No rolls till Q3 2025. I need enough to C6 him. And get his light cone.
Yeah I'll aim to do likewise, but will probably break at the next interesting character they start touting 😅. Though I don't see any upcoming temptations unless they rerun Acheron or Firefly, both of whose Eidolons are my next target heh. Still very interested to see what they do with this collab!
It's a popular believe. I am one of the very rare Hunt fans though. I like how they are focused on making attacks outside of their natural turn order.
I think Seele (when borrowed from others!) for my gameplay is the exception, but needs to be built just right, as she has the potential annihilate big groups in single turns (particularly if quant weak) when she gets going. Otherwise, my gameplay is too slow with the Hunt characters, but that includes with my own Seele so I guess I've just not got them built right yet. Though it has to be said, relic grinding in the game is a complete pain in the @r$e, with far too many variables and resulting combinations for RNG, which makes pulling for 5*s in banners seem like child's play in comparison heh.
I think Seele (when borrowed from others!) for my gameplay is the exception, but needs to be built just right, as she has the potential annihilate big groups in single turns (particularly if quant weak) when she gets going. Otherwise, my gameplay is too slow with the Hunt characters, but that includes with my own Seele so I guess I've just not got them built right yet. Though it has to be said, relic grinding in the game is a complete pain in the @r$e, with far too many variables and resulting combinations for RNG, which makes pulling for 5*s in banners seem like child's play in comparison heh.
Yep relic farming sucks but I've been able to get all my characters to be decent at least. I don't mind putting some of my characters up for lend if you wanted to try anyone out, let me know. :)
Yep relic farming sucks but I've been able to get all my characters to be decent at least. I don't mind putting some of my characters up for lend if you wanted to try anyone out, let me know. :)
Thanks dude, I've used some of yours including your Seele previously (whilst mine lies in anguish watching me repeatedly fail to get an optimal relic set😵‍💫). Which other Hunt ones would you recommend? I've built up Ratio a bit who synergizes not quite enough with Clara as I am missing Topaz and Aventurine for the ideal FUA team... Whilst I see the point of limiting them, I do wish that more of the content in the game allowed the use of support characters😔
Thanks dude, I've used some of yours including your Seele previously (whilst mine lies in anguish watching me repeatedly fail to get an optimal relic set😵‍💫). Which other Hunt ones would you recommend? I've built up Ratio a bit who synergizes not quite enough with Clara as I am missing Topaz and Aventurine for the ideal FUA team... Whilst I see the point of limiting them, I do wish that more of the content in the game allowed the use of support characters😔
I could put my topaz or aventurine up if you want to use them. I will take a screenshot of all my 5 stars next time I log in.

edit: Here are my built 5 stars
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Thanks dude, I've used some of yours including your Seele previously (whilst mine lies in anguish watching me repeatedly fail to get an optimal relic set😵‍💫). Which other Hunt ones would you recommend? I've built up Ratio a bit who synergizes not quite enough with Clara as I am missing Topaz and Aventurine for the ideal FUA team... Whilst I see the point of limiting them, I do wish that more of the content in the game allowed the use of support characters😔
UID: 700033517 I'll accept your request when I next login in 🙌

Speaking of character supports, one shan't pay to win when others can splash their fortune for you 🍷

Farming has become quite pleasant these days

UID: 700033517 I'll accept your request when I next login in 🙌

Speaking of character supports, one shan't pay to win when others can splash their fortune for you 🍷

Farming has become quite pleasant these days

View attachment 35596View attachment 35595🥴 Characters like that will no doubt evoke a good, hearty laugh every time there is a new "challenge" out. Now, if only I could use those for the blasted Apocalypse Now's final star that continues to elude me by a couple of hundred points😔.

I could put my topaz or aventurine up if you want to use them. I will take a screenshot of all my 5 stars next time I log in.

edit: Here are my built 5 stars
View attachment 35593
Coolio, thanks dude. I got very lucky and pulled HuoHuo so am farming to upskill her and could try out your Topaz if you able to put her up. But honestly not to worry if you can't, as unlike FGO you can't really use supports for much else than farming here.
Yeah I'll aim to do likewise, but will probably break at the next interesting character they start touting 😅. Though I don't see any upcoming temptations unless they rerun Acheron or Firefly, both of whose Eidolons are my next target heh. Still very interested to see what they do with this collab!
Firefly is definitely a weakness for me too. I have her and some eidolons already but she is one I might want to max eventually.
my favorite girl Sparkle.
I'll second that, great character indeed. But, despite the Penacony storyline being fantastic overall, I was quite disappointed that they didn't use Sparkle to much effect after the initial build up, including with the tease of the Fools group in the Aetherium Wars event. I'm hopeful these Elation nutters have a bigger role in the overarching narrative (even the simulated Aha is terrifying in the Simulated Universe!).
Just like how Arcueid in FGO is the only character I have ever tried to get multiple copies off lol.
On the same page here as well - whilst I would ideally want more copies/grails for all the F/SN bunch (and any Scathachs heh), I do feel that the Moon Princess demands np5 and lvl 120!
I have one copy of Arcueid, and I am happy with that because I prioritised my SQ to get all of the summer servants, including somehow randomly getting NP3 summer ibuki in a single 11-pull!
I don't normally go for multiple copies of 5* servants because I don't spend money on FGO outside of the 6-monthly GSSR.