the kind of 3 star summons that are almost as rare as the SSR ones are, lol.
Absolutely and another sweetener on the Sitonai banner just past was Salieri but I'm glad that one only ran for a day or else I may have caved heh. Nice one on getting Angra Mainyu - quite literally a holy grail to pull heh. Penth is a good one and can be fun to use but yes, like you I'm not a fan of berserkers due to their low survivability. I'm more reminded of the SE.RA.PH interlude and don't see it returning on the horizon - do you still get the welfare characters if you run such events from the rare prism shop?
Absolutely and another sweetener on the Sitonai banner just past was Salieri but I'm glad that one only ran for a day or else I may have caved heh. Nice one on getting Angra Mainyu - quite literally a holy grail to pull heh. Penth is a good one and can be fun to use but yes, like you I'm not a fan of berserkers due to their low survivability. I'm more reminded of the SE.RA.PH interlude and don't see it returning on the horizon - do you still get the welfare characters if you run such events from the rare prism shop?

Yes. I mean he is not all that impressive but I like his character so much so that is like a major win in itself. You do get all the stuff from interludes that are availible in the Rare prism shop except for ascension materials in the interlude shop I believe. You definitely get the welfare anyway, since I have B.B. after SE.RA.PH
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I just finished Lostbelt 6 the other day, the story was fantastic. I'd let myself fall behind on FGO's story lately so rushed through Olympus, Heian-kyo and Avalon in very quick succession.

I used the subsequent mountain of free SQ to summon both Koyanskaya and Oberon (though I had to go full pity for Oberon) and got Cu Alter from the free SSR ticket and Amor (Caren Hortensia) from the GSSR.

Got a bunch of 4 stars too, managed to munch through a significant portion of my present-box-hoarded lotto EXP to level them all up, and used a bunch of 3 star Fous I'd been hoarding. Still got a heap left though.

I had 7 million friend points so spent ages summoning the FP gacha and after spending about a million FP I've now got my Habetrot to NP4 already!

I've been playing the NA version of FGO since 2017, so I've had NP5 Angry Mango for a long time - even got his bond 10 CE! I'm at that stage in the game where I'm overflowing with certain resources - except for evil bones, hero proofs and those goddamn seashells. Serves me right for going nuts on those summer servants year after year.

Gacha games come and go, but FGO is the one I've stuck with the longest. The story is so much better than any other gacha I've played. Some parts of Avalon were so hype they just about moved me to tears.
You do get all the stuff from interludes that are availible in the Rare prism shop except for ascension materials in the interlude shop I believe. You definitely get the welfare anyway, since I have B.B. after SE.RA.PH
Ah okay, so unlocking the interlude doesn't unlock the item shop that would go with the interlude if you can't get the welfare's Ascension materials - that's annoying, assuming I haven't misinterpreted.
I decided to grab the original Seiba as my free 5 star.
Nice one, I got her as the 5* giveaway when I started playing, not knowing at the time that Waver was the one recommended heh, but no regrets as she is effectively the face of fate and can annihilate enemies after the her skills upgrade.
I used the subsequent mountain of free SQ to summon both Koyanskaya and Oberon (though I had to go full pity for Oberon) and got Cu Alter from the free SSR ticket and Amor (Caren Hortensia) from the GSSR.
Nice pulls but wow you must have a lot of SQs to activate FGO's pity system!! I love the Caren character, my second favourite after Scathach, as she was just hilarious in the valentine event just past. I'm jealous of your resources but haven't done too badly thankfully with my just over one year of play. Definitely agree with you on how good the FGO story is and certainly keeping me hooked. I'm almost finished with Avalon (it's so bloody good) and looking forward to getting Habbycat!
Nice pulls but wow you must have a lot of SQs to activate FGO's pity system!! I love the Caren character, my second favourite after Scathach, as she was just hilarious in the valentine event just past. I'm jealous of your resources but haven't done too badly thankfully with my just over one year of play. Definitely agree with you on how good the FGO story is and certainly keeping me hooked. I'm almost finished with Avalon (it's so bloody good) and looking forward to getting Habbycat!
I’m really picky about which banners I pull on. This year I saved up my SQ for ages with the purpose of getting Koyanskaya, Oberon, and hopefully some summer characters. I saved up around 1300 SQand 60 summon tickets. The only time I’ve ever spent money on the game is for the twice-yearly GSSR. It was certainly painful to spend 900 SQ getting Oberon though… I’m now down to 469 SQ, and I’ve done every single available story chapter, interlude, strengthening, claimed every possible reward, so I’m at the mercy of whatever the game gives us between now and the summer event. And then I’ll probably end up with zero SQ…

During the lotto events I transfer my FGO account to an android emulator on my PC and run a program called “FGA” that auto-farms the nodes for me. It burns through apples pretty quickly, and it’s not unfeasible to end up with 200 lotto boxes worth of materials, and it’s a good time to use Lanterns of Chaldea to increase the bonds of your most-used characters. (My poor overworked Waver is now bond 15). You do tend to need high level/max skill meta characters in order to be able to farm automatically like that though. That’s probably why I now have the mountain of resources…
I’m really picky about which banners I pull on. This year I saved up my SQ for ages with the purpose of getting Koyanskaya, Oberon, and hopefully some summer characters. I saved up around 1300 SQand 60 summon tickets. The only time I’ve ever spent money on the game is for the twice-yearly GSSR. It was certainly painful to spend 900 SQ getting Oberon though… I’m now down to 469 SQ, and I’ve done every single available story chapter, interlude, strengthening, claimed every possible reward, so I’m at the mercy of whatever the game gives us between now and the summer event. And then I’ll probably end up with zero SQ…
Heheh, your resolve is very impressive and glad you did get both eventually. I tried very hard to save along the way for exactly those two but couldn't resist dropping a fair few SQ for a few banners along the way. In my defense, I have been trying to get a solid team together, which I certainly have now, with only a 5* archer left to get (hence never being able to resist a super Orion banner...) and hopefully a Skadi/quick meta. The anniversary giveaway definitely helped though so like yourself, I'll try for the summer event banner next and except for the Merlin banner next year (a support Merlin with castoria+arts looper is the ultimate stall team for my playstyle, except when supports are blocked boo!) and then try to hold out for the next anniversary + summer banners. Interesting point on the emulator for farming, must be some clever software.
I’m really picky about which banners I pull on. This year I saved up my SQ for ages with the purpose of getting Koyanskaya, Oberon, and hopefully some summer characters. I saved up around 1300 SQand 60 summon tickets. The only time I’ve ever spent money on the game is for the twice-yearly GSSR. It was certainly painful to spend 900 SQ getting Oberon though… I’m now down to 469 SQ, and I’ve done every single available story chapter, interlude, strengthening, claimed every possible reward, so I’m at the mercy of whatever the game gives us between now and the summer event. And then I’ll probably end up with zero SQ…

During the lotto events I transfer my FGO account to an android emulator on my PC and run a program called “FGA” that auto-farms the nodes for me. It burns through apples pretty quickly, and it’s not unfeasible to end up with 200 lotto boxes worth of materials, and it’s a good time to use Lanterns of Chaldea to increase the bonds of your most-used characters. (My poor overworked Waver is now bond 15). You do tend to need high level/max skill meta characters in order to be able to farm automatically like that though. That’s probably why I now have the mountain of resources…

I will take this tip for the lotto farming this year I think and seek out this FGA.

I'm also picky, I am saving up for Arcuied and pretty much nothing else now lol

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