Figure discussion/picture thread

thats what i thought, but the makers are listed as revoltech... and the other one is a persons name. both had same pics so didn't know if there was a difference or not.


not sure if i'm buying one yet, may save my money and find a expensive figure.
mangaman74 said:
Another thing Tachi - both have the same measurements (21.6 x 21.6 x 6.5 cm) and both are listed as Revoltech by Kaiyodo.


I'll take further notice in future. its good that you guys are here to talk to bout figures as the furthest i've got is buying kakashi gashapons/small figures at the expo.
ilmaestro said:
Animate don't ship internationally direct, but they will ship to Tenso, so it is possible... just a little more expensive.

hmmm by the time ive paid for fees and shipping he will turn out to be expensive....~sniff sniff~ im still hoping that by some small tiny chance they will change it and amiami will get him like they did with natsume he was an amiami and animate exclsive....even thogh i bought mine in the sale from HLJ lol

ohh bandai have announced this, i so most deffantly need to get it =3

Hope Kaworu turns up soon ~prays hes not stuck in customs~
Ein arrived in the post Thursday (would say today but since its past midnight...)

Here with another option for Ein's face

Tried some different settings with the camera and it seems to have produced more clearer shots. Might have to retake all of them lol!
Stuart-says-yes said:
Aya-Kun said:
ilmaestro said:
Animate don't ship internationally direct, but they will ship to Tenso, so it is possible... just a little more expensive.

hmmm by the time ive paid for fees and shipping he will turn out to be expensive....~sniff sniff~ im still hoping that by some small tiny chance they will change it and amiami will get him like they did with natsume he was an amiami and animate exclsive....even thogh i bought mine in the sale from HLJ lol

ohh bandai have announced this, i so most deffantly need to get it =3

Hope Kaworu turns up soon ~prays hes not stuck in customs~

Oh my god, oh my god, a Ginga Bishonen figure, my life is complete.

Seriously though, I will admit, this excites me even more than when I found out I could by strike witches figures last month so yeah.

=3 Great right, Bandai are also going to release this wish they would give out some more info on it though like a date or something

my Kaworu finaly turned up customs free =3 yay here is some pics of him -there not as good as normal for some reason i had trouble taking pictures i just couldn't get the light right-

on another note i caved in an orders Alter's Exclusive Starry Sky Kinose Azusa, i ordered him from biginjapan is going to cost me 9480 with postage but it will be worth it -i need to keep telling myself that- All ways said i would spend money like that on 1 figure but for this i can cave in
Recently received my Tony Taka designed Miku figure. :~

Stuff on the way atm is the Dead Master animation version and the Kousaka Kirino nendo. ^_^


That's my figure collection thus far, had a nightmare moving the glass cabinet from the old house to the new flat :(
I can't work out exactly how pleased you are with that, Stu. ^^;

Today I received the Kousaka Kirino nendoroid. Moegasm face means this can't fail. Also had a shipping email for the Dead Master animation version, so I "should" now be all figured-out until the UBW Rin in May (except for the mini Poplar army, but yeah).
Lawrence said:
Lawrence said:
Meaning that she is quite possible unsuitable to display until I move into my own home, due to the careless-ness of others.

Oh how I'm eating my own words, I've had the figure 7 hours, my brother walks in, "Oh whats this, cheap japanese ****, why'd you waste your money on this piece of **** plastic."

Then he drops it, breaking off the end of the leg and the propeller piece

All my rage....

Ahh man...sorry to hear about that. Thats rubbish (would use a more appropriate word but heyho)

You should probably link him some articles which show how much time it takes to produce one of those figures, i believe there were some on Nekomagic
Lawrence said:
Lawrence said:
Meaning that she is quite possible unsuitable to display until I move into my own home, due to the careless-ness of others.

Oh how I'm eating my own words, I've had the figure 7 hours, my brother walks in, "Oh whats this, cheap japanese ****, why'd you waste your money on this piece of **** plastic."

Then he drops it, breaking off the end of the leg and the propeller piece

All my rage....
Are you being serious? That is really ******. :(
Lawrence said:
Lawrence said:
Meaning that she is quite possible unsuitable to display until I move into my own home, due to the careless-ness of others.

Oh how I'm eating my own words, I've had the figure 7 hours, my brother walks in, "Oh whats this, cheap japanese ****, why'd you waste your money on this piece of **** plastic."

Then he drops it, breaking off the end of the leg and the propeller piece

All my rage....

oh wow that sucks big time i would kill him, i know if my brother did that to any of mine he wouoldn't be in the living world any more.

I haven't posted in a while since i got Kawrou ive had the following -these are the main ones ive had a few other things but there only small-

Hideyoshi -woohoo i finaly got him- i love this figure so much

Dead Master Nendo

Saber Full Action Nendo -love the angry face


Black Gold Saw Figma
