Figure discussion/picture thread

I didn't know of AmiAmi... i shouldn't have looked, cash will no doubt start pouring out of my wallet now...

anyway, my Nymph arrived, looks super cute, will snap a shot or two of my customary crappy quality this evening...

just dropped some cash on Momo Deviluke from To Love Ru... aim to get a Yami as well, but man Yami figures seem to be opoular and thus expensive...

Edit: oh yeah i unbox them to display on my manga/anime shelves, but i do keep the boxes in the attic...
Hmmm, late as ever, but...


She's super cute, my shoddy photo does not do her justice in any way at all ... :)

and while i was doing this arrived my Momo... but for some reason she seems camera shy and every pic i try and take is a bulrry piece of crap, so here's here in group shot with my other figuresm :)


Got my eye on my next figure now, but it's pretty damn expensive... oh well, guess this isn't a hobby for the frugal heh
Indeed. Just ordered my next figure but it really has to be the last for a month or two :)

They do look so good on the shelves though :)

edit: I lied, just bought another one, saw it at a decent price... but this is definitely the last until at least october! :)
Interesting, so do people display their figures in the box, or is it more just for the collectable exclusivity?

The problem I have with a lot of these displayable figures nowadays is that they are made of plastic, I seem to have a slight dislike for very unnatural materials. The one figure I do own (Vash) is thankfully made of porcelain. Though, I keep planing to make space to display him but never do, I just can't decide on a suitable location.
vashdaman said:
Interesting, so do people display their figures in the box, or is it more just for the collectable exclusivity?

Personally I like the aesthetics, makes my shelves look pretty. Although now i do have the urge to collect all the characters i like...

anyway, here i am with my newest two figures, and i really am not buying any more for at least a couple of months...

anyway, here are more terrible pictures :)



and both together...

Been thinking the last couple days about maybe getting some more figures, the only one I have just now is one of Ryuk. Spent a good bit of yesterday browsing through sites for them, at first just looking for a Franky one, then looking at the other One Piece ones, then looking at Makise Kurisu ones, then more of other sexy ladies* and more and more :eek:. It seems to be something that would quickly drain my funds if I started getting into it so I'm still not sure if I should, not to mention that a lot of the ones I liked were no longer available too. Looking through this thread though, is making me very tempted...maybe I'll just get one.

*Just as a side note am I the only one disappointed that the Kitami Reika (Bible Black) figures don't have any hints of a bulge?
Momo figure looks ace, don't worry about the photo quality too much!

Rosencrantz said:
I think this thread should have a warning on it tbh, some of these figures are very tempting.
It's less of a warning and more... an invitation. :lol: I am happy to see more new people posting in here, though.

vashdaman said:
The problem I have with a lot of these displayable figures nowadays is that they are made of plastic
Hmm, you don't say. ^^; Well made PVC figures are expensive enough as it is, once you move up to cold-cast resin you are already talking bananas money so to go up to non-plastic materials you are really getting serious.

Have you seen and felt many well made modern figures up close, though? We are hardly talking plastic in the same way that I would describe the ThunderCats and Turtles toys I had as a child.

Cancelled my GSC Inori. Or I would have, if AmiAmi accepted cancellations. Instead I have to ignore their payment requests and risk having my account suspended (is there a realistic chance of that happening after one non-payment?). Lovely figure, but I still haven't watched and have no plans to watch Guilty Crown, and buying figures of characters I don't know just isn't the same.

Still considering GSC Sena. I like everything about the figure except her grumpyface expression.
Sold out already? Dayum. No, I didn't order it because I already have a Kuroneko figure (the oh-so cute Memories one) and wasn't really sure if I wanted another. But I was tempted.

Sena is grumpy (or in tears) whenever Yozora torments/abuses her, but otherwise she's a fairly happy-go-luck gal. Especially when playing eroge :twisted:

Four non-payments? Forget account cancellation, you're going straight to Hell.
Lots of stress, so retail therapy time.

I ordered a Kyoko Sakura figma, because my Sayaka Miki figma shouldn't have to be separated from her one true love anymore.
My Kyoko came today. Unlike Sayaka, she was pretty hard to get to stay on her stand and I don't see how it's possible to even put her in the poses that are on the box. Still, here's a picture of her and Sayaka:


You can't stop true love!

Also, sometimes, she just wants a hug:
Her face scares me heh...

anyway i said i wasn't going to buy any more figures for a while but i just finished watching Queen's Blade and there was one character i decided needs to be on my shelf, so i dropped some cash...

probably not a wise idea around Christmas, but what the hell *grin*
fabricatedlunatic said:
This would not have been an acceptable purchase, lol.

(is there a realistic chance of that happening after one non-payment?)
I've also had a couple of non-payments with them for one thing or another, usually after something is delayed by too long for me to have retained interest. As long as you have some orders with them that you have paid for, I can't see that they would want to lose a paying customer over one non-payment.
ilmaestro said:
fabricatedlunatic said:
This would not have been an acceptable purchase, lol.

(is there a realistic chance of that happening after one non-payment?)
I've also had a couple of non-payments with them for one thing or another, usually after something is delayed by too long for me to have retained interest. As long as you have some orders with them that you have paid for, I can't see that they would want to lose a paying customer over one non-payment.

I'd wager they could soon find a buyer for almost any figure given how most seem to sell out almost immediately, though being a persistant non-payer would probably get you banned.
ilmaestro said:
fabricatedlunatic said:
This would not have been an acceptable purchase, lol.
Hah. Well, I bought a half-naked Erio earlier this year, so...

In my ongoing quest to find the perfect Sena figure, I happened upon this one. Only it seems to have been received rather poorly, with the price dropping like a stone and the My Figure Collection mob less than impressed with her face. But despite MegaHouse not being a top-tier manufacturer, she looks pretty decent to me. Am I missing something?
fabricatedlunatic said:
ilmaestro said:
fabricatedlunatic said:
This would not have been an acceptable purchase, lol.
Hah. Well, I bought a half-naked Erio earlier this year, so...
The only question that remains is... which half?

As for Sena, at least she is looking happier in that figure. I think MegaHouse are generally fine, but I would quite easily be swayed by the opinions of people who have the actual figure in their hands.
Lawrence said:
I think Sena looks pretty good to be honest, especially for 3000 yen. If I had the funds, I'd probably get one myself.

It does look good, but i'm not getting the this looks awesome vibe I like to see when I buy figures. Perhaps thats the problem?
ilmaestro said:
fabricatedlunatic said:
Hah. Well, I bought a half-naked Erio earlier this year, so...
The only question that remains is... which half?
Mostly the bottom half, but a bit here and a bit there really :p

The MegaHouse Sena doesn't look as high-quality as the Alter one, for example, but I don't see anything that justifies some of the negativity in that comments page. If AmiAmi still have one for that price after Christmas, I may bite...