Dandy Guy, in Space
Wow that's a nice EMT there... Wish i'd preordered that mysrlf...
Came to £23 shipped from Japan.
Sadly only 100 of this version are being made so odds of me getting one seem slim, there's 200 of the Black alt and 300 of her default colours being made, I have no idea how fast these things sell out but come Monday I'm gonna try get one of them pre-ordered, wish me luck. $445 though.....this feels like I'm edging towards a slippery slope, but it's Juri so I have to try.
So...I'm not into figures/statues and the like (more because I fear how much they cost and how addicted I'd end up being to buying them), however pre-orders for this go live on Monday....
Sadly only 100 of this version are being made so odds of me getting one seem slim, there's 200 of the Black alt and 300 of her default colours being made, I have no idea how fast these things sell out but come Monday I'm gonna try get one of them pre-ordered, wish me luck. $445 though.....this feels like I'm edging towards a slippery slope, but it's Juri so I have to try.
Yeah after just discovering it's 23inches tall, I'm kinda reconsidering based on where the hell I would put it as like yourself space seems like it would become an issue :/ Shame as I really like how it looks.Good luck! I'm kind of in the same boat, I think they're cool, but I'm not sure if I have the space or self control to buy any!
(Though I am also a hypocrite, so I do have a die-cast tachikoma...)
I've actually seen that one before as my mate has it, he has all the Street Fighter ones from that line except Poison and tbh I like all of them except Juri (I think it's the face), which is annoying as she's the character I like the most and actually want a figure of lol although I do like the Sakura one a lot...If you had come across this statue a year ago, you could have fallen back on the Juri Bishoujo figure. It was around £50 on release, but now it's closer to £100 (a big fan of this line).
It's good to know that pre-orders may hang around longer than I thought they would as I'm kinda in 2 minds now that I've learned just how big 1/4 scale is lol it probably should have been obvious that 1/4 would be a fair size to begin with.
I've actually seen that one before as my mate has it, he has all the Street Fighter ones from that line except Poison and tbh I like all of them except Juri (I think it's the face), which is annoying as she's the character I like the most and actually want a figure of lol although I do like the Sakura one a lot...
It's good to know that pre-orders may hang around longer than I thought they would as I'm kinda in 2 minds now that I've learned just how big 1/4 scale is lol it probably should have been obvious that 1/4 would be a fair size to begin with.
I have more figures than I know what to do with, and I haven't bought any (outside of SoC Gunbuster) in years! I should sell em. Have loads of the community considers to be Holy Grails.
Me too but I got mine from biginjapan and not the amiami exclusive or the chara-ani exclusive.Just preordered this
1/1 Scale figure of Rem is planned.