I have enough Jade for about 1 multi on the special star passes, but I'll take advice and just collect them for now.

I should sync my account up to my PS5 because I guess I can also spend PSN credit, I have like £80 sat there on that doing nothing much so might be a good way to get the passes for a bit :)

I'd definitely like to get myself a good 5 * DPS for the longer haul, so it's certainly an option to pull for Feixiao, or I can wait for another great DPS to appear on a banner.

Do people replace themselves in the teams btw? my avatar is also in the party atm and it has me at 5 *, is there a time when I should consider swapping myself out?
Do people replace themselves in the teams btw? my avatar is also in the party atm and it has me at 5 *, is there a time when I should consider swapping myself out?
MC is somewhat unique in that they can fit different roles as you unlock the ability to change to different paths throughout the story (currently 3 different options):

Default Physical Destruction MC is a pretty weak DPS and basically doesn't see use outside of very new players with few other options.

Fire Preservation MC, unlocked near the end of the Belobog storyline is a taunter with some minor shielding. A fairly unique kit, and generally better than the default, but again doesn't see much use unless you have no other options.

Imaginary Harmony MC, unlocked near the end of the Penacony arc is the best by far. Their kit focuses on buffing the team to do large damage instances when you attack weakness broken enemies, and is the core for one of the strongest teams in the game currently.

Aside from the latter, most people aren't gonna be using Trailblazer once they acquire better options.
I disobeyed myself and wound up re-rolling a bit, I did 3 rolls in the end. Turned out I had enough email addresses to do like 10 or more rolls but I didn't really want to sit there forever doing them.

Roll 1
Gepard 5* ☠️
Dead to me as I wanted a 5 * waifu to begin with and not a husbando.
At this point I decided I would roll until I got Bronya or Himeko as I liked their models.

Roll 2
Bailu 5*
Tingyun 4*
Qingque 4* (I think this was the additional one I had, I'd have to check)

Roll 3
Bronya 5* ❤️
Hook 4*
Natasha 4*

I did waste a few jade crystals on Roll 3 as I wanted to dee who my 5* was and I need 4 more tickets to hit 40, so 640 I think was the cost to just get her done.

Roll 2 actually think could have been good as well, Bailu seems well regarded and Tingyun is one of the better 4* supports as well I think. I didn't necessarily want dragon girl though so I figured I'd go again and see.

Interestingly on all 3 rolls it took me the full 50 pity to get the SSR character. Didn't get a single one before I'd used up the banner.

SAHO I will add you to friends later on when I play some more after work :)

Some queries:
  • Any do's/don'ts I should bear in mind as F2P here? I don't want to brick my account. I think saving jade crystals for better banners is recommended than trading for normal tickets.
  • Out of Roll 2/3 which would you take?
  • If using Roll 3 who should I generally try and comp up early on? I feel like I need a solid DPS in there somewhere.
  • Should I just keep saving tickets/resources until I can get a pity on a better banner where I like the character?
  • If not minding being a light spender what should I get? battle pass for more jade crystals doesn't seem like bad value?
I'm late catching up so everyone has already got you covered with the important advice.

@Joe is right that at the moment you will have enough resources to collect via the main story to more or less guarantee a limited 5*, or two if lucky and depending ony how much time you have to play through.

As @Vincentdante mentioned, Bronya is the best rated of the non-limited 5*s (even though I don't have her yet heh, but definitely agree on waifu first, boooo husbandos boooo! I kid, Gepard is very good). Generally the harmony characters are the most versatile and useful with most team comps and less affected by powercreep. The current banners' Robin is fantastic as well and has really helped me clear a lot of the tougher content outside of the story mode. In terms of DPS, whilst the current Feixiao is a monster, you're probably better off saving your resources for an AOE type character as I felt a lot of boss characters would keep summoning lots of annoying goons that may be slower to clear with an ST DPS. I'd suggest to keep some savings for the next Firefly banner, as she is an incredibly strong AOE, but also gets one of her best supports for free in the Imaginary Trailblazer (unlocked later on though in Penacony) and an excellent second support/healer in Gallagher, who being 4* would be easier to pull, or even obtain from some events that pop up intermittently rewarding you a free 4*(sometimes from a limited selection though). Acheron is also of the two the strongest DPSs alongside Firefly, but I think a tad bit more difficult to play with as you are kind of locked into having to put in two nihility characters to get the most of her damage potential. You mentioned Tingyun and she is also a very, very good Harmony punching well above her 4* weight and relatively easy to build.

Which brings me to the grinding * shudder *. The game8 and prydwen sites are indeed good for reference and if possible try to go for/build characters that can share similar relic sets that are easier to get early in the game. Grinding for multiple different sets can become a pain thanks to the RNG for a high number of variables and multiple potential combinations of stats to try for based on the characters in question. In this regard, Tingyun's and Robin's I found easier to farm as they can use common sets needing one of the commoner ATK stat favoured for both for example.
For 5* light cones, try getting the f2p ones from Herta's store when you get access to it. I would use special passes to pull for limited 5* characters preferentially until you have enough good ones, prior to using them for pulling 5* light cones.

I'd second @SAHO that:
  • you never spend the jades on normal passes and only get the special passes for the limited banners
  • always use resources that naturally build up on the embers exchange store for tickets (and tracks of destiny if enough resources)
  • save up resources in starlight exchange: I was saving these to get the 5* non-limited light cones, but now I feel they're better used as a reserve to buy special passes to fall back if you need that little extra to hit the guarantee on banners for limited characters that you really want/need.
  • I will generally only buy the monthly express supply pass as it's the best value for money (assuming you're logging in daily); I wouldn't normally get the battle pass as the non-stellar jade/star trail pass content you can just get from grinding (of the only two times I bought that, one was for the Sparkle avatar and the second was because I enjoyed the Penacony storyline and appreciated the gacha guarantee system so much that I just felt I owed them some more of my money😂)

My userid is 701474439 btw. Let me know if you need/want to try any particular character that I might have though sadly, unlike in FGO, you can't actually use support characters in most of the more challenging content, though they come in handy for farming.
I've added you to my friends list as well @Geriatric hedgehog :)

I was borrowing both Acheron and Kafka from Vincent and Saho for the resource farming bits who seemed fun to use, obviously destroying the stages at my level with ease :)

I'm enjoying the game and it seems like a good filler for when I'm between other games as well, I'm going to keep progressing the main story and unlocking more things to do. I'm trailblazer level 18 or 19 now and my main party is approaching level 30.

I lost my first fight so I finally upgraded some light cones a bit level wise, and also unlocked a few of the first tier tracer skills. I figure these are generally going to be cheap/OK to upgrade, and it's later on that I'll need to worry about specific build priorities more.

My main team of 4 is: Me, Bronya, Natasha, Serval. Serval is OK DPS, and Natasha heals some, but she shares physical damage type with MC-kun so I sometimes lack elements I can break easily. I'll probably change this up when I get some new characters in, I realise I will lack resources to max everyone out so I'm going to be careful on who I level up depending on who I wind up getting.

I purchased the express supply pass as it seemed good value. I had £90 of PSN credit randomly so I've used a bit of that, I think I topped it up aiming to renew my PSN Extra sub but then it lapsed and I've been too busy on other things to do it, so eating some of this up.

What do I do with the 300 crystal things that I got? It looks like I get 2700 jade over 30 days which is great for pull currency, but not sure what I can use the crystals for.
I was borrowing both Acheron and Kafka from Vincent and Saho for the resource farming bits who seemed fun to use, obviously destroying the stages at my level with ease :)
Yeah they're both excellent and Acheron will just crush everything heheh. I'll swap my Acheron for Firefly for you to try.
My main team of 4 is: Me, Bronya, Natasha, Serval. Serval is OK DPS, and Natasha heals some, but she shares physical damage type with MC-kun so I sometimes lack elements I can break easily.
That's a pretty good team comp. Bronya I can imagine is amazing and Natasha is also very good as she can clear debuffs with her heals when leveled up (without needing eidolons iirc) and have an emergency heal ready with her ultimate - I'd advise to prioritise leveling these two with Bronya all the way if you can and Natasha as much as reasonable. MC level up but don't do his traces too much as I don't expect you to use the physical variant when you get other stronger characters for that. I really liked Serval's playstyle - great character but again I haven't even got her fully leveled as I got stronger DPSs over time and there are loads of very strong lightning ones as you can see. If you happen to pull a Clara 5*, I would recommend leveling up march 7th as they synergise really well (they were my go to team for over a year heh).
What do I do with the 300 crystal things that I got? It looks like I get 2700 jade over 30 days which is great for pull currency, but not sure what I can use the crystals for.
You mean the oneiric shards you get when buying the express pass etc? You can convert those 1:1 to stellar jades. I usually leave them to build up and, like the starlight exchange, keep them in reserve when I need that extra push to hit guarantee in the limited banners.
BTW @Lordhippos let me know if you want to try out any particular character, there's a decent chance I or someone here will already own them and happy to put them up for trial. I will say that I don't have Kafka or Black Swan though which are fairly big names lol.
If anyone wants to add me on HSR, my ID is 700020127. The three support characters I have up are my E2S1 Acheron, E0S1 Jingliu and E0 Kafka with S5 GNSW.