Figure discussion/picture thread

I just received four new figures in the mail earlier this week, and I was finally able to open the package this morning and set them up. One is an 18+ figure which I won't post here, the other three are not cast off figures, so are suitable for posting, but may be mildly NSFW.

These figures are made in China, so are reproductions if any of these actually exist as Japanese figures. I Just cannot afford to continue paying $250-$400 for anime Hentai figures, so these reproductions are much more affordable, at around $30-$60 each. Also, too many of the Japanese 18+ figures feature girls with huge watermelon boobies, and I prefer much smaller ones, so these give me more options to choose from. Most of these come either without a box, or with a damaged box, but that really doen't concern me, as I have nowhere to store figure boxes, so they would have to be tossed anyway.

The first figure is an iconic scene with Kiss Shot from Kizumonogatari:


The next figure is named Aoko Petunia, she has butterfly wings 🦋 and black stiletto high heels 👠:


And the third, a devilish succubus girl. Unfortunately, her devil wings 🦇 were missing from the package, so the seller is giving me a 50% refund for her, but she is cute even without the wings. And, as someone with a bit of a foot fetish 🤫 too, I love how she has her toes all spread apart:

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Here are a few more inexpensive figures I've added to my 18+ cast off collection, all in fully-clothed mode to be safe for posting:

My first 1/4 scale figure, she is quite impressive in size - Chris Aqua Blue Bunny Girl:



Chizuru Mizuhara from Rent-A-Girlfriend in a cat cosplay outfit:


And finally, a figure named Masoo Haiume, in a bit of an exposed pantsu and stocking pose:


I'm getting so many of these figures now that I decided to purchase a glass display cabinet from IKEA to display them all in. I'm in the process of putting it together and deciding on some LED lighting to install inside to highlight my figures:

FABRIKÖR Glass-door cabinet, black-blue

I now have my Ikea display cabinet for my figure collection all setup and the LED strip lighting installed - I just need to drill a small hole in the bottom metal deck of the cabinet in the front right corner to thread the power line through, it's temporarily running out under the right door panel in the photo. The power line is attached to a white dimmer module laying on the floor, which I'll velcro to one of the underside lips of the bottom shelf for easy access. An RF remote is included to dim the LED strips up/down/on/off as needed.

I was planning to mount 6 LED strips inside (first photo), 3 in the front and 3 in the back, but I ended up only using 4 strips, one on the front edge of each shelf, and two on the front and rear edges of the glass in the top lid of the cabinet. Plenty bright with 4, as you can see!

I still need to install a receptacle in the wall behind the cabinet for power. I bought a receptacle that has two USB power ports in it as well, so I can plug in both of my Dirty Pair Kickstarter standee lights directly into the wall outlet too, and sit them on the top of the cabinet for display.


I now have my Ikea display cabinet for my figure collection all setup and the LED strip lighting installed - I just need to drill a small hole in the bottom metal deck of the cabinet in the front right corner to thread the power line through, it's temporarily running out under the right door panel in the photo. The power line is attached to a white dimmer module laying on the floor, which I'll velcro to one of the underside lips of the bottom shelf for easy access. An RF remote is included to dim the LED strips up/down/on/off as needed.

I was planning to mount 6 LED strips inside (first photo), 3 in the front and 3 in the back, but I ended up only using 4 strips, one on the front edge of each shelf, and two on the front and rear edges of the glass in the top lid of the cabinet. Plenty bright with 4, as you can see!

I still need to install a receptacle in the wall behind the cabinet for power. I bought a receptacle that has two USB power ports in it as well, so I can plug in both of my Dirty Pair Kickstarter standee lights directly into the wall outlet too, and sit them on the top of the cabinet for display.
Are you planning on getting the public in for viewing, or is all this just for your own entertainment? :)
Are you planning on getting the public in for viewing, or is all this just for your own entertainment? :)

Well, being that all my figures are of the 18+ variety and displayed in the nude, I will need to be somewhat selective as to who would be able to see them, lol. Unfortunately the cabinet is sitting directly in my theater room viewing area, so I may need to keep a blanket over the cabinet depending on who comes to visit! I really only get a few of my friends coming over now, and they have already seen my figures - I don't have the large crowds over for Monthly Movie Nights anymore.

I needed to install lighting inside the cabinet because the theater room is dimly lit to begin with, being in a basement with no windows - and so all the fine details of each figure can be readily scrutinized! ;)

Sorry, but I guess I won't be able to post any photos here of my cabinet once my figures are all posed inside...! 😮
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Speak of the devil - I just received my most current 18+ figure from in Japan today. I preordered this one at the beginning of August, with a release date of August 31, so the actual shipping delay was a fairly short wait for this one.

She is a 1/4 scale figure, but the figure itself not quite as big as I thought - with her in a sitting position with her legs straight up, the total figure height is only 9" tall. Her figure really glistens though; she's supposed to be wet from the bath. I can only post these two images of her here for reference - no naughty bits, but still NSFW...

Nikkan Shoujo : Voluptuous Girl: Obedient Training in the Bath 1/4 - Ri Komomo [Insight]


So I just pre-ordered yet another Japanese Original figure this morning - once I saw her I absolutely had to have her! Her name is Sakuragi Yayoi and she's 1/6 scale (her name always makes me think of the Yayoi in Psycho Pass, who I had the hots for too!). She is dressed in a piano-black bunny-suit and has a super-sexy bobbed hair style. I love her small breasts (of course!) and being able to see some of her rib cage details. As are the rest of my figures, she is an 18+ cast-off figure so she is also able to be displayed with her naughty bits exposed. I simply could not refuse to get her!

Her pre-order actually closed on October 28, but I found her showing as still available for order on Solaris Japan this morning, a site which I already have an account setup because I've purchased quite a few Japanese Blu-rays from them before over the years. VERY Lucky me, though - right after I purchased her, I went back to her product page to fawn over her some more, and it was marked SOLD OUT - Phew! I must have gotten the very last pre-order slot! With shipping she was $201. There was also a 1/4 scale version of her available, but that figure was over $300 and pre-orders were already closed everywhere. It will probably be at least a year until she ships. :(

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Perhaps this is slightly on the late side, but here is a pic of the very first Original Japanese figure I received in the mail from Japan - only a little over 14 months ago, lol! She was the third figure I had pre-ordered, but the first to arrive. I had almost forgotten all about her; her box had been hiding in a corner of my basement behind some other boxes all this time. Last night I finally realized she was still hiding there, so I dug out her box, set her up to take some photos, and then put her on display in her proper place in my new figure cabinet. She is much nicer in person than the online photos showed her, so I am very pleased I got her, and sorry I hadn't set her up much sooner!

Daiki Kougyou SOGNO Vispo ORIGINAL 1/7 Figure

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So I have finally completed my figure cabinet project, it's pretty much done now except to finish filling it up with more 18+ figures! I had previously posted my photos above of the new cabinet and adding LED lighting to the interior, but I recently decided I should make the cabinet a bit more "discreet" for any unexpected visitors to my theater room, so I don't have to worry about the wrong people accidentally seeing my collection of sophisticated culture! 😅

Since the Ikea cabinet I purchased is of steel and glass construction, I came up with a plan to cover up the glass windows with removable panels, so I can temporarily hide the collection from "sensitive" eyes whenever needed. After much research, I purchased three sheets of 24"x36" blue matboard used for matting framed photographs; they were less than 2mm in thickness, but still stiff enough to make sturdy panels, and a decent compliment to the grey-blue color of the steel cabinet:


I cut each panel an 1/2" wider and taller than the size of each glass window. Since the edge of the matboards were white, I used a blue magic marker to color the edges and blend them in. I then attached 1/2" adhesive-backed magnetic tape around all the edges on the back of each panel. I had to cut 1/2" notches out of the four corners of the two side panels to avoid protruding screw heads in the cabinet sides:


Now I can just slap the panels on when I know sensitive visitors will be coming into the theater area, and easily remove them after they leave:


Below is my finished cabinet with the panels still on and the doors open. I also added 3/4" adhesive-backed black aluminum angle-stock on the front edges of the two shelves to hide the glare of the light strips behind them. I have blurred the figure shelves and spoilered the image since it could still be somewhat NSFW, so view at your own discretion:

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So I have finally completed my figure cabinet project, it's pretty much done now except to finish filling it up with more 18+ figures! I had previously posted my photos above of the new cabinet and adding LED lighting to the interior, but I recently decided I should make the cabinet a bit more "discreet" for any unexpected visitors to my theater room, so I don't have to worry about the wrong people accidentally seeing my collection of sophisticated culture! 😅

Since the Ikea cabinet I purchased is of steel and glass construction, I came up with a plan to cover up the glass windows with removable panels, so I can temporarily hide the collection from "sensitive" eyes whenever needed. After much research, I purchased three sheets of 24"x36" blue matboard used for matting framed photographs; they were less than 2mm in thickness, but still stiff enough to make sturdy panels, and a decent compliment to the grey-blue color of the steel cabinet:


I cut each panel an 1/2" wider and taller than the size of each glass window. Since the edge of the matboards were white, I used a blue magic marker to color the edges and blend them in. I then attached 1/2" adhesive-backed magnetic tape around all the edges on the back of each panel. I had to cut 1/2" notches out of the four corners of the two side panels to avoid protruding screw heads in the cabinet sides:


Now I can just slap the panels on when I know sensitive visitors will be coming into the theater area, and easily remove them after they leave:


Below is my finished cabinet with the panels still on and the doors open. I also added 3/4" adhesive-backed black aluminum angle-stock on the front edges of the two shelves to hide the glare of the light strips behind them. I have blurred the figure shelves and spoilered the image since it could still be somewhat NSFW, so view at your own discretion:

You may be interested in trying tinted film. When the lights are off inside the display the tinted film obscures what's behind it, but when you turn the lights on inside the display the figures will become visible.

For example see this video from reddit:
I had first considered tint film, but decided against using it, because I didn't want to have darkened glass all the time. The panels are completed and do the job fine, and are very easy to attach and remove.
I really dislike the look of Nendoroid bases, they take up too much room and are ugly to boot. So I've decided to try replacing them using an alternative.

My initial trial below of these three Nichijou Nendoroids:

The stand is just 9 gauge 3mm aluminium craft wire:
I found that this thickness of wire fits snuggly and so it is very stable.

I think it turned out really well, far better than the actual bases. If you are curious I am using this wire, a long nose pliers and a pair of snips.
Definitely looks better for the display, and now you may be able to squeeze in more figures per row as well. I do really like those stepped display bases you made for the shelves too, pretty awesome. They look perfect for that style of figure. It's always a good feeling to be able to come up with creative solutions for improving a figure display, and then seeing the final results of your hard work!
I preordered another Japanese figure yesterday, a cute demon girl with horns and tail reclining in an ornate chair. She is scheduled for release yet this month, baring any delays, so hopefully I'll have her within a month or two. She is of course another cast off figure for my 18+ figure collection, so she can also be displayed without her dress or pantsu. I got her for only $200 including shipping by using my credit card rewards. I wanted to snag this figure before she became unavailable - because, small boobies! It's SO hard to find nice 18+ figures with the small boobies I like so much...

Charm Fumifumi Chloe 1/6 Scale Figure



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