Count to a Million

Wasn't ment as a complaint :lol:

Anywho, I'm off home now. Catch you on later or tomorrow peops.

*picks up spear that he left yesteray and exits*

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Morning Black mate.

Once again there's hardly anyone in so we're running round like headless chickens.... I guess I'm over exagerating abit like but still busy.

What you up to?
Ooh. Never seen the series but you'll have to scan the picture before you take it. I do similar things to that actually, draw a scetch in people cards etc. It's nice to give somebody something you've spent time over. ^^
15253 The series is similar to Excel Saga in excutetion and the fact that it makes a lot of jokes that may normally pass people by, but ADV's DVDs have the same ad-notes that Excel Saga had pointing out all the refrences and gags that we may of missed :p

But yeah its almost finished at this stage, not happy with a few things but then again i'm never truly happy with drawings, always things i can improve on. Just have the hair to finish mainly
Sorry man. Had to dash to lunch. Back now like... well in mind anyway.

I'm the same when it come to drawings. That's why they take me so long. I'm always editing them in one way or another... but that's not all drawings like. Sometimes I just start it off as a doodle so I'm satisfied whatever the outcome.
15255 its okay :p yeah doodles i can be quite content with, i have some nice mecha doodles proving that, but the larger drawings, my sense of prefectionism comes to the fore andit takes me ages to get it so i'm okay with it
15257 noon Ayase, its okay we've just been talking about drawing mainly, and a brief bit on what Pani Poni Dash is like for clarity's sake. Only anime i've watched so far this year is Gravion