I've got over 3000 jade now so I think enough for about 2 multis on the special banners.
One thing to keep in mind, though you probably read this already - your pulls towards guarantee
always roll over to the next relative banner eg limited to limited - so if you've done 50 pulls on Kafka (great character by the way!) without pulling her, but then decide to switch over to pulling on Black Swan's banner, your guarantee is still in effect at the same level with 40 to go until you hit a guaranteed 5* - the only thing is that it's 50:50 whether you get the limited character of the banner, or any one of the non-limited ones (which is why you only ever use jades for special passes for the limited banners). But, in the event you get a non-limited 5*, then you are guaranteed a limited character the next time you hit guarantee, with it resetting thereafter. That's what I love about their system over FGO's, in that no pulls will go to waste in terms of the guarantee.
My Argenti which is currently on my list is an AOE DPS
He's a great AOE one. And I agree that destruction characters feel like the strongest overall as they can have pretty high single target damage as well have the ability to clear mobs in the process. As
@Vincentdante mentioned - keep in mind that a lot will do splash damage to adjacent mobs and not every mob on the field, so just check that as relevant. I don't even notice Firefly is blast damage as she just pulverizes everything once you've got a built up roster and got that harmony trailblazer further down the line - definitely worth pulling for once her banner re-rolls. I love the Darling in the Franxx comparison

. But I now realize that in asking you to try her out I completely forgot that that would have spoilt part of the story for you

- my sincere apologies for that - I'm so sorry

But I yeah I strongly second pulling for characters you both like the design of and have good utility - one 4* character I think that has some of the best designs by far is Xueyi, and I keep trying to use her as a result even though she's not as powerful as a lot of others. My favourite overall is Acheron - great design, great character and arguably the strongest in the meta right now.
Once I get a good AOE damage dealer I'd probably consider next a good healer or single target DPS as well.
You will likely get the 4* healer Lynx soon who, like Tingyun, punches well above her weight at 5* level - highly recommend building her up as she will see to all your healer requirements - I only very recently got my first 5* healer, as I didn't feel any urgency getting one earlier with Lynx and the 4* Natasha and more recent Gallagher as backups. There is Lingsha coming up next banner who is looking like she may possibly be the best/most balanced? healer and an upgrade to Gallagher if that's important for your playstyle.
One other point I'd suggest to keep an eye on is having a balance of a few good DPSs with different elemental damage, as it really helps breaking toughness meters otherwise it make some content more difficult/slower to clear. That or consider pulling Silver Wolf if her banner re-runs as she can actually plant weakness to any of your preferred/leveled up DPS.
Honestly take your time, the game is meant to be fun after all.
Ultimately, this is the most important point, everything else will fall into place if you like the gameplay and stories.
Whether you need SS-tier to do everything is I suppose another factor vs fun/enjoyment of using the characters you like.
As relative f2p with just the battle pass I'm still somewhat limited on who I can pull so my ideal scenario is mainly pulling for top tier characters who I also like design wise, but I still don't think I've even seen everyone yet!
I think the ss-tier and s-tier ones don't have a lot in between them - what matters more is your eventual preferred gameplay style. And thanks to the guarantee and how many jades you will generally get just from playing the game you'll be perfect fine as relative f2p like I am heh.
Oh absolutely. Having Bronya gives you a great leg up. If any characters rerun that work well with her I will let you know
@Vincentdante you have a really good Jing Liu in your roster who may pair well with @ lordhippos Bronya. Another one you could try with Bronya is Imbibitor Lunae (another story spoiler alert here btw before you try him, though a bit more obvious heh). Both are destruction with splash type AOE gameplay but amongst the most powerful in the game.
Unlocked 3rd assignment slot as well. For now mostly sending the assignments on xp/light cone xp/money. Worth looking at other options?
These are useful to get materials for levelling. Of the final four in total, I use only one slot for materials nowadays and the other 3 always for money, character & light cone xp as you're doing now. Always need the latter 3 universally for levelling up.