Figure discussion/picture thread

Haha... indeed.

The AmiAmi listing has "for sale in Japan only" on it. Why would this be the case? Please don't tell me Nintendo are region locking sodding figures as well?
This has been the way they have been listing GSC goods since GSC started direct selling from their own online store to overseas - so far, this hasn't stopped them shipping any of their figures to me, so you should be OK unless AmiAmi have changed their internal policy very recently.

The Nintendo angle would be so much funnier though. :lol:
That's good to know. I reckon Tharja will be selling out fast so I don't want to make a pre-order that'll end up being cancelled.

I was only half joking with the Nintendo thing. The US version of Awakening has a censored CG of Tharja, while the European version has an altered "suggestive" dialogue exchange between Nowi and Tharja (the former, uh, appreciating the latter's figure). It was therefore, in my mind at least, not beyond the realm of possibility that this was a move by Nintendo to preserve their family friendly image abroad...
Hard to say, depends on shipping method/company *a lot*.

While I'm here, first figures I've preordered in a while:


robot monkey said:
How much is that likely to cost on import duties etc importing the figure into the UK?

Well if it comes via royal mail their handling is £8, if it's parcel force I think I got charged £12-13

On top of that is the import duty, I'd like to say what the actual import duty rate is but HMRC's website is terrible, talk about evading the issue, gone through multiple links and I can't find something that gives an actual %; I believe it may be 20% though.

This assume ofc that customs do things properly, I've had stuff that should incur costs sail through quite regular, even one where they identified I should pay and then just sent it to me anyway. Declaring the price in Yen seems to be quite effective at making them sail past customs, I'd suspect as dollars is easier to recognise the threshold for tax/duty.
VAT is 20%. Duty is something else (the number doesn't come immediately to mind, but I think it's 2.5%), much smaller and not applied to anything less than... an amount (From a swift google, I think the duty has to be more than £9 for it to be applied).

edit: Good Page: ... ng-by-post

Also don't forget your shipping for one figure can vary between somewhere in the region of ¥1500 to ¥4000 depending on shipping method/courier/size of figure.
robot monkey said:
How much is that likely to cost on import duties etc importing the figure into the UK?

With SAL shipping from AmiAmi you're probably looking at something around £65-70 (more expensive with EMS), plus another £25 in VAT and fees IF the package gets caught (my last two figures from Japan haven't). I'd say a ballpark figure of £90-100 is what you should be expecting to pay in total, but it depends on shipping method, exchange rate, and how sharp HMCE are on the day it arrives in the country.

Who's the character doing her best to get herself into the foot fetish thread, maestro?
fabricatedlunatic said:
robot monkey said:
How much is that likely to cost on import duties etc importing the figure into the UK?

With SAL shipping from AmiAmi you're probably looking at something around £65-70 (more expensive with EMS), plus another £25 in VAT and fees IF the package gets caught (my last two figures from Japan haven't). I'd say a ballpark figure of £90-100 is what you should be expecting to pay in total, but it depends on shipping method, exchange rate, and how sharp HMCE are on the day it arrives in the country.

Who's the character doing her best to get herself into the foot fetish thread, maestro?

Thank you all for the responses. Looking at almost doubling the cost of the figure then.

I wonder what the customs make of some of these figures should they ever bother to inspect any of the packets. :wink:
ilmaestro said:
Goddam that thread...
It's Sugu, from Sword Art Online.

Shows how behind-the-times I am when I can't identify a character from the hottest property of the last year.

robot monkey said:
I wonder what the customs make of some of these figures should they ever bother to inspect any of the packets. :wink:
I imagine the inspector would shake their head and possibly laugh, like most of the uninitiated would when confronted with these weird things we collect, then repackage and send the goodies on their merry way. I try not to think too much about what "normals" think of our hobby :p
fabricatedlunatic said:
ilmaestro said:
Goddam that thread...
It's Sugu, from Sword Art Online.

Shows how behind-the-times I am when I can't identify a character from the hottest property of the last year.

robot monkey said:
I wonder what the customs make of some of these figures should they ever bother to inspect any of the packets. :wink:
I imagine the inspector would shake their head and possibly laugh, like most of the uninitiated would when confronted with these weird things we collect, then repackage and send the goodies on their merry way. I try not to think too much about what "normals" think of our hobby :p

Good response. Yet if someone imported some US superhero figure they probably wouldn't think anything of it, yet other than the more NSWF figures I don't see any difference between the two.
robot monkey said:
Good response. Yet if someone imported some US superhero figure they probably wouldn't think anything of it, yet other than the more NSWF figures I don't see any difference between the two.

I'd suspect they'd think comic book nerd or some such, but yes they'd probably be more accepting of a US comic book hero than something from Japan.


Just had another go at the HMRC website and found pages I didn't find before with actual info (seriously they need to massively improve their website)

You can be liable for customs duty, I couldn't find a % but they say it's waived if it's calculated to be under £9 and another page says if goods are over £135 your liable for it.

The major thing is the import VAT, which is indeed the 20% I recall.
Thanks for that info. One thing I sometimes do is try & calculate how much it would cost me to import an item versus paying for an item that has already been imported into the UK by a retailer to see which works out cheaper.
robot monkey said:
Thanks for that info. One thing I sometimes do is try & calculate how much it would cost me to import an item versus paying for an item that has already been imported into the UK by a retailer to see which works out cheaper.

Sounds like a very good idea to be honest.

Also shop around the UK websites, I picked up for ~ £61 using united publications US link when it first came into stock yet it was £80+ on tokyotoys (and now it's £95 there not forgetting their suspect reputation)